MEANING. In the simplest sense , animation is something that makes slide objects move on a slide . And slide objects can be anything on a slide . Animation is a great way to focus on important points, to control the flow of information , and to increase viewer interest in the presentation. These include text , pictures , charts , smart art graphics , shapes , even movie clips ..
'licogftPowgoint Trndinn. Animation Toolbar Looks.
Different animation effect of slide. evv Revi e w 'croso View fflc owerP01n resentat10 lcroso nimations Slide Show NO Transition Fades and Dissolves.
Continued. ,nimations Slide Show Review push and Cover Stripes and Bars.
Four Different Kinds Of Animation Effects. EFFECTS ENTRANCE EXIT EMPHASIS MOTION PATH 25 25 25 25.
Entrance effects. It determines the manner in which an object appears on a slide . For example , we can make an object fade gradually into focus, fly onto the slide from an edge, or bounce into view..
Entrance effects. Drawing Editing l. Blinds 2. Box 3. Checkerboard 4. Diarmond 5. Fly In 6. Pinw•heel More Effects... Custom Animation Add Effect Entrance Emphasis Exit Motion Paths Select an e/en7ent of the slide, then Bick "Add Effect" to add animation. Autopreview.
Exit effects. It determines the manner in which an object leaves a slide . These effects include making an object fl y off of the slide, disappear from view, or spiral off of the slide..
Exit Effects. Custom Animation Entrance Emphasis Exit Motion Paths move l. Blinds 2. Box a. Checkerboard 4. Diamond Fly Out More Effects... Select an Of the then "Add to add Auto Previev•.
Emphasis effects. It draws attention towards the object . Examples of these effects include making an object shrink or grow in size, change colour, or spin on its centre..
Emphasis effects. Drawing X. Change Font 2. Change Font Size Change Font Style 4. GrcAæ/Shrink Spin More Effects... Custom Animation Eff Entrance En•phasis Exit Motion paths Editing R err. ove an OF the then click "Add Effect" to add.
Motion Paths. It determines how an object moves around a slide . These effects include making an object move up or down, left or right, or in a star or circular pattern (among other effects)..
Motion Paths. Styles — Custom Animation Entrance Emphasis EXit Editing Z 00 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Diagonal Diagonal Down Left Right up Down Right up Right Draw Custom Path More Motion Paths... Motion Paths Select an Of the then click "Add Effect" to add animation. Play Auto preview.
Process To Add An Animation To The Presentation. To add an animation effect to an object, do the following: 1. Select the object that we want to animate. 2. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the More button, and then select the animation effect.
To apply multiple animation effects to a single object.
Continued. stc::::• 2 i ati —l. 17. PREPARED BY : MR. ASHISH SOLANKI.
several types of icons that indicate the start timing of animation effects.
Continued. u ati Click ¯EitIe 1 : Fc•ur- Different Kind - Start C I i ck Sta With C) pti.
Options, Timings, Or Order For An Animation. 1. To set the effect options for an animation, on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the arrow to the right of Effect Options and click the option that we want. 2. We can specify the start, duration, or delay timing for an animation on the Animations tab.
Continued. To set the start timing for an animation, in the Timing group, click the arrow to the right of the Start menu and select the option that we want. To set the duration of how long the animation will run, in the Timing group, enter the number of seconds in the Duration box. To set a delay before the animation begins, in the Timing group, enter the number of seconds in the Delay box..
Transition Sound: [No Sound] Transition Speed: Fast Apply To All Advance Slide On Mouse Click Automatically After: 00.00.
Test of an animation effect. abstract. To test the animation effect in our presentation, click on Animations tab, in the Preview group, click Preview.