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Scene 1 (0s)

Interjection. By: Teacher Jem.

Scene 2 (6s)

What is an Interjection?. Interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the feeling or an emotion of the one who uttered it. They consider as an independent phrase/words since they can stand alone ..

Scene 3 (20s)

Examples of Interjection. Shhhh Ouch Uh Oh WOW Yippeee Eww.

Scene 4 (28s)

Important things to know about Interjections. 1. Interjections function independently in a sentence..

Scene 5 (36s)

Important things to know about Interjections. 2 . Interjections don't have any grammatical relation to any word or group of words in a sentence.

Scene 6 (47s)

Important things to know about Interjections. 3. Some interjections are not even actual work like ugh or uhm..

Scene 7 (55s)

Always Remember :. Interjections usually separated by a comma or an exclamation point in a sentence. It used to set off interjections for the rest of the sentence. They have intonation when they are being uttered..

Scene 8 (1m 8s)

Always Remember:. When an interjection is spoken calmly, a comma is used. For example: Shhh, the baby is sleeping. Oh, I don’t care where we go. Ew, I hate sweet potatoes with marshmallows. Sorry, I didn’t see you there..

Scene 9 (1m 24s)

Always Remember:. When the interjection expresses more emotion or a strong emotion, an exclamation point is used. For example: Ouch! You stepped on my toe. Hello! How wonderful!.

Scene 10 (1m 36s)

Types of Interjection.

Scene 11 (1m 42s)

1. Interjection for Greetings. Interjections for Greeting are used in the sentence to indicate the emotion of warmth to the person meeting with ..

Scene 12 (1m 53s)

For Example:. Hey! You look so beautiful today. Hello! How are you? Hello! I am talking to you. Hi! Are you new here? Hey! Don’t be so hopeless..

Scene 13 (2m 5s)

2. Interjection for Joy. Interjections for Joy are used in the sentence to indicate immediate joy and happiness on any happy occasion that occurred ..

Scene 14 (2m 16s)

For Example:. Wow! I like your beautiful dress. Hurray! I got it. Yippee! We are going to the concert. Hurray! My poem is published in the magazine..

Scene 15 (2m 28s)

3. Interjection for Approval. Interjections for Approval are used in the sentence to express the strong sense of approval or agreement for something that has happened..

Scene 16 (2m 39s)

For Example:. Well done! You passed the midterm examination. Bravo! You did well yesterday. Well done! You have done a good job. Yummy! The cake is so delicious. Splendid! I like your design..

Scene 17 (2m 52s)

4. Interjection for Attention. I nterjections for Attention are used in the sentence to draw the attention of someone..

Scene 18 (3m 2s)

For Example:. Look! She looks good in white coat. Listen! I never say no to anyone. Hush! Keep quiet. Behold! The scenery is so beautiful..

Scene 19 (3m 14s)

5. Interjection for Surprise. Interjections for surprise are used in the sentence to express the strong sense of surprise about something that has happened..

Scene 20 (3m 25s)

For Example:. What! You lost your job? Oh! I can't believe he bought me a gift. Ah! What have you done? Oh! What a hot and humid day!.

Scene 21 (3m 36s)

6. Interjection for Sorrow. Interjections for Sorrow are used in the sentence to express the emotion of sadness about something unfortunate that has happened..

Scene 22 (3m 47s)

For Example:. Alas! She was gone. Ouch! It's itchy. Oww! That hurts! Aah! I lost my purse!.

Scene 23 (3m 57s)

Reminder!. When an exclamation point is used to punctuate an interjection, the word that comes next must begin with a capital letter ..

Scene 24 (4m 7s)

For Example:. Hey! How are you doing? No! You are unreasonable!.

Scene 25 (4m 15s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Ahem - Someone clearing their throat in an attempt to attract your attention. For Example: “Ahem, may I have your attention?” the principal asked as she tried to get the students to listen..

Scene 26 (4m 29s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Aah - When someone feels terrified, it is used as a call for help..

Scene 27 (4m 38s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Boo - Used to frighten someone or express disapproval. For example: Boo! Get off the stage. My brother scared me when he jumped out from behind the door and shouted “Boo!”.

Scene 28 (4m 50s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Eh - When you didn't hear or understand what someone said, use this phrase. For Example: "Eh, what twaddle!" said one of them, a thin, stern-looking man..

Scene 29 (5m 3s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Eww - Dislike or disgust is conveyed. For example: EWW, that's disgusting! EWW, I would never do that!.

Scene 30 (5m 12s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Hmm - It could indicate that you're deliberating or hesitating. For Example: Hmm, do you think? Hmm , I'm not sure, what do you think?.

Scene 31 (5m 24s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Jeez - It could suggest that you don't believe what you're hearing or that you're frustrated. For Example : Oh jeez , I'm sorry Jeez , don't talk about that,".

Scene 32 (5m 36s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Ooh-la-la – refers to express something that is fancy and special to encounter. Oops - When someone do something by accident, they utilize this exclamation. For example: These sandals will have you cooing ooh la la!  Oops , I forgot to introduce myself before... I'm so impolite..

Scene 33 (5m 52s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Whoa - expresses surprise or amazement over something or to someone. Yahoo - Expresses joy or happiness. For example: "Yahoo! I just won first place! Whoa, you can really peel the layers off the onion!.

Scene 34 (6m 5s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Yeah - Affirms or approves anything extremely strongly. Yoo-hoo - A phrase used to attract someone's attention. For example: Yeah, I can imagine.  Yoohoo! I think you dropped this.

Scene 35 (6m 17s)

Example of Interjections and their Meaning. Zing - Usually used to emphasize a clever statement or comeback. For example: Try adding lemon juice to add an extra zing to salads..

Scene 36 (6m 28s)

Note:.  Onomatopoeic words are different from interjections . Some may be confused about it. So, in order to distinguish both, onomatopoeic words are descriptive while interjections are expressive when they are being used in a sentence. Also, ellipsis, as we noticed, aren’t used for interjections ..

Scene 37 (6m 44s)

(6 0000 ææaaao(. Activity Time.

Scene 38 (6m 50s)

Stop! You're wasting my time.. aaaac.

Scene 39 (7m 0s)

Stop! You're wasting my time.. aaaac.

Scene 40 (7m 8s)

2. Wow! Nice artwork. .. aaaac.

Scene 41 (7m 17s)

2. Wow! Nice artwork. .. aaaac.

Scene 42 (7m 23s)

3. Eww! It's disgusting.. aaaac.

Scene 43 (7m 31s)

3. Eww! It's disgusting.. aaaac.

Scene 44 (7m 37s)

4. You dance well, bravo!. aaaac.

Scene 45 (7m 46s)

4. You dance well, bravo!. aaaac.

Scene 46 (7m 52s)

5. Hi! How are you today?. aaaac.

Scene 47 (8m 0s)

5. Hi! How are you today?. aaaac.

Scene 48 (8m 7s)

6. Grrr! I have to go.. aaaac.

Scene 49 (8m 16s)

6. Grrr! I have to go.. aaaac.

Scene 50 (8m 22s)

7. Ahhh, nice to hear that.. aaaac.