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Scene 1 (0s)

. 60th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Of Penumarti Rama Devi.

Scene 2 (4s)


Scene 3 (8s)

Click on the icon to hear song by Chitta Janaki. Janaki Rama’ Paternal Cousin.

Scene 4 (1m 31s)

g?sat (sy. Smt Prabhavathi (Rama’s maternal aunt).

Scene 5 (1m 34s)

Rama and Vijaya.

Scene 6 (1m 38s)

LIF. Jo, Aditya , Rama, Sreenivas Penumarti.

Scene 8 (1m 50s)

Nithin . Rama , Jo& Aditya ( Rama’s Daughter and son).

Scene 9 (2m 0s)

Chitta Suryanaraya family at Phani’s Wdding.

Scene 10 (2m 9s)


Scene 11 (2m 19s)

Dear Rama Wish you a Happy Birthday Sree Krishna Vemuri.

Scene 12 (2m 24s)

WISH you A HAPPY BIRTHDAY It is one of those days in the year when the Supreme descends into us — or when we are face to face with the Eternal — one of those days when our soul comes in contact with the Eternal and, if we remain a little conscious. we can feel His Presence within us. If we make a little effort on this day, wo accomplish the work of many lives as in a lightning flash. It is a very very special day, for it is the day of decision, the day one can unite with the Supreme Conciousness. For the Lord lifts us on this day to the highest region possible so that our soul which is a portion of that Eternal Flame, may be united and identified with its origin. It is one of those days when the Lord Himself opens the doors wide for us. It is as though He were inviting us to rekindle more powerfully the flame of aspiration. And this — this is a real chance in life — the day of the Grace. It is an occult phenomenon that occurs invariably, without our knowledge, on this particular day of the year. The soul leaves behind the body and journeys up and up till it merges into the Source in order to replenish itself and obsorb from the Supreme its Power, Light and Ananda and comes down charged for a whole year to pass. The again and again it continues like this year after year. SRI AUROBINDO ASHRAM PONDYCHERRY -605 002 THE MOTHER.

Scene 13 (3m 8s)

What should I write about her? Do I write how I and my friend Chandra Shekhar lost our hair on the head? Do I write how I carried her in my arms or hire a rickshaw to cross the road? (Oh No Not Now) Do I write how I saved my sister’s Veena from being crushed? Do I write how the ground floor people knew that she has come without even seeing her come? Do I write the journey with her to Rishi Vally School? Do I write how I looked after her for three months when her parents went to London? (It was the time when she and her friend ShivKumar helped me in documentation of my Ph.D thesis) Do I write how Nithin used to tease and taunt her? The Tom and Jerry Do I write that She is the first girl to go to University on a two wheeler? Do I write that she is the only one who calls me by name though I am 14 years older ? Those were the wonderful days Rama the daughter, sister, wife, mother, sister in law, grand mother, friend, niece, Chef, skilled in art and craft (including culinary ) ……..Above all an ambidextrous, compassionate, loving Personality, a knowledgeable Historian and Archaeologist a voracious reader of books……and of course a Live wire. She has such a sharp eye for small details of any thing that catches her eye and the explicit memory that makes her VERY SPECIAL Sree Krishna HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAMA.

Scene 14 (4m 1s)

Meenakshi Pinni : Dear Rama! Do you recall this picnic of TIFR colony to Virar lake and Borivali National park. You were studying either in IIT school or Rishi valley school or visiting Amar at that time! PDNRao annayya Garu was also in Mumbai on official visit. We all went together and it was great fun- my mother-in-law was so sportive, taking part in games like throw ball or ring. Wonder which year it was since Navin was not in this picture. Hope you can jog your memory. Wishing you a very happy 60th Birthday-a milestone in one’s lifetime. Have a wonderful celebration with near and dear. From Attayyya and Mamayya with blessings.

Scene 15 (4m 32s)

Amar : Return to Uiniversity hostel was invariably in the morning when the baby was asleep. After reaching the hostel I used to bunk my class and sleep dreaming of the baby at home. Repeated the dreaming for her next generation too..

Scene 16 (4m 55s)

Born in Pondicherry At the height of consciousness Atmosphere vibrant and energised with Divine grace The journey of life gave it's abundance. Blessed with the innumerable aspects of the Mother Volatile like Mahakali Not tolerating the wily nature in the world Sitting on the lap of Durga With unbounded kindness, compassion and courage Imbibed with the grace of Saraswati with an infinite thirst for knowledge Rightly called the walking encyclopedia by Jo. Heavenly flavors wafting in the air with her culinary expertise Dishing out an exquisite cuisine satisfying the palette of young and old No wonder Aditya calls in the wee hours for a recipe or two, Surrounded by beauty and brightness with her skills galore, Be it art or architecture Perfection she strives for in everything she does. Wishing the Divine grace flows through you Retaining the spark and inner peace forever. Wishing you a very Happy birthday Rama. Have a great day and many many more years ahead.

