O K R 管理. T A R G E T. 目标关键成果管理法. the conceptual significance of team okr objective management significance of team okr objective the conceptual.
目录. 1. 2. T A R G E T. 3. 4. PART 01 OKR 概述. PART 02 OKR 要点.
OKR 概述. ff'AÆOKR? What is ORR? K-NA 5-10e 3-5e O (Objective) : KR (key results).
OKR 概述. The development Of OKR 1954# 1968# *JOKR, • i±åjR (John Doerr) *SOKR0 *N/A äJH9åEüÆokr.
OKR 要点. OKRfiff'Affrffi? What's OKR worth? OKR.
OKR 要点. OKRfilKP11ßJlX%lJ The difference between OKR and KPI OKR ij&ißN, KPI o.
OKR 要点. The difference between OKR and KPI OKR thAhtäQ KPI Jwü:.
OKR 要点. OKRnqpqM$k? Four characteristics Of ORR?.
OKR 要点. The essence Of OKR is a communication toot 0 SMARTJÄIÄIJ.
OKR 原则. OKRåT5ißJDik ORR's method of scoring.
OKR 原则. OKR Alignment (Decompose Target) -L-Æäfi(O) üfiäfi(O) TQfiäfi(O).
OKR 原则. OKRfiP!JMlNlJ OKR May Fourth Principle.
OKR 原则. O's writing rules : *h$RÜ.../ü1jÅlß... +Why.
OKR 原则. KRJ$i6T6SMART)MNlJ KR should comply with SMART principles s ( Specific ) iJßiNfi (Measurable) (Attainable) (Relevant ) (Time-bound).
OKR 执行. ORR implementation process (four—step) BJEOKR ÆEAf*fiOKR; aä50KR#-$J5j.
OKR 执行. OKRßJBtfi5PDCAXffi-k%6 The execution of ORR is combined with the PDCA work method Plan PDCA 4. Action g -}YJ5-j 3s Check.
OKR 执行. o oo o iil 0000 O 01 o oo ooo äfi.
OKR 执行. 如果你最近想减肥,想定OKR来严格执行,可以定怎样的OKR? O:2021下半年,减重10公斤 KR1:每天行一万步 KR2:每顿只吃青菜 KR3:晚上八点之后不吃任何东西.
OKR 执行. 如果你想要一副强健的体魄,又需要制定什么样的OKR呢? O:2021下半年,拥有强健体魄,提高身体素质 KR1:养成运动的习惯,每周至少运动三次,减重10kg KR2:保证参加12节瑜伽课 KR3:每晚11点前睡觉.
O K R 管理. T A R G E T. 目标关键成果管理法. the conceptual significance of team okr objective management significance of team okr objective the conceptual.