PowerPoint Presentation

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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (31s)

[Audio] We will be discussing Animal Cells and their structure. This is an important topic for Grade 9 students here at G. Pulla Reddy High School. Cell organelles are small structures in a cell surrounded by a membrane and with a specific job to do. Two of the main functions of cell organelles are to store genetic information and produce chemical energy. Examples of cell organelles that help with this include mitochondria and ribosomes. Mitochondria produce the chemical energy that allows the cell to function as it should, and ribosomes help to assemble proteins. In addition, animal cells and plant cells have some differences between them. Now that you are aware of what cell organelles are and what they do, let's move on to the next slide and learn more!.

Scene 3 (1m 22s)

[Audio] We'll be discussing the structure of animal cells and their organelles, looking at how these cells are constructed and the purpose of each organelle. We have an illustration to help us visualize the structure of an animal cell, credited to an unknown author and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Let's explore what we can learn about the structure of these cells..

Scene 4 (1m 46s)

A diagram of different types of cells Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 5 (2m 0s)

[Audio] Animal cells are remarkable! Different shapes and sizes, yet the same structure. All cells have a cell membrane protecting its content, as well as organelles providing the cell with energy and structure. Through this activity, we can observe an animal cell and discover the role and purpose of its components..

Scene 6 (2m 22s)

[Audio] Animal cells are the foundation of all living organisms, varying in size, shape, and intricacy. Here is a representation of a plant cell, comprising of the cell membrane, the nucleus, and a few other minor components. Studying the parts of a cell aids us to better understand how the organism works as a whole. In Grade 9 at G. Pulla Reddy High School, we are exploring the cell structure..

Scene 7 (2m 49s)

[Audio] Animal cells are a complex and necessary part of life on Earth. Each cell is made up of organelles that have specific functions to keep us alive and healthy. Grade 9 students at G. Pulla Reddy High School are learning about the structure of animal cells and their organelles with the help of a PowerPoint. As seen in this picture, plant cells contain a membrane-bound organelle called a vacuole which is filled with water. Appreciated for joining us and hopefully something new was learnt..