5“Learning in Fellowship Together”. unicef@ for every child.
[Audio] Hi, good morning everyone. My name is Rakesh Guha and I am a Trustee member of "Assam Care Leavers Association". I am currently pursuing History Honours as part of my graduation programme from Delhi University, and the place where I come from is Guwahati Assam..
[Audio] My personal hobbies are: Reading and listening to digital audio books and listening to podcasts, talks and interviews on Socio-Economic and Political issues. Besides this, I am also passionate about the Geo-Political trends of World Politics, International Relations and Global Issues. And adding to that, I love playing cricket as well..
[Audio] To brief about my project idea for the LIFT fellowship is nothing but to explore the lives of different Care Leavers. But before discussing my project idea, let me ask you a question. Have you ever wondered about the life cycle and growing stages of butterflies? Well, I hope you are already aware of that, and need no explanation. From Caterpillar to becoming a butterfly is something which every human being also goes through right. Likewise the same in the case of Care Leavers. However, attaining the age of 18 is not an indication of flying or other means independent. There are lots of hurdles which in a way restricts care Leavers from becoming butterflies. This is what I want to figure out..
[Audio] The nature of my project would include interviews, questionnaires, case studies and data analysis. With this, I want to trace the impact of childhood incidents on the lives of Care Leavers and also to see how social forces interplay in determining the relation of Care Leavers to mainstream society..
[Audio] The objective of the project is to identify the gaps pertaining to the Care Leavers and Emerging Care Leavers. Also to understand their concerns and issues at macro level by analysing various parameters. One thing which is relevant to my project is to go to the root cause of the difficulties faced by Care Leavers to see whether Is it socially constructed or something else..
[Audio] Finally, the outcome of my research findings would be to prepare a detailed and substantive report on the intensity of the issues faced by Care Leavers. This would also in a way help Assam Care Leavers Association to map out their plans and work towards the needs of the Care Leavers accordingly. Lastly, efforts will be put in place to file a list of recommendations on the basis of my research findings to the consent authority of the state, under the vertical of "Aftercare Programme". Thank you..