The Arc of New Jersey

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Scene 1 (0s)

The Arc of New Jersey. Project HIRE.

Scene 2 (9s)

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Scene 3 (16s)

[Audio] What is Project HIRE?. What is Project HIRE?.

Scene 4 (21s)

[Audio] Project HIRE is the Arc of New Jersey's CARF-accredited, statewide, employment placement and training program for adults with intellectual and related developmental disabilities. Established in 1985, Project HIRE allows Employment Training Specialists ( ETS) to provide on-the-job support that includes both intensive training and long-term follow-along learning to get to and from work, and coworker socialization..

Scene 5 (50s)

[Audio] Project HIRE is designed to connect people with disabilities to integrated employment opportunities in their community..

Scene 6 (1m 2s)

[Audio] The program is funded by the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services ( DVRS) and the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities ( DDD)..

Scene 7 (1m 14s)

[Audio] Project HIRE'S mission include: Promote skills through full-time & part time integrated employment. Develop & sustain a natural on-the-job support network for the employee. Help employees to reach their full potential through career counseling. Assist employers to diversify their workforce. Assist the employer in minimizing their cost of hiring and retraining employees..

Scene 8 (1m 44s)

[Audio] The program provides: Vocational assessments Job matching Job sampling On-site job training Travel training Follow along services.

Scene 9 (2m 2s)

[Audio] Some of the services provided by The Arc of New Jersey's Project HIRE include: Skills & training, daily life skills, skills assessment, help finding work, job placement. The served populations are: adults, young adults, teens, students, unemployed, and people diagnosed with any disability..

Scene 10 (2m 27s)

[Audio] Since the program serves both adults and students, the services provided to each population is a bit different. For ancillary school services the program provides: Behavioral, hygiene, task prompting needs are provided by school aids. Behavior modifications & IEPs can be implemented at worksites. Work environment allows many supports Transportation provided For adult services the program provides: Job coaches are not funded to monitor behaviors, complete hygiene functions or prompt tasks for the long term. Employers consider accommodations. Competitive work setting does not allow for multiple supports. Transportation is individual responsibility.