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Summary of Topics. Module 1: Company Profile. Module 2: Organization Structure.
[Audio] Employee Discipline are regulations or conditions imposed to employees by the management in order to correct or prevent behaviors which are counterproductive t o the company. Code of Discipline is set of rules outlining the responsibilities and proper practices of an employee in a company. Disciplinary Action is a method use in dealing with employees who causes problems or does not obey company rules..
[Audio] Verbal Warning Oral Admonition or counsel given to an erring employee for an infraction of a rule and warning him that repetition of the same offense will be dealt with more severely This is still filed in the employee's personnel file. First Written Warning / Final Written Warning This sanction involves written document that will state violation incurred. The employee is counseled that repetition of the same violation in the future may warrant the imposition of a higher penalty..
[Audio] SUSPENSION AS A PENALTY Suspension means physical detachment from service for a designated period depending on the gravity of the offense. Suspension deprives the employee of his pay. In addition, management may at its discretion, deprive him of certain benefits. The employee shall be given written notice of the number of days of his suspension and the exact dates to be covered. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION PENDING OR PRIOR TO INVESTIGATION Preventive Suspension is not a penalty but is a remedy given by law to an employer to allow the latter to conduct an investigation without the presence of the employee in the workplace, if in the judgment of the employer, the employee's continued presence in workplace poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property of the Company, its Officers or his co-employees..
[Audio] DISMISSAL Dismissal means a dishonorable separation from the service of the Company. The employee automatically forfeits all benefits which would normally accrue to him on retirement or separation for other causes. The employee shall be given a written notice stating the particular acts or omissions constituting the grounds for his dismissal. " Violations falling within the same category of offenses will be compounded and shall be given the next higher penalty.".
[Audio] All employees who allegedly commit a violation under the code of conduct will undergo a due process and will be given a right to be heard by the management. Scheduling of suspensions is the prerogative of the Company and will be scheduled as per the business needs. The corrective action specified for any of the unacceptable conduct and behavior shall be the general guide for any infraction thereof. The Company may reduce or increase the severity of the corrective action on case-to-case basis, subject to the mitigating or aggravating circumstances surrounding the situation in which the infraction was committed, the degree of trust and confidence bestowed on the employee who committed the infraction, and the extent of damage or loss suffered by the Company because of the said infraction..
[Audio] INCIDENT REPORT RECOMMENDATION A clear narration of all that happened with includes, location of the incident, the name, contact, and department of parties involved..
[Audio] ISSUANCE OF FORMAL NOTICE TO EXPLAIN The immediate supervisor and/or HR shall issue the NOTICE TO EXPLAIN to the employee who is being charged of an offense. The respondent shall be given FIVE ( 5) calendar days to answer the NTE through a written explanation which must be submitted. An employee may be placed under preventive suspension for thirty ( 30) days without pay, upon the discretion of the Management, if the employee's continued employment poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property of the company or of the co-employees. This is NOT a penalty but an incident to the process of investigation..
[Audio] FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATION/ HEARING The disciplinary committee may formally conduct an administrative hearing if the offense involved has a corresponding penalty of termination or if the charges are serious in nature so as to warrant the conduct of a hearing upon the discretion of the Committee. The Committee shall send a Notice of Admin Hearing to the respondent employee, stating therein the date, venue, and time of the hearing. The respondent employee may bring a representative to represent him during the hearing..
[Audio] ISSUANCE OF NOTICE OF DECISION The Disciplinary Committee shall decide the case based on the evidence submitted. The Notice of Decision ( NOD) shall be sent personally to the respondent employee or in his absence may be sent via registered mail and/or courier service to his last known address. In case the respondent employee refuses to receive the NOD or is unavailable for whatever reason, the personnel serving the notice shall state by means of an affidavit such circumstance. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be effective upon receipt by the employee of such notice or on the date stated in the return card if sent via registered mail or private courier..
[Audio] Incident Report, Issuing NTE and DA Incident Report, Issuing NTE and DA.
[Audio] Incident Report, Issuing NTE and DA For GSDC Employees The concerned immediate superior will email the Incident Report to the HR. Then, HR to process the Notice To Explain (NTE). Upon receipt of the employee's explanation, HR will then ask for the recommendation from immediate superior. HR will evaluate the recommendation based on the code of discipline then serve the disciplinary action (DA). All IR's, NTE's and DA's are kept in the employee's file and part of the performance evaluation system..