[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride 4) The spacing between paragraphs is also single line space. Use of 1.5 line space is only applicable if the body has less than ten lines. 5) Indent the first lines of paragraphs with five (5) spaces or one and a half inch tab. 6) Ensure consistent font and letter size. Observe proper alignment and margins. Errors in these aspects are commonly caused by copy-pasting from other documents with different default settings. 7) The body should be short enough to fit the ideal one (1) page letter. 8) Standard Opening Sentence: a) The President is the addressee. (1) May I respectfully inform the President regarding the…. (2) May I respectfully inform the President regarding the request for comment on…. (3) May I respectfully inform the President of the actions taken by…. (4) May I respectfully inform the President of the AFP’s position regarding your memo dated…. (5) May I respectfully recommend to the President the approval of the…. (6) May I respectfully submit to the President the report…. (7) May I respectfully submit to the President the AFP’s response to the memoranda of…. (8) May I respectfully submit to the President the AFP’s compliance to the memoranda of…. (9) May I respectfully invite the President…. b) The Secretary of National Defense is the addressee. (1) May I respectfully inform the Secretary regarding the…. (2) May I respectfully inform the Secretary regarding the request for comment on…. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 71 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 71.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride (3) May I respectfully inform the Secretary of the actions taken by…. (4) May I respectfully inform the Secretary of the AFP’s position regarding the memo dated…. (5) May I respectfully recommend to the Secretary the approval of the…. (6) May I respectfully submit to the Secretary the report…. (7) May I respectfully submit to the Secretary the AFP’s response to the memoranda of…. (8) May I respectfully submit to the Secretary the AFP’s compliance to the memoranda of…. (9) May I have the privilege to invite the Secretary…. 9) On time and dates, reflect the civilian form. Sample 1 Sample 3 Wrong 10 to 15 August 2014 Wrong 1200H Correct August 10 to 15, 2014 Correct 12 noon Sample 2 Sample 4 Wrong 1400H Wrong 1000H Correct two o’clock in the afternoon Correct 10 o’clock 10) For letter invitations only, there should be no abbreviations for time. Sample 1 Wrong 9:30 a.m. Correct nine thirty in the morning 11) For reports and letters to inform, time abbreviation must be used. Thus, 9:30 a.m. is acceptable. 12) Use the third person in writing letters to higher offices. Thus, be consistent and do not use your, which is a second person pronoun. For equal and lower offices, the use of second person is appropriate. 13) Use the active tense in writing. The use of passive tense must be limited for emphasis and styling. 14) Use correct outline format. Start with “1.”, “a.”, “1)”, “a)”, “(1)”, “(a)” and so forth. Again, be consistent in the indentations’ for sub-bullets. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 72 72 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride 15) On enumerations: a) Use colon for enumerations not a semicolon. b) Use correct outline numbering in enumerating items. Avoid using bullets in letters. c) Use semi-colon to separate items that are not in sentence form. However, use period for items in sentence form. Do not use both in one list of enumeration. d) When enumerating adjectives, there should be order. It should be in the order of number, quality, size, age, color, origin, and type. e) When enumerating data, start from the biggest item or the most important data. 16) Acronyms and Abbreviations. No acronym must be used until its complete form has been presented earlier followed by the acronym enclosed in parenthesis. a) There is no need to put an acronym enclosed in parenthesis after the complete form if the acronym will not be used in the succeeding parts of the letter. b) Likewise, do not use the complete form after an acronym is used. A common error in consistency is the interchanging use of the complete form and acronym throughout the letter. 