SLide 1.mp3. P R O J E C T ASBAH. Every Drop, A Promise.
Slide 2.mp3. The Problem. Less than 50 per cent of the population in India has access to safely managed drinking water. Chemical contamination of water, mainly through fluoride and arsenic, is present in 1.96 million dwellings. It is estimated that waterborne diseases have an economic burden of approximately USD 600 million a year in India. This is especially true for drought- and flood-prone areas, which affected a third of the nation in the past couple of years. Excess fluoride in India may be affecting tens of millions of people across 19 states, while equally worryingly, excess arsenic may affect up to 15 million people in West Bengal, according to the World Health Organization. Moreover, two-thirds of India’s 718 districts are affected by extreme water depletion, and the current lack of planning for water safety and security is a major concern..
Slide 3.mp3. PROJECT OVERVIEW. The Project aims to provide clean drinking water to underprivileged communities which are plagued by the lack of accessibility or affordability for potable drinking water. We provide water at Rs. 4 - Rs. 6 for 20 litres by setting up community water filtration plants in urban slums and rural households. Water is dispensed through water ATM structures with the help of rechargeable digitised Asbah cards. Each plant also generates livelihood opportunities for 2 women e n t r ep r eneurs f r om members of t he community who act as the operators of the plant. Asbah has now been able to set up 21 pla n ts which impact 5 7 , 7 50+ people every single day..
Slide 4.mp3. P r oje c t T i m eli n e. Sold 50 terafil filters made.
Slide 5.mp3. Busi n ess Model. S t ep 1. Identification of areas & Conducting need assessment s and test ings.
SLide 6.mp3. A ssessing g o vt records Identifying prospective areas through govt. records, newspaper articles, etc..
SLide 7.mp3. We undertake community mobilisation, marketing and IEC activities to build customer trust , spread awareness and gain traction ..
Slide 8.mp3. Activites M o n th 1 M o n th 2 M o n th 3 M o n th 4 M o n th 5 M o n th 6 Rapport building with locals 7 times NA NA NA NA NA Door to door sensitization 25 times 24 times 12 times 12 times 12 times 2 times Baseline Survey 18 times 12 times NA NA NA NA Community meetings 6 times 8 times NA NA NA NA Distribution of IEC material 12 times 18 times NA NA NA NA Wall paintings 12 times 12 times NA NA NA NA Health Camps 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 1 time Awareness Sessions NA NA 8 times 8 times 8 times 1 time Endline Surveys NA NA NA NA NA 12 times.
Slide 9.mp3. S t ep 3. Identification of Entrepreneurs & Deployment of Plant.
SLide 10.mp3. A sbah App An Asbah App for paperless integration of data and centralized fund management, thus seamlessly infusing technology with our project. The App is handled by our operators, it is used to record revenues, expenses and track growth. R echa r geable D igital A sbah Ca r ds Our customers are issued with Digital Asbah Cards. With every swipe of the card, 20 litres of water is dispensed and Rs. 4/- is deducted. The card is rechargeable. Use of the Absah cards makes cash handling and financial monitoring very simple. Annual M ain t enan c e Cha r ges To ensure that our plants is insured against damages, we have Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contracts for each of our plants, that cover all costs of replacement or repair of parts and equipment of the machinery..
Slide 11.mp3. Z e r o W a s t e M odel Asbah’s RO plants generate waste water in a 1:1 ratio. We are moving towards a environmentally sustainable ZERO waste model, where we either: use technologies such as coagulation and flocculation, biosorption and nanofiltration which limit waste water generation, or retulize the wastewater by routing to a nearby toilet complex or a large storage tank in the slum which residents can use for other non-drinking purposes We set up India’s first community nano-filtration plant in Wazirpur, Delhi Sola r - P o w e r ed M odel Our community water filtration plants are moving towards solar-power operated models, ensuring optimal utilisation of existing natural resources..
Slide 12.mp3. S t ep 4. Ensuring Sustainability. Financial Sustainability.
Slide 13.mp3. W e have a unique deli very mechanism which can be put in place to ensure that clean water reaches the maximum number of beneficiaries. A delivery person is appointed by the team or the local NGO , who pu r chases water f r om t he plant at Rs. 4 and further deliver it to houses at Rs. 10 , thus, earning a commission of Rs. 6 per bottle delivered. Alternatively, instead of the commission per bottle, he may be paid a fixed amount of salary per month. This is flexible and varies from place to place depending upon various factors..
Slide 14.mp3. T e c h n ologies W e Use. R e v erse O smosis Installed in areas with high levels of TDS. Clears turbidity, electrical conductivity, chemical contamination and coliform colonies..
SLide 15.mp3. T e c h n ological Infusion. The plant comes with a chiller, which provides customers with temperature controlle d drinking water. Specifications: 1 Ton Stainless Steel Chiller 1,500-watt power 150 LPH flow rate.
Slide 16.mp3. Local on-g r ound support. Cost bearing for servicing.
Slide 17.mp3. Concrete S tructu r e. T a ta N e s tin Structure.
Slide 18.mp3. Role of water committee, local authorities and NGO.
SLide 19.mp3. Six W ee k s. The time it ta k es Asbah t o s e t up a pla n t!.
SLide 20.mp3. Six Months. The time it takes Asbah to sustain a plant!.
SLide 21.mp3. Sustainable D e v elop m ent G o als.
Slide 22.mp3. Delhi Plants. Lalbagh. Kabir Nagar.
Slide 23.mp3. M e w at Plants. UP Plants. Sakras.
Slide 24.mp3. A v e r a ge Monthly Plant F ina n cials.
Slide 25.mp3. Im p a c t. 42 ent r ep r en eu r s created.
SLide 26.mp3. Current Problems. C SR Based P an-I n dia E x p ansion A s b ah e n visions t o set up several n e w plants, thus ma k in g th e d r e am of potable w a t er c om e true f or millions of people..
Slide 27.mp3. De c ent ralised S y s t em of Desalination Plants K allu k ut tai, C h ennai.
Slide 28&9.mp3. F ina n cia l Requir e m ent s. T echnology P r o vide r - S a r ah A quas o ft.
F ina n cia l Requir e m ent s. Technology Provider- Hydrotec Solutions Pvt. Ltd..
Slide 30.mp3. Investor Friendly. HUGE SOCIAL IM P A C T - We create impact not only in the water sector, but also in the fields of education, women empowerment, health and sanitation..
SLide 31.mp3. Some problems and proposed solutions.
SLide 32.mp3. THANK YOU!.