Customers' Day/ Customers' Meet - 2024 22.08.2024 @ 4.00 P.M.

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Customers’ Day/ Customers’ Meet 2024 22.08.2024 @ 4.00 P M.

Scene 2 (10s)

[Audio] About Us Indian Bank is a prominent Public Sector Bank in India which commenced its business on August 15 1907. Bank celebrated its Centenary Year in 2007. Amalgamation of Allahabad Bank took place with Indian Bank on 1st April 2020. Bank is celebrating Customers’ Day / Customers’ Meet every year in the month of August since 2012 coinciding with the Bank’s Founding Day to have an update on the Customer Expectations /feedback and also to have an interaction with the customers for enhancing customer service. Vision Delivering excellence in financial services through customer focus employee engagement and sustainable growth. Mission Bring the best of innovation and technology in our offerings Be responsive to the unique needs of every customer through all channels of choice To provide value to stakeholders Empower and engage our employee. Our Bank has all the products & services to cater to the needs of every segment of the society. Our Focus Our focus is to deliver value-added and suitable solutions through the acumen of empowered employees and smart use of technology to cater the needs of the customers. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology and personalised service we aim to simplify banking making it more accessible convenient and secure for everyone..

Scene 3 (1m 37s)

[Audio] Region-wise Business Network – 30.06.2024 LCBs 9 100 racs MCBs 27 Northern Processing Centres & Verticals Microsate 52 sams 15 Mapcs 84 Rapcs 81 Central 3 plus 1 I-B-U Eastern Pan India Touch Points: 22885 Controlling Offices Population group wise Corporate Office 14 Field General Manager Offices Southern Semi Urban 26% Rural 34% 90 Zonal Offices Overseas – 3 plus 1 I-B-U Branches Opened: 3 in Q1FY25 (202 since amalgamation) Branches Merged: 4 in Q1FY25 (346 since amalgamation) Metro 20% Urban 20%.

Scene 5 (2m 50s)

[Audio] Customer Centric Initiatives taken by the Bank Bank has established Resource Acquisition Centres (RACs) at 100 major centres across India to have constant engagement with our customers through a team of Relation Managers. In line with market trend and customers’ expectations Bank launched new current account product variants IB Professional & IB Harit with value added benefits to the target segment customers. Bank has launched I-N-D Pension Prime product an exclusive Savings Bank Product for N-T-B Pensioners with additional offerings. Bank launched I-N-D Super 400 Days which gives interest upto 8.00% p.a in March’2023 & I-N-D Supreme 300 Days which gives interest 7.80% p.a in June’2023. Bank has setup dedicated N-R-I vertical to address the requirements and meet the expectations of N-R-I customers. Also introduced dedicated Helpline number for N-R-I customers (044-2888 2999) to attend the calls of N-R-I customers on 24*7 basis..

Scene 6 (4m 10s)

[Audio] Bank has setup Customer Service Centre of Excellence (CSCE Sub Team) to engage with existing to bank (E-T-B--) & new to bank (N-T-B--) customers on constant basis to understand their needs and requirements so as to bring the required changes in product offerings and services. Senior Citizen Customers are contacted proactively by the Bank wherever nomination facility is not available. In M-S-M-E segment Bank launched an innovative digital product “IND GST ADVANTAGE” to offer M-S-M-E loans instantly to existing customers having G-S-T registration. Pre-Approved Business Loan(P-A-B-L-) a new digital product launched on 20.03.2024 offering instant M-S-M-E Loans to existing customers (Individuals / Proprietorship firms) of our Bank. In line with Govt. guideline PM vishwakarma SCHEME was introduced to extend handholding support through basic / advanced training Tool kit Credit support and integrating their products / services to domestic / global value chain. In Retail loans segment our Bank is offering attractive R-O-I on Home Loans Vehicle Loans Mortgage Loans and other retail loans..

Scene 7 (5m 38s)

[Audio] Bank is proactively offering Pre-Approved Credit Card with waiver of joining fee. On Agricultural front Bank has launched New K-C-C product “KCC marine GOLD” exclusively for marine fisherman/ fishery activities. Customer Connect has been introduced by the Bank for HNI SB customers (with Monthly Average Balance of Rs.50 000/ and above) can contact our Toll free number(180-425-00000) without going to I-V-R-S they can connect to Call Centre Agents(CSAs) with the option of speaking with respective Branch Managers. Bank also launched ‘Call Me Back’ facility in C-G-R-S portal to redress the queries/ complaints of the customers instantaneously. Bank has introduced QR code at all our Branches to seek the Feedback on Branch Banking Experience of the Customers. Besides launching innovative products/ services Bank is also taking all the required precautions to safeguard the interests of the customers through secured technology platform so as to have the trust and confidence among our customers Enterprise Fraud Risk Management (E-F-R-M-): We are handholding the customers in safeguarding their hard earned money by blocking all the digital channels in case of any suspicious transactions in the account. Dos and Don’ts are being deliberated in Monthly Customer Service Committee Meetings Young Generation Clientele Meets and in Senior Citizens Meets..

