Nigeria National Tracking and Alerting System Proposal for Defense Intelligence Agency [D I A]

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Nigeria National Tracking and Alerting System Proposal for Defense Intelligence AgencyD I A.

Scene 2 (10s)


Scene 3 (16s)

[Audio] the chairman mr. gideon Able-chi-lam. THE CHAIRMAN MR.GIDEON EGBUCHULAM.

Scene 4 (25s)


Scene 5 (31s)

[Audio] IS LOCATED AT 31 POPE JOHN PAUL ST 2. ma-ta-ma, ABUJA.

Scene 6 (41s)

[Audio] E.F. Network Corporation E.F. Network Corporation is a multi-national corporation and a member of EFGroup, operating in Nigeria as E.F Network Ltd, proposes to deploy a state of the art alerting technology for DIA that will track and alert the general public on a nationwide, state, local government or village basis on all threats and emergencies vital to government on public safety, protection of lives and properties. This project will save thousands of lives yearly and very proactive when properly implemented..

Scene 7 (1m 20s)

[Audio] TEST RUN ALERT. THIS IS JUST A TEST NOT AN EMERGENCY. this is Nigeria emergency broadcasting alert system, if this has been an actual emergency, the specific instruction or information would have been disclosed verbally and on the screen. this broadcast testing will occur from time to time, and its meant to test the effectiveness of Nigeria emergency broadcasting alert system. thank you and sorry for the inconveniences caused to you, but your government cares about your safety, lives and properties- goodbye and have a nice day..

Scene 8 (1m 58s)

[Audio] WHERE CAN WARNING ALERTS BE SENT? We will send alerts which will interrupt 100% of all television and radio stations broadcasting in Nigeria during government emergency alert announcement. The only thing that will appear on all TV/radio channels is government alert and nothing else. Once the announcement is over, regular programs return. We will send alert messages to all GSM handsets through installed apps. We will send alert messages to all social media outlets. We can provide to DIA other tracking apps to receive public information ( tips) and also for public to receive emergency messages from government. This is a massive dissemination and creation of awareness on threats and dangers facing the public, only found in United States of America, using almost all communication devices known to date and threats arrested where options exist. LIVES ARE SAVED INSTANTLY. Government alerts can be used to arrest kidnappers, robbers, bandits & terrorists ..

Scene 9 (3m 9s)

[Audio] BENEFITS OF EMERGENCY ALERT First is to alert/inform the public in advance on risk(s) facing them, pending or occurring at the time of announcement –real-live information. Deter and prevent crimes, reduce crimes, banditry, kidnapping, terrorism, save lives and properties. To show the public that government cares about their safety, lives and on top of the situations. Advance alerts serve as preemptive and deterrent against crimes, banditry and terrorism Natural disasters kill, and advance warning by government alert system saves lives..

Scene 10 (3m 53s)

[Audio] E.F. Network Nigeria Alert and Warning System Proposal. E.F. Nigeria NOC & National Call-center ( 911 hotline) Sends to a received alert to the satellite, which is cloud based IP powered it sends an alert to all possible configured channels for example the social media which include Facebook, twitter and the rest. Another example is the smartphone and radio and TV stations. Alert can be in Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba language.

Scene 11 (4m 30s)

[Audio] Typical NEMA State Office Configuration. Typical NEMA State Office Configuration.

Scene 12 (4m 47s)

[Audio] E.F. Network Ltd proposes a nationwide emergency alerting system to assist in arresting national security threats and help protect the people and properties of Nigeria. With over 200 million people and an area of over 356,000 square miles, Nigeria is a huge country, with equally enormous risks factors, requiring asymmetrical responses to crime, intelligence gathering and management. In the intelligence world, no one solution fits all situations or challenges. That's where EF Network becomes a good partner using its global reach. EF has given careful consideration to the vastness of this project and makes the following recommendations: (a) The system detailed in this document will have multiple redundancies and multiple touch points, to reach the most possible people in remote areas and at the fastest time and most efficient manner..

Scene 13 (5m 49s)

[Audio] THE TECHNOLOGIES EF supported by EF skyview technologies have the proven experience and capabilities to design, deliver and maintain a system of this magnitude. All EF systems feature the latest technology, industrial standards, and are modular to insure long lasting, reliable service to Nigeria. All products are 100% United States grade using the highest and strictest requirement by America government. The products are same as used in United states today, therefore, highest standards are guaranteed..

