Building image. 59 Team 59. Working Remotely. Benefits, Challenges and Solutions.
[Audio] In this modern technological society that we live in, the way we work has been revolutionized. Persons who are used to working for their money in an office can now work from the comfort of their own home, this is called working remotely. However, much like everything in life there are challenges and thankfully they can be solved by innovative thinkers like the members of Team 59. The aim of our presentation is to outline the benefits, challenges and solutions to working remotely. To do this we will be focusing on two main areas of business, Management and Marketing..
Management is the act of bringing people together to achieve goals and objectives with the resources at hand. Human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources are all types of resources. Management directs the process of developing, maintaining, and allocating those resources. The company or organization then employs these resources to achieve its objectives in an effective and efficient manner. The four main aspects of Management are: ❖ Leading ❖ Organizing ❖ Planning ❖ Controlling Leading – managers serve as company leaders, leading and motivating employees, while also communicating with them, resolving conflicts, and managing change. Managers guide work teams through the process of the development of a new product. Organizing – managers are in charge of specific tasks in a business. Some responsibilities may include allocating resources, positioning staff, and establishing policies and procedures. Planning – they set long-term goals and objectives for the company, devise strategies to achieve those goals, evaluate alternatives, and determine the resources required. Controlling – activities within the business are controlled by the managers to ensure tasks are kept on track..
Benefits. Management. Employer. Cost effective -It is a lot more cost effective to have person working from home because there are less charges on utilities, maintenance, cleaning and office supplies. Employees usually must provide their own equipment to work remotely with so there would be less technology costs. More available workforce -Employers do not have to worry about employees being absent from work as much. Business’ work would not be drastically affected if persons having to be absent from work due to personal reasons or travel because persons can work from wherever they are located. Better recruitment -The workforce would need to be revamped to have persons who are more skilled and experience. This would also mean that skilled candidates would also be easier to find because you can employ persons to world from all over the globe when working remotely. It would also mean that money can be saved on training for personnel since you are hiring skilled workers. Less HR issues -There will be no HR issues between workers because there will be very little to no interaction. Most issues start within an office space, e.g., Susan gets angry with another coworker because they drink most of the coffee and don’t make more. There is less tension between workers so there will be less stress on the HR department. Improved communication -It improves worker’s communication skills because persons get less time to talk so they must be more concise and straight forward. They would also gain writing skills because they would have to correspond via email. Business communication is the most vital part of a healthy business This way, communication up and down the hierarchy of the business would be done in the most efficient fashion..
Benefits. Management. Employee. More flexible schedule -Employees would have a more flexible work schedule. Employees can create a day plan to accommodate all the various activities and tasks they might have while still centering it around their work. It would make their job seem less rigorous because they would have family time and other free time. This also allows persons to have a better work/life balance. Cost effective -It is less costly to work remotely because persons will not have to spend money on clothes, travelling to and from work and even food because you can prepare it from home. There will also be no childcare costs if you are working from home. Increased work quality and productivity -A better standard of work could be produced because employees can be able to do their work whenever feel the most creative and find themselves in the best mental state to do work. If they do their work within a timeframe that suits their colleagues. This would lead to greater productivity within the business. Choice of ideal work location -Employees can also choose the location where they want to do their work. In most cases, it would be some place that is peaceful and quiet. This would allow persons to work in complete silence and produce their best work possible. Personalized Workspace -Employees can personalize their office space at work to try to recreate their home by bring in family heirlooms, pictures of family, etc. but when working remotely they can manage their space as they see fit. They do not have to worry about the taste or input of their coworkers..
Challenges. Management. Employer. Communication - With remote working, communicating with the employees has drift away from the traditional face to face method to a more technological side of communication. Various communication mediums such as email, video meet software and instant messaging applications are utilized to communicate with employees however the medium is only as good as the users. If the individual is new to the software, they may face issues utilizing it to its full capacity and also due to other factors such as possible connectivity issues, technological barriers and lack of emotions via messaging, information may not be communicated effectively. In addition, some employers may live in regions with time zone different to their employees so holding video meetings may not be the best means of communication. Breakdown in Structure - Employers can’t supervise and overwatch the daily operations of the employees like they would have been to in physical workspace. This could lead to decrease in productivity as the employees aren’t as pressured by the presence of management to get tasks done quickly and efficiently in the manner or way, they may want these tasks to be carried out (they control is now limited). Incurring Investment Costs - The employees may not have the sufficient technological equipment to carry out the day-to-day operations of the company, so the employers are then task with suppling them with this equipment. This would lead to the employer having to find and raise capital to purchase these devices which meet the specific requirements to carry out operations. They may also be additional expenses incurred due to the need for specific peripheral devices and in some cases special software (may be expensive) in which the company may require the workers to use to carry out daily operations..