17) Data, numbers in particular, must be in table form. If there are numerous names to present, place them in a table. If too lengthy or there are several information to be presented, put the data sheet as an annex or attachment. However, indicate that there is such an attachment after the sentence it was intended to support. Enclose it in parentheses; however, if it is written in complete sentence, there is no need for parenthesis. 18) Officer names mentioned in the body must be in bold text. In case there are many names mentioned in the body, put only in bold text the most senior officer. This rule does not apply to names placed inside tables. 19) The numbers 1 to 10 must be spelled-out while the number 11 and above are written in numeric form. Wrong: There are 9 vehicles. There are twenty-one vehicles. There are twenty-one (21) vehicles. Military nurses shift on a 12 hour basis. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 73 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 73.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Correct: There are nine (9) vehicles. There are 21 vehicles. Military nurses shift on a 12-hour basis. 20) Compound numbers have a hyphen or dash. Also, when combined with two or more words to form a compound adjective in front of a noun, put hyphens between these words. Wrong: Twenty one 12 hour shifts Correct: Twenty-one 12-hour shifts 21) On terminologies, do not use strong or offensive words when writing to the President, tone should always be in a humble mode for example request approval and recommend approval. Be diplomatic in tone. 22) Be careful on diction or choice of words. 23) Standard Closing Sentence a) I hope this information merits the appreciation of the President (or the Secretary). b) I hope this recommendation merits the consideration and approval of the President (or the Secretary). c) I hope this merits the favorable consideration of the President (or the Secretary). d) I hope this merits the appreciation of the President (or the Secretary). e) If submitting a letter or report: I hope this report merits the appreciation of the President (or the Secretary). e Closing or Complimentary Close 1) For the President a) General Rule: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 74 74 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride 3) Paragraphs must be justified, meaning texts are aligned left to right. Wrong spacing between words and punctuation marks results to erroneous justification. e Closing or Complimentary Close 1) For the President a) General Rule: Respectfully, (formal; official) Faithfully yours, (informal; official) Very respectfully, (private individuals) b) Coordinated Military Usage Very respectfully yours, Sentence Case, Bookman Old Style, Size 12, Regular letters 2) For the Secretary of National Defense Note the use of comma a) General Rule: Very truly yours, (formal) Sincerely yours, (informal) b) Coordinated Military Usage Sentence Case, Bookman Old Style, Size 12, Regular letters Very truly yours, Note the use of comma g Signature Block (Line) 1) The name of the Chief of Staff is in bold text. Under it is the rank “General” and “AFP”, which are in regular text. 2) The common mistake is the putting the position “Chief of Staff” for letters using the letterhead of the Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief of Staff and the A-F-P--. As a rule, this is not done because it becomes redundant. As head of the office, the Chief need not put the position under his/her name. Likewise, a personal letterhead cannot be used by any other person. 3. ON substance a Military correspondence must be accurate and concise. 1) Accuracy pertains to the correctness of data and message. Thus, data and facts must be complete, exact and correct. Spelling of words, names and titles must be accurate. Accuracy includes being A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 75.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride c There should be logic in form and content. Always consider the flow of thought. It must be coherent, consistent and valid. It starts with the need; reasons, justifications, elaborations and data flow; and it closes with a concluding statement for the required action of the recipient. 