[Virtual Presenter] Good morning/afternoon everyone! Today, we will be discussing different types of control statements and loop statements in the field of computer science. We will be looking at how and when to apply these statements in computer programming. Let us start by defining what control statements and loop statements are and how they are used in computer programming. Let's begin..
[Audio] Control statements are an integral part of programming, allowing for deviation in the execution of a program depending on certain conditions. These control statements include the "if" statement, "switch" statement, and "loop" statement - all used to determine whether certain operations are performed or not - as well as decision making statements and jump statements. Furthermore, loop statements like break, do while loop, for loop, continue statement, while loop, and for-each loop are used to continually repeat a set of instructions as long as a condition remains true..
[Audio] Discussing the control statements used in computer science, the if statement is the basic control flow statement in Java. It evaluates a Boolean expression and enters a block of code if true. The if-else statement adds another block of code, the else block, which is executed if the condition of the if-block is false. Lastly, the for loop statement iterates over a sequence of values or objects in a collection. It executes a block of code repeatedly until the condition is met. These are the three main control statements used in computer science..
[Audio] Nested if-statements are combinations of if-statements that are put one within another. This means that one if or else-if statement can include another if or else-if statement. Nested if-statements are beneficial when the program needs to evaluate multiple conditions, as it helps to decide which code block should be executed when multiple criteria must be met..
[Audio] Switch Statements are a way to evaluate a single expression against multiple cases. It is similar to an if-else-if statement, in which each case evaluates a potential result of the expression. Cases can be constants, ranges of values or a Default statement that is executed when no other expressions match. When using Switch Statements it's important to include the 'break;' statement at the end of each case, otherwise multiple cases can be executed. Loop statements, such as the for loop, while loop and do-while loop, are ways to condense multiple lines of code into a single statement. Each loop statement has its own syntax and condition checking time. We'll take a closer look at these statements in the next few slides..
[Audio] Without greetings and without beginning with Today: The for-each loop statement is used to iterate through a collection or array of elements. Its syntax takes the form of a keyword 'for', followed by a set of parentheses. Inside the parentheses, the data type of the loop variable is declared along with its name, followed by a colon and the name of the array or collection to iterate through. After this, the opening and closing curly brackets enclose the statements that run each time the loop is executed, and a closing parenthesis ends the statement. When the loop is executed, the current item from the array or collection being iterated through is assigned to the loop variable and the statements within the loop body are then executed. Thank you for your attention..