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undefined. [image]. Year One. Maths | Year 5 | Multiplication and Division | Written Methods for Division | Lesson 2 of 5: Delicious Division.

Page 2 (16s)

Delicious Division.

Page 3 (22s)

[Audio] We are going to continue our exploration of short division focusing on four-digit numbers divided by one-digit numbers. We'll look at how to set out our calculations regroup as we work through our calculation and write our remainder in the correct place. We'll also practice how to divide using this method; let's get started..

Page 4 (44s)

[Audio] The chef in this picture has spilt sauce all over her multiplication square and needs help to quickly complete the missing numbers. Have a good look at the numbers around the sauce splatter and do your best to fill in the blanks..

Page 5 (58s)

[Audio] We are going to learn about short division a method for calculating the division of two numbers. It is an important part of mathematics and helps us answer questions like "how many times can a number go into the other number?". To work out the division we create a table with a column for the divisor the dividend the quotient and the remainder. We start at the left and divide the dividend by the divisor writing the answer as the quotient and the remaining amount as the remainder. We'll use an example to learn the process and how to calculate the division of two numbers..

Page 6 (1m 34s)

[Audio] Division is a useful tool for problem solving. In this lesson we'll be exploring written methods for division and using the example of Cupcake Calculation. We need to figure out how many cupcakes each of three children will get if there are 6933 cupcakes shared equally. To begin we look at the thousands column. 6 divided by 3 equals 2 so we write 2 above the line. The next column is the hundreds column. Here we divide 9 hundreds by 3 which gives us 3 hundreds. Writing 3 above the line we move to the tens column. Dividing 3 tens by 3 gives us 1 ten which we also write above the line. Finally we divide 3 by 3 which gives us 1. Writing 1 above the line we have our answer of 2311 cupcakes for each of the children. Practice more division and have fun!.

Page 7 (2m 33s)

[Audio] We are going to learn about a special kind of division called "regrouping". It is used for solving calculations involving large numbers. For instance if we have the data 4 3 2 8 4 how can it be divided into 4 equal parts? The answer is 821. To do this we must divide 3 thousands into 4 parts but this is not possible without regrouping. We move 3 thousands into the hundreds column and divide 32 hundreds into 4 parts. Then we divide 8 tens into 4 parts and finally 4 into 4 parts. This shows how regrouping can be used to solve such calculations..

Page 8 (3m 14s)

[Audio] We will focus on the written methods of division using the example of 3 thousand 32 hundred 8 tens and 7 units being divided by 4. Starting at the left-hand side we cannot share 3 thousands into 4 groups so we regroup the 30 hundreds across into the hundreds column. The answer is 821r3 showing that the last digit doesn't need to be a multiple of the divisor. Examining how this works further..

Page 9 (3m 52s)

[Audio] Division is the focus of today's lesson. Get started with the examples on the slide then take turns providing multiplication and division problems for each other to solve. Talk through the answers to check if you both agree. You'll find that division is a straightforward process with practice. Work hard and enjoy the learning process..

Page 10 (4m 11s)

[Audio] Today we are learning about division in maths! In this lesson we will be using our marvellous maths skills to complete delicious division. We will first look at the basics. You will need to be able to identify the divisor dividend and the number of times you'll need to divide. We will then learn how to use a written method to divide and finally we will have some fun activities to complete. So let's dive in and get started on delicious division!.

Page 11 (4m 38s)

Dive in by completing your own activity! Diving into Mastery.

Page 12 (4m 49s)

[Audio] Today's lesson is about applying the written method for division that we have learnt. We need to start by making sure we have a sticky note each. On our note we can write a 4-digit number divided by a one digit number calculation so something like 7495 divided by 8. Then we need to swap the notes with a partner. Now we can test our skills and calculate the answer using the method we learnt today and check our partner's answer. If our partner is not correct we should show them where they went wrong and help them fix their answer in a different coloured pen..

Page 13 (5m 23s)

[Audio] Today's lesson is about using short division to divide four digit numbers by one-digit numbers. In this lesson we will learn how to divide four digit numbers by one-digit numbers and the most important thing to remember is that you need to start at the left and work towards the right. We start the calculation and as we work our way through we will need to regroup. Your remainder needs to be written in the correct place. By the end of this lesson I am confident that you will be able to use short division to divide four digit numbers by one-digit numbers using the correct criteria..