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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Our presentation today centers on responsible alcohol sales and service. As the saying goes "Training Alcohol Providers sell responsibly serve responsibly." This essential principle is the foundation of our training course. Moving on to the next slide we would like to emphasize that all materials from Illinois Casualty Company are their exclusive property and cannot be copied or shared without written consent from an officer..

Scene 2 (28s)

[Audio] This is a training on responsible alcohol service and insurance protection for the food and beverage industry. The material is the exclusive property of Illinois Casualty Company and cannot be reproduced without written permission. The presentation will cover the challenging task of serving alcohol responsibly including tips for identifying and handling intoxicated customers. We will also announce an upcoming review and exam as well as breaks throughout the presentation. Let's begin..

Scene 3 (57s)

undefined. [Audio] Let's now transition to slide number 3 where we will discuss the challenges that alcohol providers encounter. As the quote indicates your role is demanding as you balance fulfilling orders providing customer service and monitoring for signs of intoxication. Our objective for today is to equip you with techniques and advice on how to handle these scenarios successfully. Throughout the session there will be opportunities for questions and dialogue and we will end with a recap and assessment. Please feel free to engage and ask questions during the presentation. Let's now move on to the agenda for the session..

Scene 4 (1m 40s)

[Audio] Welcome to slide number 4 of our presentation titled "Training Alcohol Providers: sell responsibly serve responsibly." As professionals in the food and beverage industry each of you has a difficult job. On a busy night you have to quickly take orders handle money and also keep an eye out for signs of intoxication among your customers. If you determine that someone is already intoxicated you then have to handle the situation while providing great customer service. You are the experts who deal with this every day. Our goal today is to have a discussion on how to recognize signs of intoxication in customers and to provide you with some tips and strategies to effectively handle such situations. I hope that today's session will be beneficial for you and that you will learn some new skills that you can apply in your job. At the end we will review the information discussed and take an exam. We will also have periodic breaks throughout the presentation so please feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. Now let's take a look at our agenda for today: Introduction Effects of Alcohol Effective Server Responses and Wrap-Up. Let's continue with the presentation..

Scene 5 (2m 56s)

Who is Illinois Casualty Company? Why Are We Here? Fact or Fiction? Commonly Used Terms.

Scene 6 (3m 7s)

[Audio] Illinois Casualty Company is an experienced insurance company that focuses on providing comprehensive coverage for the food and beverage industry in several states. They offer various options such as Liquor Liability Business Owners Property General Liability Umbrella and Workers Compensation. Moving on to the next slide we will briefly go over the information just shared..

Scene 7 (3m 32s)

[Audio] During this stage of our training we will cover the value of responsible selling and serving of alcohol. This training may be mandatory in your region and if so we will guarantee that you obtain the proper certification. As providers of alcohol you play a crucial role in monitoring drinking behavior. In recent years there has been a growing societal awareness of the consequences of alcohol misuse. With this heightened awareness comes a greater responsibility for all of us. Your role can make a significant impact in preventing potential harm to others. Your participation in this session not only benefits your employer but also contributes to the decrease of liquor liability claims. Just one alcohol-related fatality can result in significant financial consequences which is why your attendance is of utmost importance. In fact your employer may even qualify for a reduction in premiums due to your commitment to responsible selling and serving of alcohol. Now let's dive into the purpose of our meeting today. This training may be required by your state or municipality but more importantly it allows us to become responsible sellers and servers of alcohol. Your willingness to learn and improve in this critical aspect of the food and beverage industry is greatly appreciated..

Scene 8 (4m 50s)

[Audio] We are now on slide 8 out of a total of 44 slides. In this part of our presentation we will be discussing the important topic of responsible alcohol selling and serving. Alcohol consumption is a big part of the food and beverage industry and it's crucial to ensure it's done responsibly. That's why as a company we have provided insurance protection exclusively for this industry since 1950. Before we dive into the details let's have some fun and play a game of Fact or Fiction. I will state a statement and by a show of hands we'll see if you think it's true or just a myth. This will help us understand our audience's knowledge and beliefs on responsible alcohol practices. Our first statement is: Alcohol consumption leads to increased profits for businesses. Please raise your hand if you think this is true and if you believe it's just a myth. As we can see there are mixed opinions on this statement. This highlights the importance of discussing proper ways of selling and serving alcohol to ensure the safety and well-being of both customers and businesses. Let's continue our presentation and learn more about responsible alcohol practices..

