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Scene 1 (0s)

Non-MODAL AUXILIARIES. Ronalda wong 320057261.

Scene 2 (12s)

Diagram Description automatically generated.

Scene 3 (18s)

Statement of Context/ Background Info. Identify the helping verbs in the following sentences: Jenny is tall. He has been overweight for many years..

Scene 4 (33s)

Main Issues. 1. The traditional meaning of a verb ('an action word' is flawed). 2. Non-modal auxiliaries are often times neglected in terms of its semantics. Some scholars view these verbs as 'dummies'; I.e., serving no purpose (Newson, 2012). This neglect is transferred to students and usually ends up being totally misunderstood, or abandoned in Grammar teaching..

Scene 5 (52s)

Statement of Task's Aim. To introduce the topic of non-modal auxiliaries. To identify some roles of non modals To see how context of verbs differs (auxiliaries vs main verbs).

Scene 6 (1m 5s)

Non-modal Auxiliary Verbs. We will be looking at: Be (ser/ estar ) Do ( hacer ).

Scene 7 (1m 15s)

Be Is Am Are Was Been Were Being. BE. EXAMPLES:. 1. They were tired. / Ellas estaban cansadas / Dey was tired ..

Scene 8 (1m 33s)

1. Present continuous tense.. - We are winning the match. / We winning de match./ Nosotras estamos ganando el partido.

Scene 9 (1m 45s)

Trinidadian English Creole 'to be'. The present participle does the work of 'to be' and '- ing ': Petal running home. We eating. Past tense is formed using adverbial phrases instead of auxiliaries. We eat this morning/ We eat already..

Scene 10 (2m 1s)

Do Does Doing Did Done. 1. You do know the answers/ You know de answers / Ya sabes la respuesta.

Scene 11 (2m 12s)

1. Use as an auxiliary, with main verb to form questions..

Scene 12 (2m 23s)

Verb 'to do' in T.E.C. 1. When a habitual action is described, it is expressed the form 'does' is used with a singular or plural subject (Richards, 1970): He does always sing that song Or 'He does always be singing that song' 2. The inflection 'done' is used to denote completion: We done finish that..

Scene 13 (2m 41s)

Conclusion.. The aims of this presentation were: - to show the roles of two non-modals - to show how its use differs in T.E.C - to reinforce that these non-modals can also be used as main verbs depending on context.

Scene 14 (2m 56s)

References. Newson, M., & Szécsényi, K. (2012). Dummy auxiliaries and late vocabulary insertion. The Even Yearbook , 10 , 80-125. Richards, H. (1970). Trinidadian Folk Usage and Standard English: A Contrastive Study. Word , 26 (1), 79-87..