Project Induction

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Hi everyone welcome to the queen Victoria market traders shed project.

Scene 2 (7s)

[Audio] A brief introduction into the project: The project will involve the demolition of the existing shed G The upgrade of the traders shed facility will include: a new back of house amenities, a new underground facility, and a new traders lounge & public toilet area The client for the project is the city of Melbourne The site manager for the project is Tom Forrest..

Scene 3 (35s)

[Audio] If you have worked on a Built site before, you probably are familiar with above Built site expectations. To run you through them: Tell it like it is See it call it fix it Plane before you act Work together make it better.

Scene 4 (56s)

[Audio] Unfortunately, limited to no onsite parking is available. Unless otherwise arranged by Built personnel Parking option around the Queen Victoria Market includes the below options: Care Parking Victoria Market ($18 non market days, $30 market days) Wilson Parking – 380 Latrobe Street (Please refer to Wilson website) Secure Parking The Mint Carpark – 383 Latrobe street (Please refer to Wilson website) Wilson Parking – 485 La Trobe street (Please refer to Wilson website).

Scene 5 (1m 36s)

[Audio] Alternatively, to parking on site train facilities are available: Melbourne Central Flagstaff station.

Scene 6 (1m 56s)

[Audio] Built's HSE policies and the HSE plan is available next to the noticeboard. If you would like to have a read please to do so..

Scene 7 (2m 24s)

[Audio] The Built safe mandatory standards are the minimum controls required for the below activities on site: Scaffolding Electrical Temporary Works Demolition Formwork Reinforcement Concrete Placement Asbestos Silcia If you would like to access this information, please scan the QR Code on the notice board.

Scene 8 (2m 53s)

[Audio] The site specific guidelines include: 1. Barricading to be erected around all HRCW 2. All tools and leads to be tagged and in good conditions 3. Permit to work 4. No smoking is permitted on site 5. All regular housekeeping is mandatory 6. PPE is to be worn in full, this includes a hardhat, boots, Hi-vis, gloves, and glasses where applicable. 7. Site hours are 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday 8. No foul language or abusive behavior will be tolerated.

Scene 9 (3m 48s)

[Audio] The site hazards for the project include: Working at heights Demolition Dust Extraction Mobile plant Falling objects Working around live services.

Scene 10 (4m 22s)

[Audio] CS is a natural mineral found in various construction materials and can lead to silicosis. List shows the level of silica content in different materials. Common activities that can lead to exposure are listed..

Scene 11 (5m 0s)

[Audio] Controls for silica dust include: On-tool dust extraction systems On-tool water suppression systems Dust Class H Vacuum Class H Filters - High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters Specialist RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) – P2 Masks with Filter (minimum requirement) Wet sweeping floors or vacuuming All silica waste must be placed in a bag and labelled 'Silica dust hazard' prior to disposal in a dedicated silica waste bin..

Scene 12 (5m 42s)

[Audio] All plant must be inducted to site prior to use – Orange sticker Please ensure you have included relevant tickets within induction form if you are operating plant. Logbooks are to be completed daily prior to use of plant and equipment. Please ensure all EWP's brought to site have a secondary guard.

Scene 13 (6m 24s)

[Audio] This is a current site overview, please take a minute to the review this slide.

Scene 14 (6m 30s)

[Audio] This is an overview of the site amenities and their location please take a minute to the review this slide.

Scene 15 (6m 38s)

[Audio] Random D&A testing has commenced at this site, this is occurring a monthly basis. Self-testing is available at the D&A room within the site amenities. D&A policy is signposted..

Scene 16 (7m 8s)

[Audio] Toxwipe 7 panel oral fluid device procedure will be as follows: 1. Removal of the toxwipe 7 from its packaging 2. Swab the toxwipe 7 around your gums and tongue 3. Once completed a drug and alcohol professional will place the swap into a testing chamber 4. The results will take 5 minutes to generate.

Scene 17 (7m 39s)

[Audio] This is a picture of the toxwipe 7 panel.

Scene 18 (9m 40s)

[Audio] For alcohol testing a breathalyzer will be utilised: Allow the breathalyzer to warm up Once completed, blow steadily until the tone ends Once completed the sample will be analyzed and your test results will be displayed on the screen..

Scene 19 (10m 45s)

[Audio] Site wide address are completed on Friday's. In addition to what is listed, the safety committee complete site safety walk Tuesday's at 10am with close out Thursdays. Unsafe acts, conditions or near misses must be reported immediately to your supervisor and Built.

Scene 20 (11m 5s)

[Audio] If an evacuation is required, the below steps are to be followed: STEP 1: Make your work area safe and exit the building STEP 2: Once you have exited the building Go to emergency point A Note: In the event that an obstruction is present, and Point A cannot be accessed please make your way to point emergency Point B.

Scene 21 (11m 33s)

[Audio] The first aid room is located in the rear of the site amenities For minor injuries; Notify Built First Aider A Built staff member Your Supervisor For major injuries; Call Built staff member immediately Stay with the injured person until First aid arrives.

Scene 22 (11m 59s)

[Audio] First aiders on site is Adam Mostowski. FIRST AIDER.

Scene 23 (12m 8s)

[Audio] The nearest medical centre is Vita medical centre on 399 Elizabeth street.

Scene 24 (12m 22s)

[Audio] The nearest hospital is royal Melbourne hospital 300 grattan street parkville.