Scene 9 (6m 3s)

[Audio] Alcohol providers must be diligent in both selling and serving alcohol responsibly. But how can we determine when it is appropriate to stop serving a customer? While having a breathalyzer would be ideal it is not always practical. However there are other methods to gauge a person's level of intoxication. In this training we will explore physical signs and behavioral cues to assist with this decision. Let's proceed and equip ourselves with the necessary skills for responsible alcohol service. Next we will address a misconception: Is it possible to accurately determine if a patron is intoxicated without a breathalyzer?.

Scene 10 (6m 40s)

[Audio] Moving to slide 10 we will discuss the impacts of alcohol absorption on the body. There are physiological differences between men and women in this regard. Women typically have higher B-A-C and show signs of intoxication sooner due to their smaller size and lower alcohol absorption. This is a fact. We will then examine how this difference affects responsible alcohol serving and selling. Moving on to the next slide we will discuss the importance of this information for alcohol providers..

Scene 11 (7m 10s)

[Audio] Welcome to slide number 11 of our presentation on Training Alcohol Providers. Today we will be discussing the important topic of tolerance when it comes to alcohol consumption. First it is important to understand what tolerance actually means. It is not about being able to consume more alcohol without getting drunk. Tolerance is the ability to mask the signs of intoxication meaning that someone may appear sober but actually have a higher B-A-C--. This is crucial to remember especially for those responsible for serving alcohol. For example a patron may seem fine but could still have a B-A-C over the legal limit if pulled over by a police officer. This could have serious consequences for both the patron and the establishment that served them. Later in the presentation we will cover strategies for dealing with patrons with a high tolerance. But for now let's remember that a high tolerance does not equate to safer drinking. It is always important to serve responsibly and be aware of the signs of intoxication. Let's dispel the misconception that tolerance means being able to drink more without consequences. Thank you for listening and let's move on to the next topic..

Scene 12 (8m 15s)

[Audio] Cocktails require balance too much of one ingredient can ruin the drink. Take margaritas for example: a well-made one is enjoyable but too much sour mix or tequila makes it undrinkable. This is why alcohol providers must accurately measure their drinks. It's not just about taste but also about profits. Over-pouring leads to wasted resources and loss of profits. Accurate measurement is a simple solution. Most importantly it's a responsible practice. Customers trust that their drink has a similar alcohol content as wine or beer. Extra shots can lead to faster intoxication and make it difficult for bartenders to keep track of patrons' drinks. This is why reasonable measures must be in place to prevent intoxication. Some argue that only bad bartenders need to measure drinks but it's a crucial aspect of responsible alcohol service. Let's not allow myths and misconceptions to hinder us from serving and selling alcohol responsibly. Our goal should be a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone..

Scene 13 (9m 15s)

[Audio] Fellow alcohol providers as we continue our responsible selling and serving training we must address a crucial topic: minors and alcohol. It is a common misconception that individuals under 21 can handle alcohol responsibly. However that is not the case. Our responsibility as providers is to not sell or serve alcohol to minors. You may be wondering about the personal implications of this. Well in many states there are fines for selling alcohol to minors. For instance in Indiana it is considered a Class B misdemeanor under the IC 7.1-5-7-8 law. But the consequences do not end with fines. If a minor is involved in an accident after drinking at our establishment our employer could be held liable under liquor liability laws. Later on we will cover acceptable and unacceptable forms of identification and how to properly check IDs to prevent minors from accessing alcohol. Remember if a minor is served it becomes our problem as well. Let's work together to create a safe and responsible environment for our customers..

