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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (6s)

ATTENDENCE IN SCHOOL. Attendance means number of people present at a particular place for some purpose. Example attendance of an event, office, school. Measuring attendance is a important work. Attendance is compulsory part of the school’s system..

Scene 3 (21s)

IN SCHOOL. Attendance is a important thing which records whether the students in a particular class are present or absent on a particular day. Teacher needs to take attendance daily in the beginning of the day. Students may feel this boring, so teachers needs to find so creative ways of taking attendance. So that the students enjoy this process..

Scene 4 (39s)

Creative ways. 00. Making chart:- In this chart the students will come in the class and stick the owl with their ne in the the 'Whoos at school’ column and the ones who are absent their owls will remain in the 'Whooos at home’ column..

Scene 5 (55s)

Creative ways. Passing softball :- Pass a soft ball to the first student called. Once they have caught the ball they pass it to the next student and then sit down. The last student throws the ball back to the teacher and takes their seat with the rest of the class..

Scene 6 (1m 12s)

Attendance sheet. CLASS ATTENDANCE If U IWI snutgj 11 12 13 15 11 20 21.