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Scene 1 (0s)

WORLD QUALITY DAY - 2022. Proud to be part of our customers’ success.

Scene 2 (7s)


Scene 3 (18s)

WHAT IS QUALITY MONTH. 10th To 30th November.

Scene 4 (23s)

WHY CELEBRATE ?. Many companies celebrate the month of November as Quality Month The Main Purpose behind this celebration is to raise the level of Quality awareness in the company and to recognize the efforts and contribution of quality professionals ..

Scene 6 (43s)

HOW QUALITY DAY IS CELEBRATED. Quality month kick-off; - Lamp lignting ceremony, AMress by tcp reviev•v and upgade prcx:ess dccuments- PFMEA control plan etc revievnv' and upgade wak station documents- wak instruction, ins tion standard, uidäine ac. revievnv' and upgade check sheets- start-up check sheä, setup check sheets etc escalation drive (Abnamality handling) CTQ, critical & significant characteristics visualization, display at rocess stations. Training rod cause analysis via S Why, carective and revantive action Training abnamality and nan-conforming pro&act handling Training 41v1 change managament Tran-ting Quality cue ( VOA-FMEA spc, TVISA PPAP, APQP On jcö training on 'Jcx:æss documents (WI AS, OPS, check sheet etc. On jcö training on vyoduct fit, finish and tuncticn recpiraments Poison drop test ot inspectors, supervisas and line leaders.

Scene 7 (1m 15s)

HOW QUALITY DAY IS CELEBRATED. Brainstorming to generate ideas to implement Poke-yoke, low cost automation on re ted roblems Preventive check 0k Poke Yoke and correct malfunction Revalidation ot negative sample, reference sample, colour lates Revalidation ot negative sample, reference sample, colour lates Poke Yoke station Visualization, and linkage with Buzzer, Andon, auto declam s stem 4M change Signage's on each work station Nomination ot 4M Change Leader in each prtXEss Verification/ validation ot change (it any), before im lementation Extend QUALITY MONTH activities to suppliers and ask their Ian Collection ot QUAI_ITY Kaizens and suggestions Collection ot quality slogans Quality Quiz competition Closing ceremony and awards.