Scene 14 (10m 23s)

[Audio] Welcome everyone to our training on responsible alcohol service. We will be discussing common terms and definitions related to intoxication and alcohol liability. Let's start with the definition of intoxication. In terms of liquor liability intoxication is when alcohol consumption impairs an individual's mental or physical faculties regardless of blood alcohol content. However we will also touch on B-A-C levels which measure alcohol in the blood. It's important to note that the legal driving limit in all states is .08 B-A-C--. Moving on let's discuss A-I-P or the allegedly intoxicated person. This is the individual who may be held accountable in a liquor liability claim such as the driver in a car accident. Lastly you may have heard of D-U-I D-W-I and O-W-I which refer to drunk driving offenses. Each state has different terminology for these offenses which I have listed for your reference. Remember being familiar with these terms and their definitions is crucial for responsible alcohol service. Thank you for your attention let's proceed to the next slide..

Scene 15 (11m 29s)

[Audio] As an insurance provider for the food and beverage industry I have seen the impact of alcohol on businesses and individuals. It is crucial to not only sell alcohol responsibly but also to serve it responsibly. Understanding B-A-C or blood alcohol content is key to responsible alcohol service as it determines a person's level of intoxication. It is also important to be aware of A-I-P-s or allegedly intoxicated persons and not serve them any more alcohol. By being vigilant about B-A-C and A-I-P-s we can all contribute to responsible alcohol service which protects our businesses employees and customers. Let's work together to promote responsible alcohol service in our industry..

Scene 16 (12m 15s)

undefined. [Audio] As providers of alcohol it is our responsibility to not only sell alcohol but also to serve it responsibly. We have a duty to not only our customers but also to our community and society as a whole. With that being said I want to turn our attention to the topic of D-U-I D-W-I and O-W-I--. These terms may be familiar to you but it is important to fully understand their meanings and implications. D-U-I stands for driving under the influence DWI for driving while intoxicated and O-W-I for operating while intoxicated. These are all serious offenses that can result in harm to oneself and others as well as legal consequences. As alcohol providers we must do our part in ensuring that our customers understand the risks and consequences of these actions. Let's continue our training to learn more about how we can promote responsible alcohol consumption and minimize the occurrence of these offenses. Thank you for your attention..

Scene 17 (13m 22s)

[Audio] Hello everyone. We've now reached slide 17 of our presentation on responsible alcohol service. This slide focuses on the important topic of the effects of alcohol. As alcohol providers it is crucial that we understand the impact of alcohol on individuals and society as a whole. Firstly let's discuss signs of intoxication. This includes things like slurred speech impaired motor skills and altered behavior. It's important to be able to recognize these signs in order to prevent over-serving and potential harm to customers. Next we have contributing factors to intoxication such as the type and amount of alcohol consumed as well as personal factors like weight and metabolism. We must also consider blood alcohol content (B-A-C--) which measures the amount of alcohol in a person's bloodstream and greatly affects their level of intoxication. Additionally we should be aware of tolerance levels as some individuals can handle more alcohol before feeling intoxicated which can be dangerous. Lastly it's crucial to acknowledge the serious consequences of alcohol consumption such as fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol overdose. As alcohol providers it's our responsibility to prevent these from happening. The effects of alcohol are numerous and can have serious consequences therefore it's important for us to be aware and take responsible actions when serving alcohol. Let's now move on to the next slide..

Scene 18 (14m 55s)


Scene 19 (15m 1s)

[Audio] As alcohol providers it is our responsibility to ensure that we are serving and selling alcohol in a responsible manner. One key aspect of this is being able to recognize when a customer is becoming intoxicated. This will not only help us to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment but it's also important for passing the required test. There are four signs of intoxication that can indicate if a customer is approaching or has reached their limit. These include changes in inhibitions judgment reactions and coordination. To make it easier to remember think of the acronym I J R C I just really care. Being aware of these signs and monitoring them is crucial in providing a responsible service and avoiding potential incidents. So as we continue with our training let's keep these intoxication signs in mind and aim to serve and sell alcohol responsibly..

