[Audio] Hello and welcome to the puma mobility training.
[Audio] Who is your plants Puma Local Key User? Paul Saylor and he is Responsible for all SAP / PUMA PM functions in the mount vernon plant. IAM request ticket support. Manage new user settings / roles. Work center creations. Track spare parts booking. Manage technician iPads. Track Puma usage throughout the plant. Communicate with Central on new developments and system updates..
[Audio] What is Puma? And why do we use Puma?. Mão segurando celular com tela ligada Descrição gerada automaticamente.
[Audio] What is puma? Puma stands for plant. User. Maintenance. Application. Why is puma important for the technician? It all starts with the technician doing their part to increase M T B F and reduce M T T R. What is M T B F and M T T R? Mean time between failures and mean time to repair. With puma the quality of the workorder will increase which will help the transparency of the workorder. From there our reliability team can focus on fixing know issues before the next breakdown. Our goal is to strive for zero breakdowns by increasing preventative maintenance..
[Audio] Why is puma important? With puma we can spend less time firefighting breakdowns and spend more time on planned repairs!.
[Audio] Puma! First steps to mobility! Over the next few slides, we are going to go over puma mobility and how it is used!.
[Audio] To log onto puma mobility access Microsoft edge and insert this link. From there insert your puma account username and password..
[Audio] Once logged in use the filter selection option. Note if you are already set up on a work order the order will show here..
[Audio] Select the filter you want. To keep the page from refreshing to the top of the page use the pin icon. Once you've selected the filter select the ok button to conform..
[Audio] Once your filter has loaded the list of work orders will show. there are 3 colors representing the different types of work order. Red equals all breakdown orders. Green equals all planned orders and orange equals all notification orders..
[Audio] To log onto a work order, find the work order you would like to log onto and select it by clicking the log on button. Once logged on the craftsman's repair time automatically starts counting!.
[Audio] Logging onto a job! Follow these steps.. Logging onto a job.
[Audio] Once logged on you can now start working within the work order. but remember once you are logged onto a work order it is now counting your labor time! So always log off your jobs when complete. Within the work order you will see the following, Description of the issue logged in. Activity type shows what type of repair is needed. Equipment shows what part of the machine is logged in. Object catalogue reports what type of issue needed repaired. Damage catalog reports the damage type. The cause catalog reports what caused the issue. The TECO flag is only used when the repair is finished. H D R text is used to add text to the work order. The trash can material is used to delete any unneeded spare sparts from the order. The plus button is used to add spare parts to the order. And the blue work order button and used to save work order..
[Audio] You can log out from the work order at anytime without using the TECO function and just selecting finish work. You can always return to this order at anytime by logging back onto the work order. The TECO function is used only when all repairs are final, and the work order is complete. Finish work is selected when you are done. Follow up is selected when the work is not all done but the machine can still run. Restart machine is selected when the work is done but the technician remains at the machine to start up..
[Audio] Logging off a job! Follow these steps!. Logging off a job.
[Audio] To order spare parts find the work order that you would like to add the spare parts to and log on. Select the plus button on the lower right-hand side of the work order. From there you can search spare parts listed under the build of materials or you can search the whole plant by selecting the plant button on the top left. Once you've selected the part needed and filled in the amounted needed click the add button..
[Audio] Looking up spare parts! Follow these steps!.
[Audio] Logging onto a notification. All notification work are visible on the mobility work order list bar in Orange with the identification N 1 below the notification number. To log onto a notification, click the analysis button and start investigating the issue. After finishing the investigation you'll need to give information by filling in the catalogs. If you are finished and there is no work needed selected the TECH at finish box and finish analysis. If you've identified an issue and repair can be made and the equipment capable to run, select repair now. If you've identified an issue and the repair must be done at a later time and the machine is still capable to run. Select repair later. If an immediate repair is required and the machine needs to be stopped select stop machine..
[Audio] Logging onto a notification! Follow these steps!.
[Audio] If you want to confirm preventive maintenance work orders. You need to consider each single task of the preventive maintenance work order. It is necessary to update the task if the task was finished or not. If the task is finished select the red x button and it will turn into a green check. If there are any remaining task, please press the follow-up order button and the system will create a follow-up work order with all open task..
[Audio] Logging onto a preventive maintenance work order! Follow these steps!.
[Audio] If you want to leave the work order or notification without reporting any information you can just press the RUNNING Button at Notifications or the STARTED Button work orders. Please ONLY use this function in emergency cases! By pressing these buttons all information and labor time will get lost!.
[Audio] Together we can do anything!. 23. 7 Apps to Bring Your Team Together.
[Audio] Thank you!. Thank You!. 24.