[Audio] Welcome to Fair Trade Outsourcing. Today, you will be having your HR Orientation..
[Audio] Fair Trade Outsourcing™ is a fast-growing BPO company, center in the Philippines and other parts of the globe that provides impact sourcing work for all kinds of businesses. Aside from Philippines, we have other sites from Guadalajara and Chihuahua Mexico. Accra in Ghana..
[Audio] What is Fair Trade Outsourcing? A sustainable outsourcing company with a strong focus on knowledge work and sustainability. Sustainable in the sense that the company provides long-term middle-class employment to talented Filipino workers..
[Audio] What is our Vision? We seek to reduce global poverty and economic insecurity by creating sustainable middle-class employment, eventually growing a new generation of capital owners from wage earners..
[Audio] What is our Mission? We are a Fair Trade Outsourcing Center Company that delivers superior results for clients by valuing our agents, ensuring their safety, and improving their economic welfare..
[Audio] Fair Trade Outsourcing Ph. Inc conducts the discipline management orientation to newly hired employees. Disciplinary management is about following a fair and reasonable process with an employee to deal with an issue of misconduct, to improve performance or to correct unacceptable employee behavior..
[Audio] INTERNET USAGE POLICY Use of the Internet by employees of FTO is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the goals and objectives of the business. Browsing or accessing malicious and non-work related websites for Gambling, Adult/Porn, Social Networking, Auction, Shopping, Sports, News, Gaming, Video Sharing, Proxy, Torrent/P2P, Drug related, Racism, Terrorism, etc. is not allowed at any time..
[Audio] DRESS CODE POLICY You can see in your screen the allowed and not allowed dress or attire inside the company premise. At the left side of your screen, you can see the the allowed dress or attire inside the company premise On the other hand, at the right side of your screen, are the not allowed dress or attire inside the company premise..
[Audio] CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Employees must keep confidential information, procedures, work process, work products, or documents which came to their knowledge in the course of working with the company, even if these are not treated as confidential by the company. This duty of confidentiality must be maintained at all times even when employees have resigned or have been dismissed from the company. Violation of this confidentiality clause shall subject the employee concerned to disciplinary action, without prejudice to the company's right to seek damages. In case the employee is no longer connected with the company and such violation is committed, the company shall have the right to institute the necessary legal action against the employee..
[Audio] POLICY NO. 5 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND FAIR TREATMENT POLICY PERSONNEL No recruitment officer and personnel directly involved in the recruitment process shall interview and/or hire any applicant who is a family member or relative by consanguinity up to the fourth civil degree, member of the same household or someone with whom he/she has an intimate relationship with..
[Audio] PERSONNEL POLICY NO. 5 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND FAIR TREATMENT POLICY The hiring of immediate family, members of the same household or someone with whom officer has an intimate relationship with is not strictly prohibited except for Board of Directors, Corporate officers and managerial employees. An applicant shall disclose in her application form her relation with regards to any officer or employee in the Company. Failure to disclose her relationship with people working in Fair Trade Outsourcing shall be considered false statements and shall be a ground for termination within the first six months of her employment..
[Audio] Notice to Explain Process Notice to Explain is a show cause letter or legal document that requires an erring employee to explain his/her involvement in an alleged incident. Notice to Explain arises when the erring employee was being endorsed to Human Resources – Employee Relations for the alleged incident. The Human Resources Business Partners handles the case or cases or employee related infractions. The Human Resources Business Partners will send a notice to explain to the erring employee to explain his or her side. A written explanation from the erring employee should be provided for the alleged incident. If the case is heavy, then the Human Resources Business Partners will conduct a Notice of Plenary conference or administrative conference. To further investigate and hear the side of erring employee. Once the Human Resources Business Partners have all the information or Data needed, they will assess and evaluate and will come to an issuance of Notice of Decision or Notice of Disciplinary Action..
[Audio] PROGRESSIVE ACTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT C stands for Coaching WR – Stands for Written Reprimand FWR - Stands for Final Written Reprimand S – stands for Suspension D or T – stands for Dismissal or Termination.