Scene 14 (6m 29s)

[Audio] Global EF skyview System Overview EF recommends multiple message delivery paths for message origination and distribution. Message Origination The heart of all EF systems is our Alert Studio Message Origination Portal. Designed to be both cloud-based and locally hosted, to provide redundant paths for message origination. National, regional, state and local NEMA , Police or emergency– 911 centers will each have the ability to send direct messages to everyone, or specific groups of people within their area of responsibility. Message Dissemination and interruption of broadcasting Once messages are sent from Alert Studio, our methods will reach the most people in the shortest possible time, in any emergency situation. Systems recommended in this proposal are: EFskyview studio– Audio for Radio and TV station program interruption. Social Media / Websites – Posting messages on Facebook, Twitter and other social media / websites.

Scene 15 (7m 44s)

[Audio] EFskview ENDEC. EFskview ENDEC.

Scene 16 (7m 53s)

[Audio] TV ENEC. TV ENEC. abstract.

Scene 17 (8m 7s)

[Audio] Social Media.EF delivers Social Media Messages though the ALERT STUDIO portal. Social media is quickly becoming a major source of information for millions of people. It is not uncommon for many people to hear of breaking news from social media long before traditional media. No emergency management organization would be considered up to date on the latest technology without interaction with the major social media sites. EF Alert Studio can send messages to Facebook and Twitter simultaneously as it send to traditional Emergency alerts and other alerting methods. twitter. and facebook..

Scene 18 (8m 52s)

[Audio] WE PROVIDE Radio Audio Interrupt EF Network through its EF sky view delivery system and Alert Studio Message Origination Portal, has the ability to directly connect with emergency devices on all television and radio stations in the country. Several methods of delivery have been used successfully: Satellite, IP network and over-the-air-daisy chain. Through the use of Digital ENDEC, EF will provide these units, preprogrammed for installation at every radio station in your country. Messages will be originated by authorized official with Alert Studio. Area and message content will be selected, then message will instantly be transmitted to any / all locations and devices selected. These messages can be configured to override local broadcasts, making it mandatory that the messages are broadcast as originally created by the authorized official..

Scene 19 (9m 52s)

[Audio] We ProvideTraining / Installation of primary national location EF will provide qualified personnel to oversee initial installation at a television and radio stations, television stations and conduct extensive training for the remainder of the project. EF personnel will conduct multiple on-line webinars for the purpose of training additional system users on the correct operation of Alert Studio and alerting devices provided by EF sky view. Ongoing training onsite and via web conference, will be scheduled when new features are added to Alert Studio. It is recommended that a local, technically proficient official, be responsible for ongoing training of local personnel and maintenance..

Scene 20 (10m 40s)

[Audio] NIGERIA Ni CoM SaT DIA shall secure the rights to use Nicom Sat ( Nigeria satellite) for redundancy operation and save some costs for Nigeria and transfer the right to EF Network for the project..

Scene 21 (10m 57s)

[Audio] OTHER OPTIONAL FEATURES These features maybe added at the discretion of the government: Road billboards-These are billboards placed on roads to display satellite alert messages for road users. 2. Radio Loud Speakers-Radio loud speakers are placed at communities to blast announce imminent dangers facing the communities and advice those villagers on action(s) to take. 3. LED Road signs-These show alert news on highways or roads. Its like reading the news on LED screen..

Scene 22 (11m 42s)

[Audio] PROJECT SUMMARY- Public Private Partnership Project with guaranteed management, upgrade and maintenance for 5-10 years Features: EFskyview Alert Studio Message Origination Portal - Nationwide management defense contract for 5- 10 years ( Public Private Partnership) - Language – All systems delivered in English. Conversion to Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa - Emergency Audio interrupt for all radio , TV and AM stations Smartphone applications for Apple and Android based devices. Nationwide coverage, Free app download for all citizens Social Media integration for Facebook and Twitter to official Nigerian emergency Management accounts . Installation and Training – EF will provide onsite system installation for radio/ TV stations. - Training and documentation will be provided to Nigerian government personnel that will install all radio stations and computer systems / networks outside the capital city after handover. EF will accept a negotiated management fee if governments desires for the company to manage the warning systems or government can manage it for themselves..