Challenges. Management. Employer. Security - With remote work all data is transferred online and most of the work is done via the internet. As a result, both the employers’ and the employees’ personal data along with the company’s confidential information are at risk of exposure, theft or even being lost due to computer malfunctions, viruses, and hackers. The employers are then tasked with finding ways in which they can prevent these risks and maintain the security of the precious data. Lack of consistency - Employers might find it hard to achieve consistency with workers working remotely. The employer has to continue to build his company’s culture and ensure that the employees know the mission, goals and what the company as a whole represents. This may prove to be very difficult to communicate via the internet and the message is liable to be interpreted incorrectly if the workers do not understand these important aspects of the company it would lead to lack of consistency as they do not know the standards of the business..
Challenges. Management. Employee. Purchasing required technology -In some cases the employer doesn’t provide the employees with the necessary devices needed to carry out day to day operations. The responsibility of attaining such devices is then left with the employees and these devices may be very expensive depending on the type of work it is required to carry out on a daily basis so the employee must do proper research before purchasing the device. In addition, they may be required to purchase subscriptions or licenses for specific software that they may need to carry out day-to-day work. Lack of efficiency in utilizing technology and software - The technology and software used in remote working may be new to the employees as they probably never used it prior to now and because of this they are unable to carry out the day-to-day operations required of them. The employees now have to learn and develop new skills and familiarize themselves with the technology and software. This process could be very long and difficult so achieving maximum productivity may take a while. Distractions at home -When working at home they are various distractions persons may encounter as opposed to working in an office environment. When you’re at home there is various distractions such as television, vehicular movements, noise from neighbors, unexpected guest to your home (family members, friends, etc.), your kids playing in the background and much more. Due to this the worker can easily lose focus on the task at hand so it is very important that they find ways to deal with these distractions so they can carry out their daily tasks..
Challenges. Management. Employee. Inability to carry out daily task due to technological interference -When working at home there is the possibility of unforeseen technological interferences occurring which is out of the employees control. This could lead to the inability to carry out daily task and meet goals set out by management. Some of these interferences include random power outages, internet connectivity issues, device malfunctions and many more. Collaboration -When workers have to work together to complete a task, they may find it very difficult to collaborate when working remotely than in an office space. When working remotely workers are limited to what they can do and cannot do such as interacting with same information or documents can be very challenging while in an office space persons can interact with the data and communicate points and ideas more efficiently and effectively..
Firstly, the employers should try to experiment and introduce various software that can help make communication with workers easier and they should also ask for feedback and make the worker more involve in decision making so that the work is done efficiently and on the other hands the workers should take courses and try to do research on the software being utilized to get a better understanding of how it works and to build the necessary skills required to effectively utilize the software. This would also be beneficial to the employees as by doing this it could help them improve their collaboration via the internet so they can carry out the group task effectively. They should also try to maintain the structure and the hierarchy of the business and to do this they should also look to utilize software that allows the day-to-day operations of the workers to be monitored by the employers ensuring the task is done quickly and, in a manner, deemed suitable by the employers. Next, to ensure that the workers carry out their tasks efficiently the employers should provide the workers with the devices and software needed to carry out day to day operations. In addition, they could also hold training sessions and educational presentations/webinars to help give the employees the knowledge needed to utilize these devices and software effectively and the employees should try to do additional research and practice and experiment with the software and devices to learn more about it in their spare time..
They should also ensure all confidential data and the personal information of the workers are kept safe the employers could implement policies in which only certain people only workers of a certain level can access these precious data and they could do presentations informing the employees how to safely use the internet and how to prevent security breaches on the internet (passwords, antiviruses etc.). Lastly, doing regular training activities for the employees, posting regular guidelines that are easily accessible to the workers, notifying them of the goals and objectives of the business, updating the expectations of the employees and regular reminders of the company’s visions and what they stand for are all ways in which the employer can strive to maintain the consistency of the business and it image and vision as the employees will be well informed..