Scene 8 (7m 16s)

[Audio] Listening to Customers : Branch Banking Experience Feedback through QR Code.

Scene 9 (7m 24s)

[Audio] Bank has launched 84 Digital Journeys so far (As on 29.07.2024) under its Digital Transformation Programme. Omni-channel Mobile Banking App “IndSMART” introduced on 24.06.2024 which enhances the User Interface (U-I---) and User Experience(U-X---) with additional features.

Scene 10 (7m 49s)

[Audio] Digital Transactions Vs Manual Transactions INDSMART – Omni Channel App Omni Channel Cross Platform Accessibility Spend Analyzer Earnings & Expenditure 90% 85% plus 5% Dashboard Customized widgets Integrated Bill Payment BBPS & others Digital Insurance Platform Integration for ease Budget Planner Goal Planner 15% 10% Pay to Contact For internal / external to bank Improved UI / UX User Delight QE June 23 QE June 24 Rewards Points Integrated Interface Fund Transfer Limit set for individual beneficiaries Digital Transactions Integration e shopping & m-shopping Manual Transactions.

Scene 11 (9m 0s)

[Audio] Digital Banking In lakhs Mobile Banking Users Transactions YoY YoY 22% 33% 175169 131138 Jun-23 Jun-24 QE Jun 23 QE Jun 24 U-P-I Remitter Transactions Users YoY 30% YoY 56% QE Jun 23 QE Jun 24 Jun-23 Jun-24 323 Jun-23 Debit Card Users YoY 0.2% 324 Jun-24 Card users 1.70 Jun-23 Credit Card Users YoY 40% 2.38 Jun-24 Net Banking Users YoY 26% 109 87 Jun-23 Jun-24 Number of PoS YoY 66% Jun-23 Jun-24.

Scene 12 (10m 25s)

Indian Bank YOUR OWN BANK, ALWAYS WITH you UPTO 8.00% IND SUPER 400 DAYS Super Senior Citizens - 8.00% p.a. Senior Citizens - 7.75% p.a. General Public - 7.25% p.a. Guaranteed growth for a worry-free future UPTO SUPREME DAYS Super Senior Citizens - 7.80% p.a. Senior Citizens - 7.55% p.a. General Public - 7.05% p.a. SCHEME VALID TILL 30TH SEPTEMBER 2024 01800 425 000 00 JO I Follow us on:.

Scene 13 (10m 48s)

[Audio] Safeguard your hard-earned money from fraudsters: Cyber Fraud Awareness: Do not search Bank’s Customer Care numbers using various search engines. Always get information from Indian Bank official website indianbank Check “https” before typing any U-R-L in your browser address bar. Change your passwords/MPIN/TPIN regularly. Do not share your confidential information over phone to anybody. Never click on links from unknown addresses. Do not share your Card No C-V-V P-I-N OTP Password even if caller claims to be Bank Staff as sharing these can lead to fraud..

Scene 14 (11m 38s)

[Audio] Money Mule Accounts / Activities A money mule account is a bank account used by a person to receive and transfer illicit funds on behalf of a criminal organization or scammer. Money mules are often unwitting participants recruited through phishing scams job ads or social media and may be promised a fee or commission for their services. Characteristics of a money mule account: Unusual transactions: Large or frequent transactions from unknown sources. Multiple deposits: Small deposits from various individuals or entities. Quick transfers: Funds are transferred out of the account shortly after being received. International transactions: Involvement with foreign entities or individuals. Lack of account owner involvement: The account owner may not be actively managing the account. If you suspect a money mule account report it to the Bank and relevant authorities or local law enforcement agencies..

Scene 15 (12m 39s)

[Audio] Whitelisting of Bank’s outgoing phone numbers through Truecaller Priority calling/ Purple ID: Priority calling is used for emergency numbers only. Bank is making calls to the customers for Verification of Transaction done by the customer from a dedicated number 044-25253300. This can effectively reduce fraudulent transactions by immediately taking up with the customer. Bank has whitelisted all the existing outgoing landline numbers for enhancing security and for protecting and mitigating spam calls in the name of Indian Bank.

Scene 16 (13m 17s)

[Audio] Thank You. Thank You. 10.