[Audio] My greating to one and all me omkar anandkar from first year pharm D Today we are going to study about radiopharmaceuticals ..
[Audio] The radioactivity The phenomenon of spontaneous emission of certain kind of invisible radiation by some substance is called radioactivity. The radioactive substance used in diagnosis and treatment of some disease like cancer are called radiopharmaceuticals. As we see in the image the radionuclide is linked to target molecule and treats cancer cell ..
[Audio] What are Radioactive substance Substance having property of emitting rays or particles which affects the photographic plate . The elements are known as radioactive because they are unstable and undergo decomposition along with emission of radiation or rays.
[Audio] The radiation or rays which are emitted are follow Alpha rays Beta rays Gamma rays.
[Audio] The Alpha rays They carry 2 positive charge They have a mass of 4 amu They have low penetrating power.
[Audio] The emission of alpha particle The number decreases by 2 unit and mass number decreases by 4 unit..
[Audio] Beta rays They have negligible mass Beta particle carry one unit of negative charge.
[Audio] These have 2 type 1 electrically positive charged particle which are called positrons 2 electrically negatively charged particles which are called Negatrons.
[Audio] Gamma rays These have been more penetrating then alpha and beta rays They have no mass or charge They are uncharged and have poor ionizing power These rays are neutral that is do not carry charges.
[Audio] Gamma rays are produced during distintegration of radioactive substance along with beta radiation and during nuclear fission.
[Audio] The unstable atom have some chemical and properties as parent element but different kinetic properties They are of 3 type isotopes, isobars , isotones 1The atoms of the same element which have the same atomic no. but different mass number are knows as isotopes 2Atoms of different element having the same mass no. but different atomic no. are called isobars 3Atoms of different elements containing the same no. of neutrons but different no. of total nucleons are called isotones.
[Audio] Radioisotopes There are 2 types of radioisotopes First Natural radionuclide Second Artifical radionuclides.
[Audio] Radioactive Decay Constant. Radioactive Decay Constant.
[Audio] Half life Time required for a radioactive isotope to decay to one half of its initial value ..