Scene 20 (15m 54s)

[Audio] Continuing our journey through alcohol provider training our main focus is responsible selling and serving. This not only protects our businesses but also the well-being of our customers. Now on slide 20 we will discuss visible signs of changes in inhibitions. We've all encountered different types of drinkers the happy angry and sad drunk. Unfortunately sometimes we see all three in the same person. So what are the visible signs of changes in inhibitions? These can include changes in speech movement and behavior. It's crucial to recognize these signs and handle the situation accordingly. As alcohol providers our responsibility goes beyond serving drinks. It's about promoting responsible consumption and ensuring the safety and happiness of our customers. Thank you for your attention and let's continue with the next slide..

Scene 21 (16m 48s)

undefined. INTOXICATION SIGNS. More talkative.

Scene 22 (16m 54s)

INTOXICATION SIGNS. Losing self-control. Woman Wearing Red Shirt Drinking.

Scene 23 (17m 2s)

undefined. INTOXICATION SIGNS. Mood swings.

Scene 24 (17m 8s)

[Audio] In this presentation we will talk about the significance of responsible selling and serving of alcohol for individuals employed in the food and beverage sector. As providers it is imperative that we comprehend our duty in guaranteeing the protection and welfare of our clients. One essential aspect of this is refraining from exhibiting loud or disruptive conduct while serving alcohol. Not only can this ruin the experience for other customers but it can also create a hazardous atmosphere. Let's ensure that we always represent our industry with professionalism and accountability..

Scene 25 (17m 44s)

[Audio] Continuing our training on responsible alcohol service we will now discuss key indicators of poor judgment that customers may exhibit. It's important to note that these behaviors may not always be linked to alcohol consumption. Therefore as providers it is essential for us to be able to identify visible signs of a change in judgment. This will allow us to distinguish between someone simply behaving rudely or if alcohol is a factor. Let's examine these indicators more closely and discuss how to handle them in a responsible and professional manner..

Scene 26 (18m 21s)

undefined. [Audio] As alcohol providers it is important for us to not only sell responsibly but also to serve responsibly. One way to achieve this is by being mindful of signs that a customer may be making poor decisions. While it may appear straightforward it can actually be challenging. Is it feasible for someone to exhibit unsuitable behavior without it being connected to alcohol? Maybe it is simply a result of their personality or level of maturity. It is crucial for us to take these factors into account as we aim to establish a secure and responsible atmosphere for our customers..

Scene 27 (19m 2s)

undefined. [Audio] As alcohol providers we are responsible for ensuring the safe and responsible service of our customers. We must be mindful of warning signs that may indicate a customer is exhibiting poor judgment. These signs may include using offensive language but it's important to recognize that this behavior may be influenced by factors other than alcohol consumption. The customer could simply be difficult or immature. It is our duty to consider all possibilities and handle situations with care and professionalism. Remember responsible selling and serving is not only about alcohol but also about fostering a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone..

Scene 28 (19m 46s)

[Audio] Hello class this is slide number 28 out of 44 which focuses on training alcohol providers to sell and serve responsibly. As we have learned there are certain signs that may indicate a customer is not using good judgment when it comes to alcohol. However these signs may not always be alcohol-related and some people may exhibit disruptive or annoying behavior simply because they are difficult or immature individuals. As responsible providers it is important for us to be aware of these behaviors and handle them appropriately. Let us continue to learn how we can maintain a safe and responsible environment for both our customers and ourselves..

Scene 29 (20m 26s)

undefined. [Audio] As providers in the food and beverage industry it is essential for us to be able to recognize signs of our customers exhibiting poor judgment. These indicators could potentially include becoming excessively friendly. However it can be difficult to discern whether this behavior is a result of alcohol consumption or simply someone acting rudely or immaturely. That's why it is imperative for us to be cognizant and accountable when serving alcohol. Let's continue our training on proper techniques for selling and serving alcoholic beverages to ensure the safety and welfare of our customers..

