Question: At what temperature of water ice will melt faster in medium

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Scene 1 (0s)

Question: A t what temperature of water ice will melt faster in medium.

Scene 2 (7s)

Hypothesis. Alternative hypothesis : if the ability of melting of ice depend on the temperature of the medium then ice will melt faster in hot water. Null hypothesis : if ability of melting of ice does not depend upon the temperature of the medium then ice will not melt faster in hot water.

Scene 3 (24s)

Testable variable. Independent variable: different temperatures of water Dependent variable : melting of ice Control : room temperature glass Constant : volume of water Treatments :hot and cold water.

Scene 4 (36s)

Result. So the Alternative hypothesis is the correct hypothesis ice is melt faster in the hot water as compare to cold and normal water.

Scene 5 (46s)

SUBMITTED BY : J atin Rawat BITS ID:2021D2TS2080P.