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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Coding By Johan. Coding. By Johan. A picture containing text Description automatically generated.

Scene 2 (10s)

[Audio] What is Coding? Coding creates a set of instructions for computers to follow. These instructions determine what actions a computer can and cannot take. Coding allows programmers to build programs, such as websites and apps. Computer programmers can also tell computers how to process data in better and faster ways..

Scene 3 (34s)

[Audio] What Are The Three types of language in coding? There are three types of programming languages: machine language, assembly language, and high-level language. Machine language is easier for the computer to understand but harder for the programmer to understand. This is because machine language is simply the language of machines— bits. Sometimes, programmers will develop programs directly with machine code, but because this is difficult to understand and tedious to type, it is more common to program using assembly or a high-level language. Assembly language is slightly easier to understand. The bits of machine language are replaced by numbers and English commands. Before assembly code is run by the computer, it is assembled by an assembler. This converts the code back into the 1s and 0s of machine language that the computer can understand. High-Level languages use many more English commands and are significantly more readable than assembly or machine language. Many high-level languages have built-in commands that help the programmer write loops, create variables of different data types, and manipulate strings. It is worth noting that all of these are possible in assembly or machine language, but high-level languages make them much easier for the programmer to read, write, and debug. Some newer high-level languages are scripting languages. This means that they are not compiled, or translated into machine language, until just before the code is executed at runtime. Python, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, and Bash are all scripting languages..

Scene 4 (2m 16s)

[Audio] What can you do with coding? With coding you can create websites, games, and apps. Websites are the easiest to code, and games are the second easiest, unless it's a 2d game, as they are the easiest to code. Then we have apps. If it Is a simple app, then it would take less code, but if its like chrome, then it will take a lot more code..

Scene 5 (2m 42s)

[Audio] How do you learn coding? You can learn coding by researching, using online materials or watch tutorials. It will be simple to code after learning and getting familiar with code, and if you are doing block coding test out all the blocks and see what you can make after checking out all the blocks. If you want life simple, use block coding, and if you want to do the hard way, just switch to python script or Java. The average level of coding would be JavaScript..

Scene 6 (3m 14s)

[Audio] GAMING TIME!!! Now it's Time For You To Play The Game I Coded!!!.