Individual Project

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Scene 1 (0s)

Individual Project. Fatma almarzooqi 202110247.

Scene 2 (9s)

M y character strengths :. Kindness (Doing good deeds and favors for others; assisting them; caring for them.)) Humor (having a great affection for making others laugh and tease; bringing smiles to others; seeing the bright side; cracking jokes) Honesty (Speaking the truth, but also presenting oneself and acting in a genuine and sincere manner.) Social intelligence (knowing what makes other people tick; being aware of others' motives/feelings and knowing what to do to fit into various social situations.) Spirituality (having life-affirming beliefs that guide behavior and provide comfort).

Scene 3 (33s)

Do you agree with your Top 5 Character Strength results from the survey? If no, what would you change and why?.

Scene 4 (1m 5s)

Do you agree with your Top 5 Character Strength results from the survey? If no, what would you change and why?.