1) The paragraph sequence must have logical order. a) The first paragraph should contain the core or purpose of the letter. Placed upfront, the letter recipient clearly understands at the onset, what the letter is for and the consequent action required. b) The second and succeeding paragraphs should contain the supporting information. (1) The second paragraph normally contains the backgrounder. However, if a background and overview is not necessary then don’t put one. (2) The supporting paragraphs shouldn’t be too detailed. Complete details can be included through an attachment. c) Include a concluding paragraph especially if the letter intent is for approval. 2) The arrangement of sentences in a paragraph must also be in logical sequence. a) The thesis sentence is preferably placed at the start of the paragraph or the first sentence. b) Ensure that the ideas presented are not repeated in other paragraphs. c) Complex sentences should be structured in such a way that clauses are lumped according to the flow of thoughts. d) Make sure that the letter is substantive. (1) Do not state the obvious as addressee is assumed to be an intellectual person. (2) Do not assume that the addressee knows the history of your subject letter. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 76 76 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride 4. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES a Amounts in figures are in bold. Amount in words are capitalized, not bold. Centavos are written in a ratio form. There is no space between currency and the amount. Example: Above reference pertains to the Supplemental Procurement Plan (S-P-P--) of the A-F-P Procurement Service (A-F-P-P-S) amounting to a total of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO pesos AND 60/100 O-N-L-Y (PhP385632.60). b Amounts should be in PhP, U-S-D--, E-U-R etc, We use abbreviation over the currency symbol. Example: … only 100 line items of medicines amounting to PhP19013495.00 were found to be compliant. (not P19013495.00). …the procurement entails an amount of USD149864348.89… (not $149864348.89 or US$149864348.89) c Tables should be aligned with the margin. If borders are not visible, follow the rules of outlining. Indent five (5) spaces before the 1st column of data is presented. Example: 1. Per above references, the T-A-S boso convened on 021400 June 2015 to deliberate candidates for the Commanding Officer, 1301st P-A-F Dental Dispensary and Chief Nurse, A-F-P--. The following were nominated for the position of Commanding Officer, 1301st Dental Dispensary: Name Present Designation COL BEN HUR S CUDAL 0-10782 DS (G-S-C--) CO, 1303rd PAF, DD C-O-L wilfredo V maraÑA 0-121379 DS (G-S-C--) Acting CO, 1301st PAF, DD C-O-L marcelino R morit 0-122449 DS (G-S-C--) CO, 1364 DD, CESH, 4ID, PA 2. Reference 1a pertains to the request of Governor Roger G Mercado, Province of Southern Leyte for the detail of the following enlisted personnel as his security escorts: MSg Gabriel B Barola 747586 (Inf) PA SSg Joemar M Jamera 793630 (Inf) PA d The first row in a table is in bold and centered as it represents the legend. The amount column does not have the word “amount” as it is already implied in breakdown of travel expenses. Also, the word “in” before the currency abbreviation is discarded. The digits must follow the alignment of columns for centavos, pesos and A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 77 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 77.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride thousands. The conversion rate is placed before the “Total” in italicized format and enclosed in open and close parenthesis. Example: Particulars U-S-D PhP Round Trip Airfare @USD4275.45 x 3 persons 12826.18 473164.05 Daily Subsistence Allowance @USD292.00 x 5 days x 3 persons 4380.00 201480.00 Travel Insurance at PhP1000.00 x 3 persons 3000.00 Pre-departure expenses at PhP1500.00 x 3 persons 4500.00 (1USD=PhP46) Total 798992.10 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 78 78 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride AFP V Vision 2028: A World-cla ss Armed Fo orces, Sourc e of Nationa l Pride CORRECT ARMS AN RI-COLOR R OF AFP C emo from 27 June 20 Nd Afp Tr 014) T usage (Me coat OF S-J-S dtd 2 observed 1. It h that the at of Arms uments, bo s and Trirs. Likewis conform shades with A-F-P -Color are se, the trito current issued to ously use s used in ves. In co sh consist has been ed in docu n different oordination ent and un niformity in ooks, prese and sequ P Historica n the corre A-F-P Coa entations ences tha al Center ect usage and other t do not , this doc of A-F-P Co cument is oat of Arm ms and Trie t o erroneo color i directiv establis Color. 