[Audio] Section 1. OFFENSES RELATED TO ATTENDANCE AND/OR WORK PERFORMANCE In letter A, Leaving or abandoning of work assignment during work hours or going undertime without reasonable cause or without the permission of the immediate supervisor/manager or any of his authorized representative. If the erring employee was proven violation this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for Written warning. On second offense, that will be for Final written reprimand, on third offense will be for suspension and on forth offense that will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Next, Failure to render overtime without justifiable reason after signifying willingness to perform authorized overtime work. If the erring employee was proven violation this code of conduct, on the Fourth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment Letter C, Failure to report to work promptly upon expiration of any applied leave without any justifiable reason. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment.
[Audio] Letter D, Engaging in horseplay; Exhibiting disruptive and/or noisy conduct which tends to disturb the work of other employees. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. In letter E, Loafing or loitering during working hours or on shift. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter F. Frequently entertaining personal visitors during working hours. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter G, Abuse of regular break periods. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter H, Failure to time in/out or log in or log out for the shift. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter I, Sleeping during working hours or while on shift. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter J, Tardiness without justifiable cause not exceeding thirty (30) minutes in a month. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter K, Tardiness without justifiable cause exceeding thirty (30) minutes in a month. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the third offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter L, Habitual tardiness without justifiable cause (i.e., more than three (3) consecutive days of tardiness). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter M, Absence without permission or reasonable cause (i.e., No Call, No Show [NCNS]). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the Third offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter N, Three (3) and below inexcusable or unauthorized absences in a month. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the Second offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter O, More than three (3) inexcusable or unauthorized absences in a month. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter P, Habitual absences without notice to the immediate supervisor or any of his authorized representative and justifiable cause (i.e., absent for three (3) consecutive days). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter Q, Failure to observe the prescribed dress code without justifiable cause. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fifth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter R, Simple negligence or failure to follow standard operating procedures or processes of the account/department or unit to which he or she is assigned or delegated. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter S, Willful negligence or unjustifiable disregard for standard operating procedures or processes of the account/department or unit to which he or she is assigned or delegated. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter T, Unsatisfactory rating, poor work performance (when quantifiable) or failure to meet quotas, when applicable (i.e., SAT Score). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. Letter U, Complete disregard to render customer service resulting to a client escalation, when applicable. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for Dismissal or Termination of his or her employment. (V) Other circumstances similar to or analogous to the foregoing under section 1, Offenses related to attendance and or work performance..
[Audio] Section 2. OFFENSES AGAINST PERSONS In letter A, Provoking or instigating a fight within company premises or during an official company event. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for Suspension. On second offense, that will be for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Bullying, threats, intimidation, coercion or harassment of another employee within or outside the company premises. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for Suspension. On second offense, that will be for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter C, Inflicting physical injuries against a co- worker, or supervisor/manager or any of his authorized representative within the company premises. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter D, Causing physical injuries, within the premises of the company to co-workers or supervisor/manager or any of his authorized representative while under the influence of drugs, alcohol and other illegal substances. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter E, Reckless imprudence or negligence resulting to the death or serious injury of a co- employee, management or staff within or outside of company premises. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Endangering the safety or security of other employees, or supervisor/manager or any of his authorized representative through negligence, false declarations, or fraud. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. In Letter G, Commission of any acts similar, related, or analogous to the foregoing. Under section 2, Offenses against persons,..
