Our Catalytic converter. Presentation by Team TMT from Dansol High School.
Greenhouse gases have far-ranging environmental and health effects..
Our Device. In order to tackle this we came up with a device-the portable catalytic converter which would convert these toxic gases into less harmful gases..
Our catalytic converter. The catalytic converters of late have been highly inefficient and quite expensive. The portable catalytic converter would be made of catalyst like gold which can work at lower temperatures..
Our Catalytic Convrter. The portable catalytic converter would be separated into two major compartments one which would help in oxidation reactions such as the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and the other for reduction of nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and oxygen. These converters would be installed in all combustion engines..
Conclusion. The impact the portable catalytic converter would have would be huge . These would be evident as the device is introduced : Less air pollution Drop in rates of mortality due to respiratory illness Safer environment.
THANK YOU!. Presentation by: Tomisin Ige -jones Ale Damilola Chilotaram Okechukwu- E chendu.