The Arc of New Jersey. Project HIRE.
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What is Project HIRE?.
Project HIRE is the Arc of New Jersey’s CARF-accredited, statewide, employment placement and training program for adults with intellectual and related developmental disabilities..
Background. Project HIRE is designed to connect people with disabilities to integrated employment opportunities in their community..
The program is funded by the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) and the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)..
Promote skills through full-time & part time integrated employment..
Project HIRE provides:. Background. Vocational assessments.
Services:. Skills & training. Daily life skills. Services.
Service Differences. Ancillary School Services (School Transition)..
Service Differences (Job Coach). Job Coach (School Transition)..
Myths:. Facts About Workers with Disabilities. Employees with disabilities lack are unable to meet performance standards.
“Yes! Your child can work!” Adam Kubler Director of the Arc of New Jersey’s Project Hire.
Preparing students for the world of employment is one of the most important components of the transition plan. Project HIRE offers four services for successful transition planning:.
Why prepare at all?. Job Coaching in school may be a different service than Job Coaching after graduation..
What are the benefits of Project HIRE Transition program?.
Students and their families are actively involved in the transition process..
Benefits. Benefits to Employers. Dependable, punctual employees who will stay on the Job..
References. The Arc of New Jersey: Project HIRE . (2022). Retrieved 26 July 2022, from's,finding%20and%20maintaining%20competitive%20employment . Spexarth , A. (2021). SETWorks Case Study - Project HIRE - The Arc of New Jersey . SETWorks . Retrieved 26 July 2022, from
THANKS!. Any questions?. 20.