[Audio] Section 3. OFFENSES AGAINST PROPERTY In Letter A, Malversation or Misappropriation of company funds (the acts constituting the crimes of malversation, or misappropriation as defined and punished under relevant penal laws shall be adopted herein). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Any form of theft, whether attempted or consummated, of company property, property of co-employees, visitors or clients or third parties committed within the company premises. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter C, Willful destruction of company property with monetary value of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) and below. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter D, Willful destruction of company property with monetary value of more than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter E, Damage to company property, equipment, or assets, through negligence or reckless, inappropriate, improper or misuse thereof, with monetary value of Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) and below. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Damage to company property, equipment, or assets, through negligence or reckless, inappropriate, improper or misuse thereof, with monetary value of more than Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter G, Unauthorized possession of access devices or tools (i.e., master keys which can open lockers, drawers, cabinet, rooms or offices, source codes/computer programs/encryption keys that can unlock systems or software). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter H, Accessing of unpermitted websites and applications and the use of company machines and operating systems for non- work-related matters. For example the act violating the Internet Usage Policy, If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the third offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. And Letter I, Commission of any acts similar, related, or analogous to the foregoing under section 3, Offenses against property..
[Audio] Section 4. OFFENSES AGAINTS SECURITY In Letter A, Neglect use of ID or any other system of identification provided or required by the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Unauthorized possession of dangerous weapons or any explosives within the premises of the company (i.e., Knife, Guns). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter C, Failure to observe company policies with regard to security measures, requirements, or procedures. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter D, Sabotage or attempting to sabotage the operations of the company with intent to inflict business losses such as but not limited to the following: First, Spying or obtaining information from the organization confidential records or inducing others to spy or obtain information for the purpose of discrediting the organization and/or transmitting the same to others to the prejudice of the company; Letter B, Making false or malicious statements or allegations concerning the company; Letter C, Revealing the trade secrets of the company and other confidential information without proper authorization from the Management; and Letter D, Any other acts analogous to the foregoing which tend to besmirch the good reputation of the Company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] In Letter E, Bringing or attempting to bring dangerous drugs, alcoholic beverages, or illegal substances within the company premises, or during an official company event. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Reporting to work under the influence of liquor, dangerous drugs or illegal substances including those, but not limited to those outlined under Republic Act No. 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter G, Commission of any acts similar, related or analogous to the foregoing under section 4, offenses against security.
[Audio] Section 5. FRAUDULENT ACTS In Letter A, Falsification of application/s for certificate of attendance or any other timekeeping or daily attendance records by employees other than those occupying positions fiduciary in nature. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Falsification of application/s for certificate of attendance or any other timekeeping or daily attendance records by employees occupying positions fiduciary in nature. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter C, Falsification of company records, reports, receipts, papers or other documents. forgery of signature of co- workers, company officers, and managers. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter D, Falsification of employment records, including the submission of false statements and/or documents during the application for employment in the company. For example, a newly hired employee submitted his / her certificate of employment from previous job or work for requirement compliance. During Back ground checking, the recruitment team found out that the details in the certificate of employment submitted by the employee, did not matched with the information from previous company provided. Such action or example will be fall violating this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter E, Using a fictitious name or using another employee's name for the purpose of concealing an offense or evading responsibility therefor. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Submission of forged or falsified documents for purposes of reimbursement of funds. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter G, Providing false testimony during company investigations, hearings or conferences. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter H, Obtaining or attempting to obtain company documents through a fraudulent means or schemes. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter I, Altering or tampering, in any form or manner, any information, or content of e- mail, messages, postings either with intent to mislead or destroy, or commit fraud or deception. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter J, Willful failure to report, when there is an obligation to do so, a clear violation of the policies, standard operating procedures (SOP) or other processes as established by the company or Client. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter K, Concealment of a clear violation of the policies, standard operating procedures (SOP) or other processes established by the company or Client. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter L, Concealment of any evidence to prevent the discovery of an offense, whether or not there is a pending administrative hearing or investigation. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter M, Planting or tampering, in any form or manner, any evidence involving himself or another for the purpose of: First in letter A, Exonerating himself or another, second, letter B, Implicating the another in the commission of an offense and lastly, in Letter C, Evasion responsibility for the commission of the crime or offense. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. In letter N, False pretenses or acting in the name of the company without proper authorization for purposes of pecuniary or work-related gain. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter O, Commission of any acts similar, related or analogous to the foregoing under section 5 Fraudulent Acts..
