Monthly Review- Nisha Nirban Negi

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Scene 1 (0s)

Monthly Review- Nisha Nirban Negi. March’22.

Scene 2 (6s)

NHT Training status. 2.

Scene 3 (14s)

1. NHT Training Status. Training Type Profile Start Date End Date Participants Training Hours NHT Batch SSAO/AO/BH 4 Mar 11 Mar 33 45 Call centre Operations SSO 31 mar 4 April 8 24 Total 69.

Scene 4 (28s)

2. Certifications. 4.

Scene 5 (35s)

2. Certifications. Sr. No Profile Participants Type Training Hours 1 SSAO/AO 25 MMC 26.5 2 Ops Call Centre 8 Certification 5 3 Ops(branches) 6 FGD 1 4 Sales(Branches) 8 FGD 1 5 Quality ( soft Skill) 6 FGD 0.5 6 Total 34.

Scene 6 (49s)

3 . Mentor mentee Progress. 6.

Scene 7 (57s)

2. MMP & KC. West Region Eligible Pax Under MMP Program Certified NHT refresher pending 32 07 25 15.

Scene 8 (1m 10s)

3. Refresher & Ad-hoc Trainings. 8.

Scene 9 (1m 18s)

3. Refresher & Ad-hoc Trainings. Sr. No Profile Total Participants Total Present Type Training Hours 1 SSAO/AO 19 19 NHT refresher 15 2 SSAO/AO 24 24 BQ- Sales 1 3 BH/SSAO 53 74 CSAT 2.5 4 Branches 8 22 Soft skill session 4 5 SSAO/AO 15 09 Sales refresher 1 Total 25.5.

Scene 10 (1m 35s)

4. Training Content. 10.

Scene 11 (1m 43s)

4. Training Content. SNo Content Details Launch Date Mode of Sharing Content Type 1 Communication Skill ( Faculty ) WIP Drive PPT.

Scene 12 (1m 54s)

5. Highlights & Achievements. 12.

Scene 13 (2m 2s)

5. Highlights & Achievements. CSAT Training Quarterly Review with RD RCC Batch Conducted Successfully All the FGD’s covered for Bottom Performers Initiated Connection over Call with RH / AD/ Sr AD.

Scene 14 (2m 15s)

5. Roadmap for April ‘22. Sales & BQ refresher Planned.