2. The e A-F-P Coa at of Arms Techni ically, there e is no ap FP Seal; a and what w we have is s proved AF a at of Arms . the Co b Per Pa ara 3, Circ following 1955, the rays, the cular Nr 2 elements three poi A-F-P dated ars, sun w s, sampag scroll oft Coat Arms e also his ectly believ d 21 April with eight uita garla en referre nd that is ed to as a e e s a AFP C triangle incorre ribbon, letter "K" i called the any to be script, and " e laurel le "PHILIPPI cription. s has the storically c ved by m n Alibata s 2, GHQ, A : three sta nted stars aves, the N-E-S--" insc c On the color. The the trian and the ngle is s letter "K" ilver in c in Alibata script are e e backgr blue in round of th color. All he "PHILIP other elem e matter PPINES" ments are i of color, inscription in gold colo or. · d All are . The us se of an art tists' renditi e encourag ion of the C ged to use Coat of Arm e the Coa ms with ma at of Arms any colors s in its cor is discoura rrect form aged. 2. The e Tri-Color a Per GH Flag Color A-F-P Tri-c r t e Arrange light bl Philippi ement, the ue) repres ine Navy. sents the P Prussian g HQ, AFP S color repres Philippine A green (not S-T-L dated sents the t Air Force. olive drab) 20 June 2 three (3) M Navy Blue ) represent 2006 regar Major Serv (not dark ts the Phili ding A-F-P ices. Roya k blue) repr ppine Army al Blue (not resents the y b Pendin FP Heraldi yan-Magen ic Board, a nta -Yellow all are enco w-Key/blac ouraged to ck printing o g use th standa he followin ard, ISO 12 ng C-M-Y-K 2647) for th ng approva K color v e tri-color . al of the AF values (Cy . A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 79 FP Core Valu ues: Honor, S Service,.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride C M Y K C M Y K Royal blue 100% 91% 7% 1% Royal blue 100% 91% 7% 1% Navy blue 100% 98% 21% 33% Navy blue 100% 98% 21% 33% Prussian green 90% 40% 80% 37% Prussian green 90% 40% 80% 37% c Color Arrangement 1) The arrangement of tri-color bands is prescribed in order to be consistent with the "appearance and representation" of the Major Service logos. The arrangement also portrays "the colors in relation to the environment viewed in a natural way ." 2) For square or rectangular shapes like in tabs, ribbons, flags and banners wherein the bands are placed horizontally over the other, the royal blue color is at the top, the navy blue is at the center, and the Prussian green is at the bottom or it is the base. In this line, royal blue is the sky, navy blue is water and Prussian green is a verdant landscape. A-F-P Tri-Color Placed Horizontally Royal Blue Navy Blue Prussian 3) In vertical and linear band representation, Royal Blue is the right band, Navy Blue is the center and Prussian green is the left band. A-F-P Tri-Color Laid Vertically Royal Blue Navy Blue Prussian Green A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 80 80 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride 4) In case of the units’ and offices’ seals, the Navy Blue and Prussian Green color will be laid side by side at the bottom with Navy Blue color on the right field. This is the case for circular renditions of the tri-color wherein the sequence of colors is clockwise starting from royal blue at the top. Circular Rendition of the Tri-Color Royal Blue Prussian Green Navy Blue Navy Blue Royal Blue Prussian Green A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 81 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 81.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride CHAPTER VII T-H-E doctrine OF COMPLETED STAFF work (Extracted from an order published by the Provost Marshal General on Jan 1942) 1. Completed Staff Work is the study of a problem, and presentation of a solution, by a Staff Officer, in such form, that all that remains to be done on the part of the Head of the Staff Division, or the Commander, is to indicate his/her approval or disapproval of the completed action. The words “completed action” are emphasized because the more difficult the problem is, the more the tendency is to present the problem to the Chief in a piecemeal fashion. It is