Scene 30 (21m 11s)

[Audio] As a teacher discussing training for alcohol providers it is important to also address the issue of responsible serving. It is crucial to recognize certain behaviors that may indicate a customer is exhibiting poor judgement such as drinking at a faster rate. However it is not always clear if these behaviors are a result of alcohol consumption or simply the individual's rude or immature behavior. It is imperative for providers to not only focus on responsible selling but also responsible serving. By being mindful of these indicators and responding appropriately we can ensure the safety and well-being of our customers and community..

Scene 31 (21m 50s)

undefined. [Audio] It is important for us as responsible alcohol providers to be aware of potential indicators that a customer may be using poor judgment. We must understand that determining if a customer's behavior is alcohol-related can be tricky. Some indicators may be more obvious than others but it is our responsibility to carefully observe and assess the situation. This is to ensure that we are not serving alcohol to someone who is already under the influence which can have consequences for both the customer and our business. By remaining vigilant we can maintain a safe and responsible environment for our customers and serve alcohol responsibly..

Scene 32 (22m 41s)

[Audio] In our role as alcohol providers it is crucial for us to both sell and serve responsibly. Being mindful of indicators of decreased reaction time is essential in safeguarding our customers and our establishment. One common sign is often called "stupid eyes " which describes the noticeable transformation in a person's eyes when alcohol has impaired their ability to react quickly. Are there any other visible cues that may signal a change in reaction time? Let's have a conversation about this and make sure we are prepared to handle any potential scenarios..

Scene 33 (23m 15s)

undefined. [Audio] During our training on responsible alcohol provision it is important to also recognize signs of a customer who may be intoxicated. One of the most prevalent signs is slowed reactions characterized by "stupid eyes" or glassy unfocused eyes. It is our duty as alcohol providers to be vigilant of these indicators and take necessary measures to guarantee the well-being of our customers and the community. Let's keep prioritizing responsible serving and promoting a secure environment for everyone..

Scene 34 (23m 58s)

undefined. [Audio] In today's world alcohol consumption is a common occurrence. It is crucial for those who provide and serve alcohol to do so responsibly. As we reach slide 34 we will discuss the signs of slowed reactions often referred to as "stupid eyes." This may include speaking and moving slowly which can be signs of intoxication. It is our duty as alcohol providers to be aware of these signs and respond appropriately. Let us continue to educate ourselves and others on the significance of responsible alcohol service..

Scene 35 (24m 39s)

[Audio] As alcohol providers our responsibility is not only to sell responsibly but also to serve responsibly. Our insurance protection has been tailored exclusively for the food and beverage industry since 1950. In slide 35 we will discuss the signs of slowed reactions such as "stupid eyes" and losing one's train of thought. It is crucial for us to identify and acknowledge these signs to guarantee the safety of our customers and the success of our business. Let us continue to make responsible selling and serving a priority in our industry..

Scene 36 (25m 16s)

undefined. [Audio] As alcohol providers it is our responsibility to ensure that we sell and serve alcohol responsibly. This means following laws and regulations and being aware of signs of intoxication. Slowed reactions "stupid eyes " and slurred speech are clear indicators of impaired judgement and coordination. It is crucial for us to recognize and address these signs to prevent over-serving and potential harm to our customers and community. By remaining vigilant and proactive we can promote responsible drinking and maintain a safe environment for everyone..

Scene 37 (25m 59s)

[Audio] As a provider of alcohol our responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of our guests. This involves being aware of the signs of intoxication and knowing when to stop serving someone. Slide 37 highlights visible signs of a decline in coordination that may suggest a guest has consumed too much alcohol. These signs can include slurred speech stumbling or swaying impaired fine motor skills and difficulty with balance and coordination. These are all crucial indicators that a guest is beyond the point of intoxication and should have been stopped earlier. By recognizing these signs we can effectively serve our customers with responsibility and maintain a secure atmosphere for everyone..

