What is Order Management?

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Order Management is the process of receiving, capturing, tracking and fulfilling customer orders. It begins when an order is received from the customer and ends when the goods are delivered..

Scene 2 (13s)

[Audio] Order Management process not only has financial implications but it also has major role to play in positive or negative customer experience..

Scene 3 (23s)

[Audio] What are the possible challenges that organizations face when performing order management? To list a few - Lack of visibility of the order status throughout the order lifecycle. Ability to provide predictable customer experience so that consistent outcomes are delivered with each order. Fast and reliable outcomes by improving processing effort and speed..

Scene 4 (48s)

[Audio] So, what is the solution for making order management a seamless process?.

Scene 5 (54s)

[Audio] Order Fulfilment Application allows you to digitally process your orders end-to-end enabling seamless customer experience.

Scene 6 (1m 4s)

[Audio] through automated order capture, replenishment order generation, dynamic order allocation and much more..

Scene 7 (1m 12s)

[Audio] Some of the problems that are addressed by the key features involve allocation of stock to orders when the quantity ordered is more than the stocks available. It also allows users to set various constraints and rules to the inventory like prioritization, reservation, credit limits, dispatch constraints. This helps the tool to determine "whom" to allocate the stocks and "how much" quantity should be allocated against each order?.

Scene 8 (1m 40s)

[Audio] Let us now dive into the tool's various functionalities starting with order capture module that enables user to upload orders in a pre-defined and agreed format to the tool by simply dropping a file to the tool or uploading it from your computer. Once the file is uploaded, you just need to process the file and the details will appear on your screen. You can choose what action you want to take further from multiple options available..

Scene 9 (2m 15s)

[Audio] Once the order is uploaded, order enrichment and order validation functionality allows modification of the data so that it can be standardized, processed and used for allocation purpose..

Scene 10 (2m 28s)

[Audio] Order allocation module of the tool encompasses a multi-step process and covers most of the key features of the tool. It would not be an exaggeration to say that order allocation process is the heart of this entire application. It includes setting up transaction tables for closing stocks, credit limits and order details to begin with. Once data is set up in the application, various rules on availability, applicability, priority, reservation are applied. On identifying the applicable inventory, next step is to perform " Allocation" based on various allocation methods like allocation by order date, proportionate order allocation, stock to norm ratio. Well! The story doesn't end here! With order allocation, there are certain post order allocation steps that are performed including trimming based on credit limits, residual stock allocation and loss tree analysis for unallocated orders..

Scene 11 (3m 29s)

[Audio] Let's move now to looking into other functionalities like replenishment order generation. Replenishment orders require identification of customers and products for which stock needs to be replenished. This would then further lead to identification of reorder levels, minimum order quantities, material type, stock norms at ordering code level, tolerance inventory & open orders, stock in transit for the selected customers and products. Apply the tolerance range and there you go, the replenishment order is ready for allocation..

Scene 12 (4m 4s)

[Audio] Stock Norm Computation allows user to compute optimal level of stock norms considering factors like demand variability, supply variability, lead time variability, inter arrival period, customer SKU segment and desired service level..

Scene 13 (4m 21s)

[Audio] To conclude, it is important that we summarize the key advantages of using Order Fulfilment Application. Some of these are: Ease of deployment, Configurable Rules, Light Coupling with Other Applications, Flexibility across customer types and geographies..

Scene 14 (4m 41s)

[Audio] Thank you for watching.. Thank you for watching.