your duty as a Staff Officer to work out the details. You should not consult your Chief in the determination of those details, no matter how perplexing they may be. You may and should consult other Staff Officers. The product whether it involves the pronouncement of a new policy or affects an established one, should, when presented to the Chief for approval or disapproval, be worked out in finished form. 2. The impulse which often comes to the inexperienced Staff Officer to ask the Chief what to do, recurs more often when the problem is difficult. It is accompanied by a feeling of mental frustration. It is so easy to ask the Chief what to do, and it appears so easy for him/her to answer. Resist the impulse. You will succumb to it only if you do not know your job. It is your job to advise your Chief what s/he ought to do, not to ask him/her what you ought to do. S/He needs answers, not questions. Your job is to study, write, restudy and rewrite until you have evolved a single proposed action. .. the best one of all you have considered. Your Chief merely approves or disapproves. 3. Do not worry your Chief with long explanations and memoranda. Writing memoranda to your Chief does not constitute completed staff work, but writing memoranda for your Chief to send to someone else does. Your views should be placed before him/her in finished form so that s/he can make them his/her views simply by signing his/her name. In most instances, completed staff work results in a single document prepared for the signature of the Chief, without accompanying comment. If the proper result is reached, the Chief will usually recognize it at once, if s/he wants to comments or have explanation, s/he will ask for it. 4. The theory of completed staff work does not preclude a rough draft but rough draft must not be a half-baked idea. It must be complete in every aspect except that it lacks the requisite number of copies and need not be neat. But a rough draft must not be used as an excuse for shifting to the Chief the burden of formulating the action. 5. The completed staff work theory may result in more work for the Staff Officer, but it results in more freedom for the Chief. This is as it should be. Further, it accomplishes two (2) things:.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride references: Book Hurboda, Isabel L 1987. Military Correspondence. Quezon City. Military Correspondence Handbook series of 2009 PN Staff Writing A-F-P-M 1-03, Subj: Provost Marshal 2015 D-N-D Memoranda D-N-D Memo 01-014-07 dtd 18 Jan 07, Subj: Signatories on Official Communications. D-N-D Memo 01-001 dtd 2 Jan 07, Subj: Format of Signature Labels on Communications. A-F-P Policies AFPR G 101-533, GHQ AFP dtd 10 Dec 87, Subj: Signature. AFPR G 101-541, GHQ AFP dtd 9 Sep 87, Subj: Message Preparation Letter Directive 25 dtd 08 September 2015, Subj: Use of gender-fair language in all official communications, documents, policies, designations, publications and manuals in the AFP O-S-J-S Memoranda Memo dtd 9 Jun 09, Subj : Urgent Communications. Memo dtd 19 May 09, Subj : Guidance in Correcting S-D-F Memo dtd 16 July 2009, Subj: Observations on Disposition Form Memo dtd 4 Dec 08, Subj: Using Blue Colored Ink for Signing Documents. Undated Memo series of 2008, Subj: Guidelines for the Preparation of Power point Presentations Memo dtd 04 Jul 07, Subj: Observation on Summary Disposition Form Prepared by the Staff. Memo dtd 15 Jun 07, Subj: Command/Authority Line. Memo dtd 17 Jan 07, Subj: Letterheads for Official Correspondence. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 83 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 83.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Memo dtd 17Jan 07, Subj: Using Different Types of Correspondence. Memo dtd 27 May 04, Subj: Observation on Disposition Form. Memo dtd 21 Nov 03, Subj: Observations on Correspondence with CSAFP, VCSAFP & TDCSAFP as Signatories. Memo dtd 11 Nov 03, Subj: Observations on Correspondence with CSAFP, VCSAFP & TDCSAFP as Signatories. Undated Memo, Subj: Standard Font and Font Size. Memo fm S-J-S dtd 10 June 2015, Subj: “Tapal” System in Communications. Memo fm S-J-S dtd 16 January 2017, Subj: Additional Correspondence Guidance. Memo fm S-J-S dtd 27 June 2014, Subj: Correct Usage of A-F-P Coat of Arms and A-F-P Tri-color. A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 