Marketing refers to the activities that a company engages in to promote the purchase or sale of their product or service. These activities include market research, advertising, selling, financing, pricing, service management, and the distribution of the company’s goods or services. There are key factors that are used in the marketing process of a good or service. These crucial factors are taken into account when marketing an item and are referred to as the 4Ps of marketing: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The product is the good or service that the company intends to provide to customers. Marketers must understand the product being sold, how it differs from competitors’ products, how it could be paired with a secondary product and whether there are market substitutes. Price refers to how much the company will charge for the product or how much consumers are willing to pay for the product. The prices of competing products on the market must also be considered. Companies must consider whether their prices are a reasonable alternative for consumers. Place refers to the location where the product will be distributed. Whether in an online store or a physical storefront, the goal is to provide customers with easy access to the product or service. All marketing processes carried out to highlight the benefits of a product or service in the market are referred to as promotion. Advertising, selling, sales promotion, public relations, directing marketing, and sponsorship are all aspects of promotion..
Benefits. Marketing. Employer. Marketing Geography- With online marketing and the various social media platforms available for use as marketing tools, companies can now reach consumers and different audiences from various areas and regions better than before. This results in a wider consumer base and higher levels of attraction to the company’s product than ever before which can lead to increase profits for the company. Reduces overall operating costs -The cost of promotions can be reduced severely as online and social promotions will require little to no asset expenses (example: Pitch tents, speakers, microphones etc.). It also reduces the cost of a failed marketing promotion which allows a company to feel more comfortable and confident in utilizing different marketing strategies. Availability of the work force -Previously, in-person marketing may have prevented some employers from being in contact with their marketing officers when they are in the middle of a promotion. However, now marketing employers can also see real-time updates and also have general feel and better insight as to how a marketing project is going rather than waiting on feedback from their respective officers.
Benefits. Marketing. Employer. Collaboration -Due to the wide range of possibilities which the online environment can present, new collaborations which may not have been possible between different marketing groups in person can now be conducted in a virtual space.( Commentator, 2021) Marketing isn’t limited - With online marketing the company isn’t limited to the in-person marketing barriers. The market promotion campaigns can now run 24/7 at a cheaper cost as radio stations, newspaper and television ads may be fairly expensive and do not run 24/7. (Media, 2021).
Benefits. Marketing. Employee. Brand Ideas -Marketing officers who predominantly do their work on social media can observe other brands and ideas and attempt to modify those ideas and apply them to their own company. Flexibility of working hours -Having persons in the comfort of their home, they are able to become more flexible for project meetings and discussing different marketing plans and ideas as they can be just ‘a click away’. Location -Previously, marketing promotions done in person could have only captured a specific audience in a centralized area. However, with the implementation of marketing using social media platforms, a wider range of consumers and a larger target market can be reached by employees even while they are working remotely..
Benefits. Marketing. Employee. I ncreased Creativity amongst employees -The online environment will undoubtedly increase the need for employees to produce new and improved ideas and marketing strategies that may not have been necessary or applicable in past environments. Different online research methods such as Twitter Voting Poles can be used to get information from a particular audience in a quick and timely manner. Level of comfort - Certain marketing officers may not have a strong and assertive personality as others. When in work or office setting, these people may fear expressing their ideas which reduces the possibility of a marketing team obtaining a great strategy. However, in a remote setting, these persons may feel a bit more confident in expressing themselves behind a computer screen and conveying their ideas can help increase the overall efficiency of a Marketing team..
Challenges. Marketing. Employer. Lack of Engagement from Target Audience - In light of all the challenges which can be present during remote working, employees may still be able to meet expectations and complete tasks which are given to them. However, seeing that most marketing strategies in this environment will be centered around online promotional strategies, it can become difficult to engage an audience through this method as they may see it as just another online promotion. In comparison to in-person promotions, it can become difficult for online marketing strategies to truly stand out. Recruitment and Training -Employers usually like to get a hands-on feel and experience for the employees which they choose to hire as well as those who may require any training in a particular field. The online environment can make it difficult due to the possibility of a lack of interpersonal relation and overall feel for an employee through an online platform. It may also become difficult to train and develop employees as they lack of certain skills may prevent them from having a thorough understanding of the resources which may need to be used. These skills could have easily been thought in an office setting, however, through an online platform can make it much more difficult..