[Audio] Section 6. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS, PERSONAL HONOR and COMPANY REPUTATION In Letter A, Using indecent, derogatory, besmirching or abusive words, with the clear intent of projecting hate, whether made verbally or in writing, against co- employees, the company's officers, clients, management officers and staff. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, The circulation of false or malicious information which tends to malign or besmirch the good reputation of the company, including, but not limited to, the spreading or dissemination of misleading information against the company, its clients and business partners. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter C, Taking part in or promoting gambling, in all forms, whether online, in person or any other mode, within the company's premises. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter D, Commission of any immoral or indecent acts, within the premises of the Company which may include, but not limited to, actions of a sexual nature. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter E, The use of profane or obscene language, with the clear intent to cause public humiliation or embarrassment, in addressing another employee or person within the premises of the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter F, The exhibition or distribution of pornographic content including the possession of the same within the premises of the Company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter G, The engagement of an employee to illicit relationship with another co- employee under scandalous circumstances whether within or outside of the premises of the Company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter H, Any other scandalous or immoral acts analogous the foregoing committed by an employee of section 6, Offenses against public morals, personal honor and company reputation.
[Audio] Section 7. OFFENSES RELATED TO HEALTH and Safety In Letter A, Creating, causing or contributing to the unsanitary, non-hygienic, or disorderly conditions within the premises of the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for fifth offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Willful disregard and violation of the safety signages and other warning signs posted within the premises of the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for third offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter C, Smoking, vaping or the use of any electronic device mimicking the foregoing, within the premises of the company, or company owned vehicles, If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter D, The willful or deliberate blocking of the emergency exits or placing of any object which tends to obstruct the emergency exits. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for third offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter E, Misdeclaration of the true state of health, disease or infection, or submission of false reports and information related to one's medical condition, when truthful disclosure is required by law. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Conveyance of false or misleading medical or health information, including exposure to infected individuals, for the purpose of gaining concessions from the company, or to avail of government or company-initiated benefits. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter G, Reporting to work despite knowledge of testing positive for a contagious disease (i.e., COVID, Chicken Pox, Sore Eyes) that could endanger the health of the employees or affect the business operations of the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter H, The willful refusal to submit to any medical examination necessary to secure the safety and health of the workforce (i.e., PCR-Test, Rapid Test, Annual Physical Examination). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter I, The willful refusal to submit to a medical evaluation or obtain clearance or fit to work permit from an accredited government or any medical specialist when necessary. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter J, The willful refusal to undergo random drug testing or testing for any banned substance, as required by company policy or law. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter K, The tampering, alteration or falsification of any laboratory result, medical certificate or health declaration in order to circumvent company policy on attendances, employment and/or governmental compliance. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter L, Failure to follow mandatory health protocols, rules and regulations set by the management or the government. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the fourth offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter M, Any related conduct, similar or analogous the foregoing of section 7, offenses related to health and safety..
[Audio] Section 8. OFFENSES CONSTITUTING MISBEHAVIOR/MISCONDUCT In Letter A, Sexual Harassment as defined under Department Order No. 147-15 of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter B, Gross disobedience or deliberate refusal to obey reasonable and/or lawful directives or instructions of superiors, and/or management officers. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter C, Gross disrespect towards co- employees, management and staff, including but not limited to the utterance of obscene, insulting or offensive words, whether or not committed for the purpose of inflicting hate, humiliation or embarrassment. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter D, Abuse of position and/or authority for personal gain or using position or authority to take advantage of, intimidate or harass co-employees. For Example, the act of power tripping. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter E, Engaging in any business activity during working hours, or any commercial activity that is in direct conflict with the interest of the company regardless of whether or not the same is done during working hours. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, for first offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter F, Deliberate or willful refusal to answer or respond to any memorandum, Show- Cause Order, Notice-to-Explain, notice or other similar instruction or directive from the Human Resources Department or any company department, section or unit that has authority to issue the foregoing, without justifiable cause. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the third offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter G, Participating in civic, political, religious, charitable, educational, cultural, recreational, or other similar activities during working hours, without authorization from the management. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter H, Unjustified refusal to submit to an official or company investigation, in matters that have legal implications or effects for the company. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter I, The unjustified refusal to render overtime, when the same is mandatory and necessary, to avoid company losses or to meet any deadline set by the Client. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the third offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Letter K, Unjustified refusal to implement or carry out a reasonable or lawful directive, issuance, instruction or policy, issued by the Management. If the erring employee was proven violated this code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter M, Any related conduct, similar or analogous the foregoing of section 8, Offenses constituting misbehavior or misconduct..
