Laser hair removal. Ocean wave on a sandy beach.
Also Available Diode Laser.
3. Alex 755nm Wavelength For the widest range of hair types and color. The Alexandrite wavelength offers more powerful energy absorption by the melanin chromophore, making it ideal for the widest range of hair types and color-especially light-colored and thin hair. Diode 808nm Wavelength Half the treatment time. The classic wavelength in laser hair removal, the 808nm wavelength, offers deep penetration of the hair follicle with high average power, a high repetition rate and a large spot size for fast treatment. Yag 1064nm Wavelength Specialized for darker skin types. The YAG 1064 wavelength is characterized by lower melanin absorption, making it a focused solution for darker skin types. All 3 wavelength hair removal solution On-motion treatment superior efficacy, safety, comfort..
4. Before After.
Jose-I apo!a 91qe1!eny OSIV. 5. For All types of laser hair removal..