performance Management. 2022.
A mechanism system for tracking the performance of employees consistently and measurably. It allows the company to ensure that employees and departments across the organization are working effectively towards achieving the business' strategic goals..
Peak Cycle. PEAK CYCLE. STAGE 1: Planning & Setting Expectation Employee and Line Manager plan and set expectation through out the year. STAGE 2: KPIs Calibration Session This is the review for all KPIs . the review will be done by HR STAGE 3: Mid-Year Review (what is the progress of your KPIs, behaviors and development) STAGE 4: Year End review completion and departmental challenge session done.
What to include in KPIs for an individual. T he initiatives that is run by the department to meet the business plan and corporate score card.
Why cascade objectives?. We all work towards the same goals for ASYAD, ASYAD Drydock . Therefore, our objectives and KPIs must be aligned to the same goals.
Setting the right KPIs. 6. Make sure you know your department , Organization and ASYAD grope objectives Get your objectives right from the start, so you know where you are going and how you will get there during the year.
Setting the right KPIs. Getting SMARTER about your KPI Dashboards.
Values. 8. How do you promote core values in your company? - WorkSMART WorkSMART: Tips for a happier, more engaged workplace.
Values. HOW CONTEXT We take ownership The job is not done until it’s done We act proactively We speak out , give feedback and accept feedback We deliver on our expectations and promises We understand the purpose of your job duties in achieving larger company goals We collaborate to succeed We Listen actively We welcome differences without judgment . We involve concerned parties in our solutions and decisions. We help each other to get the job done and achieve our goals . We Innovate to grow We adopt innovative thinking and inject new ideas We challenge ourselves to improve daily work, process and future ambition We continuously improve in everything we do We embrace change internally ,locally and globally We Embrace Omani Values We welcome differences without judgment . We learn from different cultures We are welcoming and helpful We Inspire People and Unleash Potential We develop ourselves and others We celebrate our successes and learn from our failures We leverage on our strengths We empower to ensure operational continuity and service excellence.
Developing you through Performance. 50,489 Staff Training Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock.
11. Identify Job Families Competency design and Dictionary Create Job Competency Profiles (JCP) for all jobs using JDs Create PDPs for all employees using JCP’s Identify Learning Solutions Company Training Plan.
Developing you through Performance. 12. RATING DESCRIPTION POOR Did not complete development. FAIR Complete the development intervention. GOOD Complete training intervention and gaps closed by 70%. VERY GOOD Gaps closed between 80 %-100%. OUTSTANDING Gaps closed 100% and Demonstrate learning impact to the Organisation via as per agreed with LM..
Development Methods. 13. Development Solutions O-J-T Conferences & Events Coaching E-learning/ blended learning Rotation Formal courses In-house courses Secondment Professional qualification.
HOW THE INDIVIDUAL KPI sheet will look like.
SN KPI/Objective Type Weight Poor Fair Good V.Good Outstanding 1 KPI/Objectives Minimum of 3 Maximum to 5 Group 100% SMART Corporate Departmental Individual 2 Value Minimum of 3 Maximum to 5 100% Not aware of the value and demonstrated the opposite Has a limited understanding of the value but not implemented Has an understanding of the value and demonstrated to a minimum extent Has an understanding and demonstrates an implementation of the value to a large extent in the daily work Has an understanding and demonstrated implementation of the value to the extreme level 3 PDP (Development ) Max to 3 100% Did not complete development. Complete the development intervention. Complete training intervention and gaps closed by 70%. Gaps closed between 80 %-100%. Gaps closed 100% and Demonstrate learning impact to the Organisation via as per agreed with LM..
KPIs/Value Evaluation Matrix.
KPIs/Value Matrix. Elements CXOs C2 reportee to CXO C3, Leading Individual Contributor KPIs 95% 90% 90% 70% Group KPIs 25% 15% 10% 5% Corporate KPIs 70% 25% 20% 5% Department KPIs 0% 50% 40% 20% Individual KPIs 0% 0% 20% 40% PDP ( Development ) 5% 10% 10% 20% Total 100% 100% 100% -.
SN KPI/Objective Type Weight Poor Fair Good V.Good Outstanding 1 Group KPI Group KPI 5% Based on ASYAD Score Card final result 2 Corporate KPIs Corporate 5% Based on ODC Score Card final result 3 Department KPIs Departmental 20% Based on Department Score Card final result 4 PDP (Development) PDP 20% Based on PDP Yer- End result 5 Individual KPIs Individual 40% Based on the Individual KPI sheet result 6 Value Value 10% Based on the Individual KPI sheet result ( one-one discussion) Total 100%.
C3, Leading Contributor. SN KPI/Objective Type Weight Poor Fair Good V.Good Outstanding 1 Group KPI Group KPI 10% Based on ASYAD Score Card final result 2 Corporate KPIs Corporate 20% Based on ODC Score Card final result 3 Department KPIs Departmental 40% Based on Department Score Card final result 4 PDP (Development) PDP 10% Based on PDP Yer- End result 5 Individual KPIs Individual 20% Based on the Individual KPI sheet result 6 Value Value Based on 360 survey Total 100%.
Values. 20. KPIs VALUE Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding Value Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Fair Fair Fair Good Good Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding Very Good Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding Outstanding Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding.
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