Situational Awareness

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Hello, my name is jesse Marquez, my topic of discussion is about situational awareness. Most of the content that I wrote about were from verified sources and or my personal experiences..

Scene 2 (14s)

[Audio] Introduction, I have a strong emotion about situational awareness and can literally go on for days talking about it. That's why I chose to write my paper on it and this presentation. A main concern for me about having a good situational awareness is safety and security. Yes, it can also help as a good leadership trait and everything pretty much but the biggest would be that it could save your life and the life of others when that day of horror arrives at your doorstep..

Scene 3 (45s)

[Audio] If you were on a walk and didn't look at your phone at all you will notice how many people are walking with you who have no idea whats going on around them. If I was a criminal I would easily get the jump on them not paying attention. Its not only about don't walk on your phone but also paying attention when you enter buildings like exit routes and getting reads on people already in the building. Just by knowing these two things can get you out of there safely or be able to predict the danger before it happens. I didn't include this in my paper or my presentation but I want to share a story of an example of lack of SA, a client that I got called to work for just got burglarized while they were in the house sleeping, didn't wake up and only found out the next morning. The burglarer stole stuff and ransacked the place but didn't break into the house they just opened the door and walked in. the clients didn't lock the doors and didn't arm their alarm system. If they had a good awareness and thought about these things it would have never happened or would have woken up to the noise of a break in. they decided to hire us after the fact then installed cameras and motion sensors after the incident happened by this point its already too late..

Scene 4 (1m 58s)

[Audio] Now fixing this issue it wont stop all crime or prevent any mistakes in the work force if everyone adapts a good situational awareness but those who do adopt it will become better leaders and would give them a better chance at surviving a violent crime. My knowledge of the deep water horizon incident before this project was from watching the movie portrayed by mark whalberg and it was gruesome. If the people in charge shut it down and had a good understanding of what was going on with their rig it could have saved many lives that day. SA is a good leadership trait to have it can help avoid common human error as not always avoidable but can make life easier if it can be detected that way you can be better prepared for the mistake.

Scene 5 (2m 40s)

[Audio] My original solution was far more irrational to the modern society and probably wont ever happen unless theres an apocalypse and everyone who doesn't know how to shoot, fight, and survive will die. My reasonable solution would be to just educate everyone with just a simple instructional video or an hour class on having a good situational awareness, testimonies from violent crime victims and things you can do to just be better prepared. Just educating people would be enough after that they are on their own. I hate to hear about people who have been victims of home invasions or any violent crime and if they only locked the door or not opened the door blindly could have prevented it. Or if they had a firearm to protect themselves. You can only do so much to help people in this world its if they listen is the real problem.

Scene 6 (3m 31s)

[Audio] In conclusion I think people would be better off in general if they get a well developed situational awareness, could save their life or get them a promotion at work. I know many people wont have the same views as I do about life and that's perfectly fine but if they just knew when it was the time to safely not worry and when its time to be alert that alone will save lives. To end this off I want to thank you for listening to my rant on situational awareness I hope your eyes have opened and start being aware of things going on around you, have a good day!.

Scene 7 (4m 3s)

References. Dr. Nini , Markus (2020). Situational awareness: what it is and why it matters as a management tool. Retrieved from Stratfor(2012) A Practical Guide to Situational Awareness. Retrieved from Martin Anderson(2022) Situational Awareness: making sense of the world. Retrieved from 2018) What is Situational Awareness? Retrieved from 7 Ways to improve your Situational Awareness Retrieved from