Scene 25 (12m 38s)

[Audio] QVM specific guidelines include: All HRCW SWMS must be approved by QVM prior to commencing work on site All work areas are to be effectively barricaded off, with appropriate signage to prevent unauthorized access All fire exits must be kept clear of all obstacles HRW such as hot works, working in a confined space, working at heights must have an approved permit signed by both Built and QVM prior to commencing All subcontractors on site must be wearing appropriate PPE and safety equipment inline with task SWMS. All trades persons involved in works prescribed on the works application form must hold a current license or permit relevant to the statutory requirements No works are permitted during trading hours unless authorized in writing by QVM management All works are to be done in such a manner that they do not interfere with any other trader, QVM staff or contractors or general public All rubbish materials and redundant equipment is to be removed from the Market site at the end of each day as part of the works contract Any damage caused but he contractor or their agent to the Market property must be made good buy the contractor QVM management reserves the right to remove any person found in breach of their rules.

Scene 26 (14m 8s)

[Audio] WORKS CARRIED OUT FOR MARKET TRADERS Any works carried out within the market, including within the lease hold and license areas, require a QVM works request form to be completed by the market trader. Work request forms must be approved by QVM management prior to works commencing Some works may require a Building, Planning or Heritage Victoria Permit. It is the traders responsibility to obtain the necessary permits SECURITY & PARKING QVM will not be responsible for the security of contractors vehicles, tools, equipment, materials, furniture or fittings. Contractor vehicles will only be permitted within the Market site for the purpose of unloading and loading tools, materials and equipment. Vehicles must not be driven more than 5 km/h within the Market boundaries. Contractors must not interfere with or tamper with any traffic control signs, bollards or any device used for restricting movement through the Market. No vehicle may be taken through any area of the Market during trading hours. Contractors must not conduct any repairs, clean or wash any vehicles within the Market..

Scene 27 (15m 27s)

[Audio] - Built have an Anti-Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment EEO Policy. REFER TO POLICY POSTED ON THE WALL* - All workplace participants are required to comply with this policy at all times, breaches of the policy may result in disciplinary action. Agents and contractors (including temporary contractors) who are found to have breached this policy may have their contracts with Built terminated or not renewed. If a workplace participant feels that they have been subjected to any form of unlawful conduct contrary to EEO laws or this Policy, they should not ignore it. Built has a complaint procedure & a safe way for dealing with these issues, the manner in which a complaint will be handled is solely at the discretion of the relevant Built's Complaints Officers. Confront the issue - If a workplace participant feels comfortable doing so, they should address the issue directly with the person concerned. Report the issue - A workplace participant should report the issue to the Complaints Officer aligned with their region. They will then deal with the issue in accordance with Built's Policy: Informal complaint procedure: Complaints Officer discussing the issue with the person against whom the complaint is made or the Complaints Officer facilitating a meeting between the parties in an attempt to resolve the issue and move forward Formal complaint procedure: involves a formal investigation of the complaint. Formal investigations may be conducted by a Complaints Officer or a person from outside Built, appointed by Built..

Scene 28 (17m 6s)

[Audio] We know a happy and healthy workforce is the key to success on our projects, which is why we have developed the Built Subcontractor Physical and Mental Health Programs for you. These programs have been designed specifically with your needs in mind, encompassing both physical and mental health and wellbeing, as well as safety. The 5 industry topics we cover are: Suicide Prevention AND Understanding Depression, in which we have partnered with Foundo Blue to best support you and your co-workers with any mental health concerns Reduce Harmful Alcohol & Tobacco Consumption & Avoid Drug Use, where we have partnered with Foundation House and The Building Trade Group who provide tips & tricks through to counselling and rehabilitation. Healthy Eating & Active Living, where our Built Head of Health & Wellbeing has developed many resources on nutrition & keeping active for you to access And Preventing Violence & Injury in the Workplace, which is managed daily on site via Built Site Worthy Behaviours and our HSE policies and procedures to keep you safe As part of these programs we will host regular, on site toolbox talks and events where you will hear from health and wellness professionals on each topic, and you will also 24/7 access to our online resources portal. Everyone please scan the QR code on the screen to access the online portal (Dropxbox) which contains educational resources, videos and additional support services and more! Subcontractor Physical & Mental Health Programs by Built - Dropbox.

Scene 29 (18m 41s)

[Audio] - A sustainable building, is a building that in its design, construction and operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment. - The building and construction sector plays a major role in sustainability, and in the shift towards a low-carbon economy to curb climate change, crucial for the survival of future generations. The sector's carbon emissions account for approx. 40% of global carbon emissions, which is why its so important we build sustainable/green buildings and projects to reduce the sectors impact and save our planet. This project is targeting: 5 star green star rating - These ratings/certifications hold great value as they encourage practices that: Reduce the impact of climate change Enhance health & quality of life Restore and protect our planet's biodiversity and ecosystems Drive resilient outcomes for buildings, fitouts, communities Contribute to market transformation and a sustainable economy.

Scene 30 (19m 54s)

[Audio] The following environmental controls will be utilsed:.

Scene 31 (20m 23s)

[Audio] Finally, Induction stickers are to be shown on your hardhat Worker registrations forms are to be completed in full If you have ticked you have a medical condition on your worker registration form, please stay back to complete a HSE 17..

Scene 32 (20m 42s)

[Audio] Questions?. Questions?. Project Induction Presentation - (Insert project name).