[Audio] Section 9. OFFENSES VIOLATING THE PROVISIONS OF THE DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 In Letter A, Unauthorized processing of personal information and/or sensitive personal information. Letter B, Accessing personal information and/or sensitive personal information due to negligence. Letter C, Improper disposal of personal information and/or sensitive personal information. Letter D, Processing of personal information and/or sensitive personal information for unauthorized purposes. Letter E, Unauthorized access or intentional breach. If the erring employee was proven violated the following code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment..
[Audio] Next is Letter F, Concealment of security breaches involving sensitive personal information. Letter G, Malicious disclosure. Letter H, Unauthorized disclosure. If the erring employee was proven violated the following code of conduct, on the second offense will be subject for dismissal or termination of his or her employment. Letter I, Any similar cases analogous to the foregoing of section 9, offenses violating the provisions of the data privacy act of 2012..
[Audio] RESIGNATION PROCESS Type 1: Separation by Resignation (Voluntary Separation) Step 1: the employee has to submit an original and signed resignation letter to his/her direct supervisor or direct manager. If approved, the document has to be signed by the immediate direct supervisor or direct manager before endorsing the document to HRO. Direct Supervisor/Manager to send through email ([email protected]) the approved resignation letter to HR with this template: Subject: RESIGNATION: Name - Emp ID Account/Site (Ex: RESIGNATION: John Doe - FTO-1234 ProctorU/ILO).
[Audio] Step 2: A 30 day-notice (at least) from the employee is required from the time the letter has been acknowledged as received. Should the effective date be less than 30 days, approval from the manager must be secured and submitted to HR. (If Resignation of less than 30 days is not approved, then the employee and direct supervisor or direct manager must discuss decision herewith).
[Audio] Step 3: Upon receiving of approved Resignation Letter, HR Officer will trigger in sending Exit Process of the employee through email with an attached Exit Interview Link and Clearance Form. Then HR Officer will remind direct supervisor or direct manager and the employee to verify all applied Certificate of attendance prior to the separation date. Step 4: After rendering 30 days, EE surrender all company owned property. (Via Flectra, once HR officer triggers the separation, a system generated email notification will be sent to all departments involved in the process.) Note: Settle and liquidate all pending accounts if there are, surrender ID, HMO Card and other assets entrusted in your care. If an employee has an existing loan from any government agency, secure from Payroll Letter of Advice of separation from company and submit to Payroll once signed. Step 5: Clearance Form should be secured and processed with the following departments: Operations Department, IT Department, HR Department, Payroll Department, Admin Department and Accounting Department..
[Audio] ATTENDANCE INFRACTION REPORT or (AIR) POLICY Employees who incur unauthorized absences for Proctor U account, 2 days consecutive no call no show or ncns, while with other accounts and departments 3 days consecutive no call no show or ncns, after the endorsement from the immediate head, still the employee failed to report to work, the Human Resources Business Partner will send a Notice to explain with Return to work to the erring employee. The erring employee will have 5 calendar days from the receipt of the notice to provide a written explanation of his or her side, Failure to respond within the period provided constitutes to willful disobedience Then, The Human Resources Business Partner will send a Notice of disciplinary action or Notice of decision for the infraction committed by the erring employee..