Scene 38 (26m 45s)

[Audio] Slide number 38 out of 44 discusses an important aspect of serving alcohol responsibly. Our responsibility as providers is to sell and serve alcohol responsibly to ensure the safety of our guests and protect our business. The slide emphasizes the importance of recognizing when a guest is intoxicated and cutting them off from consuming more alcohol. This not only prevents harm to the individual but also protects our establishment from any potential legal consequences. There may also be situations where a guest has difficulty paying for their drinks or is unsure of what to pay. In these cases it is vital to handle the situation carefully and professionally prioritizing the guest's well-being and maintaining the integrity of our business. Let us always remember to prioritize responsible serving and selling of alcohol..

Scene 39 (27m 38s)

[Audio] As alcohol providers it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of our guests. By offering and serving alcohol we have a duty to do so responsibly. Moving on to slide 39 we must address a crucial topic – what to do if a guest is showing signs of intoxication. It is important to note that if a guest has reached this point they should have already been cut off from further drinks. As providers it is our responsibility to recognize and respond to these signs of intoxication. One key indicator is when a guest is having trouble picking up a drink. This could be a physical struggle slurred speech or other noticeable signs. In these situations it is our responsibility to take action and ensure the safety of our guests. Let's continue to educate ourselves and our staff on how to serve responsibly and protect our guests..

Scene 40 (28m 32s)

undefined. [Audio] Let's now discuss the importance of responsible alcohol service. It's crucial for providers to recognize when a guest has had too much to drink. As the saying goes 'If a guest reaches this point they are well beyond intoxication and should have already been cut off.' This can include behaviors like stumbling or swaying. It's our responsibility to keep our guests safe and prevent any potential harm. Next we'll move on to our next topic Kaggle. This is a popular platform for data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts to collaborate and compete in data science challenges. Let's explore its features and benefits for the food and beverage industry..

Scene 41 (29m 17s)

undefined. [Audio] As alcohol providers it is our responsibility to ensure that we serve and sell alcohol in a responsible manner. This protects both our guests and us as providers. With over 70 years of experience providing insurance protection to the food and beverage industry we understand the risks involved with serving alcohol. Slide 41 highlights the crucial aspect of responsible alcohol service recognizing when a guest is intoxicated. This is a serious issue that we must address as it not only impacts the safety of our guests but also the reputation of our establishment. If a guest is dropping belongings they are well beyond the point of intoxication and should have already been cut off from alcohol service. It is essential for us to be observant and mindful of signs of intoxication so we can intervene and prevent any potential harm. Let's take our responsibilities seriously and prioritize the safety and well-being of our guests by responsibly serving and selling alcohol. We appreciate your attention and let's continue striving for responsible alcohol service..

Scene 42 (30m 34s)

[Audio] As a responsible provider of alcohol it is crucial to understand when enough is enough. By the time a guest reaches this stage they are already well past intoxication and should have been cut off earlier. It is our duty to ensure the safety and well-being of both our guests and the community. In addition to signs of intoxication it is important to also watch for other indicators such as slurred speech unsteady movements and erratic behavior. By recognizing these signs we can intervene and prevent potential harm. Selling and serving alcohol responsibly is not only a legal obligation but a moral one as well. Let us continue to prioritize the safety and responsibility of our guests and the reputation of our industry..

Scene 43 (31m 20s)

[Audio] The focus now is on the importance of responsible serving and selling of alcohol. It is our responsibility as alcohol providers to ensure that our guests are not over-served and do not engage in risky behaviors. This involves recognizing signs of intoxication and refusing service to those who have reached that level. We must also be on the lookout for any illegal activities that may occur on our premises such as gambling solicitation for prostitution and drug dealing. By being vigilant and taking necessary precautions we can create a safe and responsible atmosphere for our guests. Remember it is our duty as alcohol providers to safeguard both our guests and our establishments. We appreciate your attention and dedication to responsible serving and selling..

Scene 44 (32m 8s)

THANK YOU!. ON TAP Training Alcohol Providers.