Scene 17 (5m 41s)

One early evening 10 prams came out of the staff hostel. And twins sat on them. They were all ready and excited for the evening. They went for a stroll through the lush green campus. All the while singing Brown girl in the ring tra lala la, there is a brown girl in the ring tra lala la.. To the passerby it was amusing to hear this as they thought of the girl pushing the prams as a part of this song..?As they went past the swimming pool and further, that's where the girl started to sing the same song. Brown girl in the ring tra la la . This time not only the passerby were amused but even the nearby cattle took interest. This was no ordinary cattle, they had been listening to this song everyday and today they decided to have a go. So they ran after the girl who was pushing the prams. She dodged the buffalo and she ran. The twins jumped out of their prams and watched the events unfold awe struck screaming ' atta atta '.. The buffalo ran after the girl. The twins ran after the buffalo. The passerby ran after the twins. And an amused stray, who were in plenty, decided to run after the passerby. A cat who was waiting for this, ran after the stray. They ran and ran till the girl decided to sing the buffalo song and this is when the buffalo stopped and started to sway. The song was a favorite for all the kids who followed, old Mac Donald had a farm. Eeah ...And on that farm he had a buffalo ...moo moo here and a moo moo there.... This story has been alive through decades and several versions have been told, but I am sure this is it's first comical one. And this was the beginning of the famous buffalo stories.. Amar’s Son Why is 10 seen in this story is puzzling....;) Nithin Hint: There are only 10 types of people who know its relevance, ‘ those who know' and 'those who dont ' ?Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Atta !!.

Scene 18 (6m 19s)

Happy birthday on this special day, Rama akka . That’s me in your lap in Bombay (thanks for not dropping me btw). There are indelible memories of you visiting Bombay, us visiting your home in DDC, playing with Mamtu . Growing up, I was in awe of your rebel/cool aura and more recently by your deep knowledge in archaeological matters and the fine family you’ve raised! Here’s wishing you many more fun birthdays, and more frequent meetings! With Love, Navin S/o Vemuri Narasimham.

Scene 19 (6m 45s)

. . Dearest Rama,Wishing you the happiest of 60th birthdays! As you enter this special year wishing you great health and happiness! May your sense of adventure and humor keep soaring! I have the fondest memories of all the times we met over the years - starting with our summer trips to your home when I was little (Special mention to the amazing chocolate fudge you would make and the fun times with mumtoo )- to the most recent meeting at my parents place in HYD! Lookin forward to meeting in person again soon!Happy 60th birthday!Lots of love,Sujata , Ravi, Anika , Sahana.

Scene 20 (7m 16s)

. Dear Rama Wish you a very happy Milestone (60th) birthday. Welcome to the Elite group. But you still remain a Big grown up Kid for us.?On this special day May God bless you with lots of love , happiness, health, prosperity n whatever your heart desires in abundance. N may all your dreams be fulfilled. I take this opportunity to let you know you are very special special n dear to me from the time I got married into Chitta family. You have become my Kid sister with long thick plates n Chubby cheeks?.You still are the same kid for me. You are a great Inspiration n Role model for many. You have a way of brightening everyone’s world with you warm smile, care, kindness, knowledge, etc etc . You are great “ Attha Buttha ” and the love you shower on ever… Annapoorna Chitta.

Scene 21 (7m 50s)

Dear Amma Happy 60th Birthday! Thank you for everything, whether I have been close or far you have always set me up for success in whatever I wanted to pursue. Thank you for all that you have done for me and Jo! Love ADITYA.

Scene 22 (8m 7s)

abstract. abstract. RAMA & Pallavi ( Phani’s Daughter).

Scene 23 (8m 14s)

. . abstract. abstract. Rama Sreenivas.

Scene 24 (8m 27s)

Anu Chitta W/o Chitta Nithin Hi Rama atta , we are all excited about your 60th! May there be many many more years of happiness and activities.

Scene 25 (8m 40s)

iiilll/ll'. Vasantha Happy 60th Birthday to a wonderful friend.60 is just a number. We are still young!!.

Scene 26 (8m 51s)

Sasi Vemuri What can I say other than “happy birthday pitthacakoo ” … welcome to my world.

Scene 27 (9m 3s)

Dear Rama Wish you a happy and a joyful milestone birthday! Many many happy returns of the day to a sweet smiling, loving and affectionate lady, never afraid to voice her opinions about anything! Knowing how you guys celebrate birthdays in Bangalore, your dining table is going to be full of delicious desserts and cakes and colorful flower bouquets ?!!Here is to many many more !! Have a great day and a great year!!.

Scene 28 (9m 26s)

నీసోదరి అన్న పూర్ణ రమానీవు చాలా పుట్టిన రోజు లు జరుపుకోవాలని కోరుకుంటూ.

Scene 29 (9m 44s)

abstract. Happy 60th birthdayMay all your dreams come true.God bless you with good health and happy life always. Janaki Paturi.

Scene 30 (9m 56s)

O-rrerar:!. Rama Devi Wish you a very happy birthday BABU.

