Check lists for evaluators while appraising their teams - Microsoft Word tile Lien Insert Fgrrnat 1001s Table Eindow Help •üQocumentMap n Thumbnails Find... åuesearch... I I -u Close Type a question for help Original Showing Markup • Show • • I _ ) Z Z Z Z Z Z Screen 5 of 7 Output and production records Attendance records Training or continuing education records Time records Critical Incidents: Kudos Tickler Customer complaints or compliments Disciplinary notices Personnel file Performance log Notes, emails, and/or phone messages Z Z Z Screen 6 of 7 Does the employee understand what i expect? Have i provided the employee with adequate tools and resources? Are there any rules or systems in place that make it difficult for the employee to perform well? Has anything changed in the employee's work situation? Has anything happened in the employee's personal life that could be affecting his or her work? Has the employee developed a substance abuse or mental health problem? Objective: Assessing performance Consider the following questions when assessing performance: Objective: To Avoid Common Performance Appraisal Errors After you have drawn conclusions about an employee's performance, ask yourself the following questions. if you can answer yes to any of them: then you've fallen prey to a common appraisal error—and you must rethink your conclusions- Z Z Z Z Has the employee met this requirement or goal? Why or why not? How do i know this? What is the supporting evidence? Vv'hat was the impact on the department? on the company? How can the employee do better? How can i do a better job of supporting the employee? How can the company do a better job of supporting the employee? Consider the following possible reasons for poor perfonnance: Z Did i give the employee adequate training? Z Does the employee have the skills necessary for the job? Z Z Z Have I rated the employee more highly than he or she deserves? Did I unfairly blame the employee for bad events or unfairly take credit (or give credit to someone else) for good events? Did i allow my first impressions to color what the employee did during this appraisal period? Did i allow one aspect of the employee's performance to dominate? Did i judge the employee more favorably because of our similarities ? start Training Presentation Check lists for evalua ' untitled - Paint 3:52 PM.