[Audio] Ramadan Rules: The do's and don'ts during Ramadan 2022 Ramadan is the most important month of the Islamic calendar, and needs to be respected Ramadan will begin on 2nd April 2022, last for 30 days: Emirates Astronomical Society Happy and Prosperous Ramadan To All.
[Audio] Ramadan Etiquette Guide 2022 DO wish your Muslim friends and colleagues a happy Ramadan. You may even wish them in Arabic by saying " Ramadan Kareem." DON'T eat, drink, or smoke in public. If an individual wants to eat or drink in daylight hours during Ramadan it has to be done indoors and out of sight. DO dress appropriately. There are already guidelines on how to dress in public, but you should be especially aware of your fashion choices during Ramadan. Ideally, make sure your clothes cover your shoulders and knees. DON'T chew gum. This one is pretty easy to forget, so it may be in your best interests to ditch the chewing gum for the next month. DO accept invitations to Iftar. It's a big deal as it's considered an honour to be invited and, it's a great way to experience the culture. As this is the third Ramadan during Covid- 19 restrictions, while event capacity restrictions have been lifted, remember to stay safe and follow all safety rules..
[Audio] DON'T hesitate to bring gifts, such as dates, for your friends – especially if you're invited to Iftar. DO be patient. Work might be a little less productive and things may not run as smoothly as they usually do during Ramadan. Your colleagues who are fasting may be a little more tired than usual, so be patient with them. DON'T tell your Muslim friends you're thinking about fasting to lose weight. Fasting symbolises so much more than that and this can be quite offensive to those who observe Ramadan. The truth is, most people end up gaining weight during Ramadan due to the irregular eating patterns and heavy meals. You're more than welcome to fast if you're a non-Muslim, but make sure it's for the right reasons..
[Audio] DON'T listen to loud music. Keep your headphone volume down this month, as loud music may be considered offensive to those who are observing Ramadan. DON'T post pictures of your food online. Be mindful of your fasting followers and save the #cookingsnaps for after Iftar time. DO avoid the roads. They can be chaotic in the hours before, during, and after Iftar. If you aren't able to avoid them, proceed with caution. DON'T worry if it sounds like a lot is going to change. Ramadan is a peaceful, quiet time of the year that should be enjoyed – and it only lasts a month..
[Audio] Ramadan Working Guide 2022. CABINET RESOLUTION Number ( 1) OF 2022 ON THE IMPLEMENTING REGULATION OF FEDERAL DECREE LAW Number 33 OF 2021 REGARDING THE REGULATION OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS Article ( 15) Working Hours The regular working hours shall be reduced by two hours during the holy month of Ramadan..
[Audio] Ramadan Kareem 2022 Thankyou. Ramadan Kareem 2022.