Scene 31 (10m 7s)

abstract. abstract. _ÄII. Rama Devi Wish you a very happy birthday Murali Usha Prateek.

Scene 32 (10m 28s)

Dear Rama Atha (Though Pinni calls her Atha ) Wish you a very happy Birthday Aravinda Gayathri Vemuri.

Scene 33 (11m 8s)

. Happy Birthday ? Best wishes Devi, Suchitra , Supriya , Gian , Ruhan and Soen.

Scene 34 (11m 29s)

abstract. Sudheendra & Pallavi. Wishing you a lovely 60th birthday! What a wonderful milestone to achieve To a fun loving aunt with always a wealth of knowledge to share.

Scene 35 (11m 42s)

Wishing You A Very Happy Birthday SARADA CHITTA. Siva , Sarada , Sandeep (daughter of Rama,s Surayya bava )..

Scene 36 (12m 6s)

Shankar Chitta. Dear Rama! On the happy occasion of completion of sixty years my hearty blessings to you. This is really a unforgettable situation in your life. Many blessings and Many more best wishes. Many more thoughtful expressions, which can never be forgotten and many experiences that have to be preserved. This is an occasion where One has to carefully collect and preserve them. Wish you all the time in all aspects - Your loving brother – Chitta Shanker.

Scene 37 (12m 34s)

Pavan Kumar Chitta Dear Rama Akka , You are a gifted person with an amazing outlook on life, keep an extraordinary family relationships which is truly inspirational. On this day when you turn 60, i wish you have a very happy birthday and have a grand celebration. Many many happy returns of the day Rama akka May you continue to be blessed....With more birthdays to come...So that you can experience things you still want to do WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY. GOD BLESS YOU, HAVE A GREAT YEAR AHEAD Rama Akka ! your Youngest brother Pavankumar Chitta ( Brother of Chitta Shanker ).

Scene 38 (13m 19s)

You're not 60! You're 16 with 44 years of experience. ?May your birthday Bring you as much happiness as you give to everyone who knows you. Happy happy happiest birthday Rama Ammamma !!???.

Scene 39 (13m 44s)

This birthday, I wish you abundant happiness and love. May all your dreams turn into reality and may lady luck visit your home. Happy birthday to one of the sweetest people I've ever known. Anjani Prasanna Chitta ( Wife of Jagannadh Chitta and Daughter in law of Shankar ).

Scene 40 (14m 3s)

Happy Birthday Rama Sreeni Janaswamy. Anjani Prasanna , Suvarna (Grand D/o Shanker ), Annapoorna ,Rama , Gayathyri Lalitha & Vdya (Grand Ds/o Shanker ), Janaki , Jyothsna /Jo ( D/o Rama) . Annapoorna , Janaki and Gayathri are sisters of Chitta Shanker and Paternal cousins of Rama.

Scene 41 (14m 15s)

Hi Rambo luv you All the health and bliss shall be your's henceforth. With love Siva Chitta (Rama’s Paternal Cousin).

Scene 42 (14m 41s)

Happy Birthday ....... Raaamaad ... aaaatttaaayyyaa ........... atta butta tan tan tan ....... Mohan S/o Late Subbarama Sarma Vemuri Rama’s Maternal Cousin.

Scene 43 (14m 54s)

— HAPPY BIRTHDAY vahd4 Name On Birthday Cake. Wishing You A Very Happy Birthday. Aruna W/o Vemuri Krishna Mohan Rama’ Maternal cousin.

Scene 44 (15m 9s)

. Malapaka Purna Chandra Rao , Malapaka Gayatri ( Chitta Shanker’s sister Malapaka Bharat Chakravarthy , Malapaka Srividya (DIL), Malapaka Bhargav Ram.

Scene 45 (15m 24s)

Dearest Rama Akka,Wishing you a Wonderful and Happy 60th!! Fondly remembered all the beautiful moments we spent together when you lived in Durgabai Deshmukh Colony, close to our place. Here is a snippet. (please enlarge to clearly see the words). Hope you have a blast on your special day!!With loads of love and good wishes!! KarunaD /o PDN Rao Prashanth and Aditya.

Scene 46 (15m 57s)

abstract. abstract. Happy birthday and have a great day Tharuna Tharuna D/o PDN Rao , Vijaya and Jo.

Scene 47 (16m 5s)

RÉOMI NOTE PRO v MI CAME" J. q.;é.:.... Wish you A happy Birthday Rama – Lakshmi and Nagraj.

Scene 48 (16m 12s)

abstract. Happy Birthday Rama Padma , Sriram Padma is D/o Indira who is sister of Chitta Seetha.

Scene 49 (16m 20s)

Cirilldtzv• RAMA DEVI. A very happy birthday to you Ramadevi . You are a very sweet person. You openminded and at the same time very emotional which you don't like to show to everybody. I love you dear. May God bless you with all that you want..

Scene 50 (16m 34s)

. Best wishes to Ramadevi on her 60th Birthday . Vemuri Murali (Rama’s Maternal Cousin) (Son of Seetha’s brother Gopi ) and Rajyalakshmi.