Sunbeam school bhadohi power point Presentation Real life application of AI

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Welcome everyone to this presentation. In the next twelve slides, we will explore the amazing power of Artificial Intelligence and its real-life applications. We will explore what AI can do and what it can bring to the future. Let's get started..

Scene 4 (30s)

The finance industry is also embracing A1. Robo.advisors are using machine learning algorithms to manage investments. A1 is also detecting fraudulent activities and predicting market trends. The days of traditional banking are numbered with the rise of A1.

Scene 5 (59s)

Aj in Healthcar About the project The use of Ai in healthcare is transforming the industry. From diagnosing diseases to developing new drugs. A1 is saving lives IBM Watson is one such example. It analyzes patient data to create personalized treatment plans. The future of healthcare is exciting with A1..

Scene 7 (1m 39s)

[Audio] With the rapid advancements in the world of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being implemented within the transportation industry. Tesla and Google are pioneering the development of self-driving cars, with exciting progress being made in this field. AI is also being used to optimize traffic flow and predict any potential maintenance issues that could arise, aiming to make transportation more autonomous and efficient for the future..

Scene 10 (2m 20s)

[Audio] AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, holds the possibility to revolutionize several industries in the foreseeable future. Education, energy, and entertainment are only a few of these sectors that may benefit from the usage of AI. Furthermore, AI can be used to further comprehend and explore the complexities of the human brain. AI stands as a gateway to countless possibilities..

Scene 11 (2m 49s)

[Audio] AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is revolutionizing the way we lead our lives. It is having a dramatic impact on industries such as healthcare, finance, education, and transportation, by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of everyday processes. AI is the game changer that is transforming each of these aspects of our lives, with numerous potential benefits. We should take advantage of AI's potential and allow its power to make our lives better..