Challenges. Marketing. Employer. Too much ads - Companies tend to flood their target audiences unintentionally when marketing products or services online. It becomes annoying to the target audience and thus causes them not to pay attention to the ad. This will make the ad lose its purpose and become obsolete. ( Quickbooks , 2013) Low sales despite high traffic - Although person will see the content on the live feeds on their various social media platforms they may not be interested in the product or service being promoted. This then becomes an issue to the companies as their product is getting a lot of engagement on the platforms and despite this generating little to no revenue. ( Quickbooks , 2013) High Competition - with online marketing there is more competition as various companies are posting market campaigns, so the consumer’s timelines are flooded with multiple ads making it hard for the company to really establish themselves to the audiences..
Challenges. Marketing. Employee. Technological Disadvantages - In a remote marketing environment, ensuring that a team has all the necessary tools and equipment is essential to efficiency and overall success. Working from home, some employees may not access to the same equipment and resources which may have been present in a work setting. This will also require both the employee and employer to become flexible and creative in order to still achieve all the goals set out for the business. Online Distractions - If a marketing officer’s tasks mainly involve the use of social media, it can become very easy for them to wander away from their tasks and start delving into other personal social media interests. Especially in a remote environment, employees can often end up wasting away precious working hours on social media not relating directly to the objectives of the business. Team Chemistry - As compared to in person teamwork, working remotely can have the disadvantage of team members potentially not being on the same page in relation to a specific task or project. The overall chemistry of a marketing team therefore can be interrupted due to this. It can become difficult in order for team members to align expectations and ideas to persons they may not have previously been comfortable or open ended with..
Challenges. Marketing. Employee. Challenges creating captivating new content - Mental blocks may occur because there are limited variations of promotions you can do for a particular product. Since there is more tension due to higher competition from the opposing brands, employees may end up creating advertisements and promotions that lack innovation because they are trying to meet a deadline. This can have a negative long-term effect on productivity. Issues in managing social accounts - Employees might be instructed to create multiple business accounts on all of the various social media platforms. It would be done with the intention of getting more brand exposure, but it could lead to employees not being able to maintain all the accounts. As a result, there are a lot of dormant social media accounts that aren’t updated..
21. Solutions. Firstly, the employers should try to single out a specific target audience by looking at things such as demographics and consumer behaviors so they would know which audiences is best and more likely to purchase the products and once this is done the employees should try to look at ways in which they can create ad campaigns that would grasps these consumers attention and persuade them to buy(who you are create the ad for, what type of medium is most effective to capture said audience) . Next, to combat the recruitment and training issue HR and marketing officers should hold regular meetings via a platform like zoom where they outline the business’ goals, mission and structure. If an employee’s conduct does not meet the expectations of the management, they should offer solutions and monitor the situation. In addition, they could also do online workshops which would help to further enhance the skills of their workers despite them not being in an office space leading to increased work efficiency..
22. Solutions. To deal with the overload of ads, management could put in place various policies to moderate the frequency of ads being published and also the amount of active ad campaigns you can have at the same time. They should also make sure that all ads are concise and to the point. Next, when using ad campaigns, they could utilize various promotion strategies such as discounts, BOGO sales and much more to generate sales from the high traffic they may be receiving as consumers are more inclined to buy products when they get a bargain for their money which also minimizes the high competition as your product would be in high demand. Lastly, focus groups can be created to provide support and assurance when performing tasks. It would make it much easier when it comes to team chemistry because you would have to get to know the members and run decisions by them. This would also make the decision-making process much more effective and error free..
Conclusion. To conclude, w orking remotely is the future of business operations in this technological age and whether you like it or not, one must adjust to the societal norms and evolve their way of thinking in order to move forward in the business world. Working remotely has many challenges, however, most if not all theses challenges have various solutions and fixes to make the remote working experience more efficient. In comparison, they are also many benefits so overall working remotely has a greater positive impact on the workings of a business..