84 84 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Formal Conversation Sincerely Mrs (or Mr ) (Surname) Respectfully yours Mr (or Madam President/Sir or Madam) Very truly yours Mr (or Madam Vice President/Sir or Madam) Mrs (or Mr ) Cruz: The First Lady (or Gentleman), Mrs (or Mr ) Cruz Place Card: The President or The President of the Philippines (when abroad) The Vice President or The Vice President of the Philippines (when abroad) Dear Mr (or Madam) President Dear Mr (or Madam) Vice President: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism table OF CIVILIAN ForMS OF ADDRESS Addressing Philippine Government Officials President JUAN A CRUZ Office of the President Malacañan Palace, Manila Envelope Address: Officially: President JUAN A CRUZ Malacañan Palace, Manila Socially: The President and Mrs (or Mr ) Maria A Cruz (Home Address) Vice President JUAN A CRUZ Coconut Palace, C-C-P Complex Pasay City Mrs (or Mr ) Maria A Cruz Malacañan Palace, Manila Dear Mrs (or Mr ) Cruz: Introduction: ADDRESSEE WRITTEN AND SPOKEN ADRESS Title/Personage Letter and Envelope Address Salutation Introduction and Place Cards Letter Complimentary Close The President Letter Address: Wife (or Husband) of the President The Vice President Letter Address: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 85 A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Very truly yours Mr (or Madam Speaker/Sir or Madam) Very truly yours Mr (or Madam Senate President/Sir or Madam) Juan A Cruz The Speaker of the House of Representatives Place Card: The Speaker of the House of Representatives (add “of the Philippines”, when abroad) The President of the Senate (add “of the Philippines”, when abroad) Juan A Cruz The President of the Senate Place Card: Introduction: Introduction: Dear Mr (or Madam) Senate President: Dear Mr (or Madam) Speaker: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism Officially: Envelope Address: Vice President JUAN A CRUZ Coconut Palace, C-C-P Complex Pasay City Socially: The Vice President and Mrs (or Mr ) Maria A Cruz (Home Address) Speaker of the House of Representatives JUAN A CRUZ House of Representatives Complex, Constitution Hills, 1126 Quezon City The President of the Senate Senate President JUAN A CRUZ Office of the Senate President Rm. 606 6thFlr., G-S-I-S Bldg., Financial Center, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Speaker of the House of Representatives 86 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Very truly yours Justice Cruz or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Mr (or Madam) Secretary or Sir (or Madam) Justice (surname) Associate Justice Juan A Cruz Or Associate Justice Juan A Cruz of the Supreme Court (add “of the Philippines”, when abroad) Place Card: Juan A Cruz, Secretary of (Department) Place Card: The Secretary of (Department) Introduction: The Chief Justice (add “of the Philippines”, when abroad) Very truly yours Mr (or Madam Chief Justice/Sir or Madam) Introduction: Dear Secretary Cruz: Dear Mr (or Madam) Chief Justice: Dear Mr (or Madam) Associate Justice: Dear Judge Cruz: Judge Juan Cruz or Judge Juan Cruz, (Court) Very truly yours Justice Cruz or Sir (or Madam) A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism Chief Justice JUAN A CRUZ The Supreme Court of the Philippines Padre Faura St , Ermita, 1000 Manila Associate Justice JUAN A CRUZ The Supreme Court (or Court of Appeals) of the Philippines (Office Address) Judge JUAN A CRUZ (Court) (Court Address) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court The Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (applicable to associate justices of the Lower Collegiate Courts) Judges of the Lower Courts (Regional, Municipal, Metropolitan Courts, etc) Heads of Departments Secretary JUAN A CRUZ Department or Office of the (Public Office) (Office Address) A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 87 A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride (The wife of the Ambassador may be socially given the title “Ambassadress” but this is never applicable for a woman Ambassador who is always addressed as “Madam Ambassador” Very truly yours Mr (or Madam) Secretary or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Mr (or Madam) Ambassador or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Mr