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[Audio] Maliliit na Bato Elementary School enrollment has not changed significantly from the first quarter to the second quarter of the current school year. We have only one enrollee in kindergarten, who is male; one female in grade two; one male and one female in grade three; one female in grade four; and one female in grade five. MBES has no enrollees in grade six for the current school year. The reason behind this continuously decreasing enrollment in our school for the past 6 years is because of the following reasons: 1.Changes in residency owing to job availability 2. Education is prioritized, therefore after their elder siblings graduate from sixth grade, they are moved to the neighboring town with their other siblings. 3. Because of their low economic standing, the only sources of income are paguuway, paguuling, and pangangaso, but the issue is that they must walk at least 18 kilometers before their products become money. Maliliit na Bato Elementary School continued to be compassionate and humane to its students and parents, with the exception and justified purpose of maintaining a zero dropout rate. Our school has no dropouts from 2016 to the second quarter of the current academic year..