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Scene 1 (0s)

MKT 3212. Name: Chin Yen Yi. Strategic Marketing Planning.

Scene 2 (7s)

CONTENTS. 01.. 02.. 03.. 04.. About Uniqlo. SWOT Analysis.

Scene 3 (21s)

01. About Uniqlo. Uniqlo is a clothing apparel company, textules manufacturer, retailer and Japanese wear casual desaigner..

Scene 4 (57s)

01. About Uniqlo. Mission Statement P romotes sustainability mission statement which is ‘Unlocking The Power Of Clothing’. (Farfan, 2019).

Scene 5 (1m 15s)

02. SWOT Analysis. S trong branding -generated 83% revenue as compare to Zara generated 70% from their company (Danziger, 2021). -Position themself modern Japanese company and selling casual wear with affordable prices. - Ignore fashion - Philosophy of ‘Made For All’ Innovation -Technology company (Shah, 2021) -Example of technology clothes: AIRism,HeatTech, sustainable jeans S upply chain issues -Uniqlo’s presence was small in Europe country (Yen, 2017). -limited store opened in western. Online present -Uniqlo’s share is just 5% in year of 2020 (eCommerceDB, 2020)..

Scene 6 (2m 50s)

02. SWOT Analysis. Digital Media Marketing -social media platform allowing people to interact with each other and offers many ways for business. (Appel, Grewal, Hadi and Stephen, 2019) -can create a strong presence (Mohammedhussen and Abdulnasir, 2020)..

Scene 7 (3m 35s)

03. PESTLE Analysis. Helped the business’s competitive ability and sustainable growth in long time (Cepel, Belas and Dvorský, 2019). Should take a consideration to start up a business in South Korea. -trade war between Japan and South Korea -South Korea people were boycotting Japanese good (BBC, 2019). A direct influences in business performance . The higher the GDP growth rate signals the growing demand in the economy and also offer a wide-ragging growth opportunities (BBC, 2021). Uniqlo have successfully open over 1000 store all over the world which include United Stated and China that are high GDP (Worldometers, 2021). Uniqlo have adopt a Health and safety Policy and Eight Health and Safety Principle (Fast Retailing, 2021). Uniqlo have endeavor to protect Personal Date through the compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Uniqlo, 2021)..

Scene 8 (5m 13s)

04. Marketing Objective For 2022. 本素材由iSlide™ 提供 iSlide™尊重知识产权并注重保护用户享有的各项权利。郑重提醒您: iSlide™插件中提供的任何信息内容的所有权、知识产权归其原始权利人或权利受让人所有,您免费/购买获得的是信息内容的使用权,并受下述条款的约束; 1. 您仅可以个人非商业用途使用该等信息内容,不可将信息内容的全部或部分用于出售,或以出租、出借、转让、分销、发布等其他任何方式供他人使用; 2. 禁止在接入互联网或移动互联网的任何网站、平台、应用或程序上以任何方式为他人提供iSlide™插件资源内容的下载。 The resource is supplied by iSlide™. iSlide™ respects all intellectual property rights and protects all the rights its users acquired.Solemnly remind you: The ownership and intellectual property of the resources supplied in iSlide Add-in belongs to its owner or the assignee of this ownership.you only acquired the usage of the resources supplied in iSlide Add-in, as well as respected the following restrain terms: 1.You are only allowed to use such resource for personal and non-commercial aim, not allowed to use such resource or part of it for the sale; or rent, lend, transfer to others; or distribution or release it in any way. 2.You are not permitted to provide the resource of iSlide Add-in in any website, platform, application access to the Internet or mobile Internet..

Scene 9 (5m 33s)

05. Marketing Mix. Product : HeatTech - For people who live in cold place or who require to spend long hours working outdoor under freezing temperature. -Unique modern look, thin, lightweight, and most importantly keep warm. -Cater for all gender and age group. (Fast Retailing, 2016) Price: Petration - Kept its product prices at par or even lower than the prices and offer excellent quality of its competitors brands. -Uniqlo HeatTech are selling RM59.90 per one and M&S Thermal wear are RM84.90 per one. Place: Retailer and online -Uniqlo have successfully operates 1,920 retail stores around the world (Fast Retailing, 2021). -The best customer experience in store . -Online store provide customer another shopping option that are more convenient and safer during this pandemic. Promotion: Celebrity Branding -The celebrity in promoting HeatTech is Orlando Bloom. -Help to increase brand awareness. -Glamorous and credibility is added to product (Rahman, 2018)..

Scene 10 (7m 37s)

06. Implementation. Marketing Budget Breakedown and Timeline.

Scene 11 (8m 16s)

08. Contingency Plan. 本素材由iSlide™ 提供 iSlide™尊重知识产权并注重保护用户享有的各项权利。郑重提醒您: iSlide™插件中提供的任何信息内容的所有权、知识产权归其原始权利人或权利受让人所有,您免费/购买获得的是信息内容的使用权,并受下述条款的约束; 1. 您仅可以个人非商业用途使用该等信息内容,不可将信息内容的全部或部分用于出售,或以出租、出借、转让、分销、发布等其他任何方式供他人使用; 2. 禁止在接入互联网或移动互联网的任何网站、平台、应用或程序上以任何方式为他人提供iSlide™插件资源内容的下载。 The resource is supplied by iSlide™. iSlide™ respects all intellectual property rights and protects all the rights its users acquired.Solemnly remind you: The ownership and intellectual property of the resources supplied in iSlide Add-in belongs to its owner or the assignee of this ownership.you only acquired the usage of the resources supplied in iSlide Add-in, as well as respected the following restrain terms: 1.You are only allowed to use such resource for personal and non-commercial aim, not allowed to use such resource or part of it for the sale; or rent, lend, transfer to others; or distribution or release it in any way. 2.You are not permitted to provide the resource of iSlide Add-in in any website, platform, application access to the Internet or mobile Internet..

Scene 12 (9m 54s)