Ambassador or Sir (or Madam) Juan A Cruz, Undersecretary/Assistant Secretary of (Department) or Undersecretary/Assistant Secretary Cruz Place Card: The Undersecretary/Assistant Secretary of (Department) Juan A Cruz, Philippine Ambassador to (country) Place Card: Philippine Ambassador to (country) The Ambassador of (country) to the Philippines Place Card: The Ambassador of (country), Juan A Cruz Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Dear Secretary Cruz: Dear Mr (or Madam) Ambassador: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism Undersecretary JUAN A CRUZ Department of Office of the (Public Office) (Office Address) Assistant Secretary JUAN A CRUZ Department of Office of the (Public Office) (Office Address) Ambassador JUAN A CRUZ The Ambassador of (country) to the Philippines (Address in the Philippines) Dear Mr (or Madam) Ambassador: Undersecretaries of Heads of Departments Philippine Ambassador Ambassador JUAN A CRUZ Philippine Ambassador to (country) (Address at post or Address in the Philippines, if away from post) Foreign Ambassador Accredited to the Philippines 88 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Very truly yours Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Senator Cruz or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Congressman Cruz or Sir (or Madam) The Honorable Juan A Cruz, Minister of (country) Mr (or Madam) JUAN A CRUZ, Charge d’ Affaires of (country) Senator Cruz Congressman Cruz Mr (or Madam) Juan A Cruz, Minister of (country) Place Card: Mr (or Madam) JUAN A CRUZ, Charge d’ Affaires of (country) Place Card: Senator Juan A Cruz Place Card: The Honorable Juan A Cruz, Representative from (province) Place Card: Introduction: Introduction: Introduction: Dear Mr (or Madam) Charge d’ Affaires Dear Senator Cruz: Introduction: Dear Congressman Cruz: Dear Mr (or Madam) Minister A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism Mr (or Madam) JUAN A CRUZ Charge d’ Affaires of (country) (Address in the Philippines) The Honorable Congressman JUAN A CRUZ House of Representatives Complex, Constitution Hills, 1126 Quezon City The Honorable JUAN A CRUZ Minister of (country) (Address in the Philippines) Foreign Charge d’ Affaires in the Philippines Senator The Honorable Senator JUAN A CRUZ Philippine Senate G-S-I-S Bldg., Financial Center, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Member of the House of Representative (Congressman) Foreign Minister in the Philippines A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism 89 A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride Very truly yours Mr (or Madam) Chairman or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Governor Cruz or Sir (or Madam) Very truly yours Mayor Cruz or Sir (or Madam) The Honorable Juan A Cruz, Governor of (Province) Place Card: The Honorable Juan A Cruz, Mayor of (Province) Place Card: Chairman Cruz Governor Cruz Mayor Cruz The Honorable Juan A Cruz, Chairman of (commission) Place Card: Introduction: Introduction: Dear Mr (or Madam) Chairman: Dear Governor Cruz: Dear Mayor Cruz Introduction: A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism Chairman of a Commission The Honorable Chairman JUAN A CRUZ Commission of (Office) (Office Address) Provincial Governor The Honorable Governor JUAN A CRUZ Office of the Governor of (province) (Office Address) Town Mayor The Honorable Mayor JUAN A CRUZ Office of the Mayor of (town/city) (Office Address) 90 A-F-P Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride.
[Audio] A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride A-F-P Vision 2028: A World-class Armed Forces, Source of National Pride This Military Correspondence Book is a project of the Office of The Adjutant General, AFP: Bautista, Maria Shirley N Bernal, Lilibeth S Calaoagan, Armie P Campaño, Bernardita S Casco, Anabella M Caspillo, Ever D Caspillo, Krisnel D Crausus, Roseminda E Cumlat, Aileen P Cruz, Manny D Esparas, Erlinda M Esparas, Maricor M Facinabao, Joy Samantha F Francisco, Diana G Gaoiran, Edgar U Gonzales, Portia Z Gumasing, Gemma D Herrera, Maricris B Lavador, Elma S Laxamana, Tomas Ryan L Libot, Arlon T Llamoso, Ronald Q Lumbang, Franz Joy M Maddawin, Merish Paul C Mendoza, Carisa D Miranda, Merlita S Navidad, Maria Jo-an M Novero, Maricar R Nudalo, Eleonor G Olpindo, Odessa Ria A Orejola, May Jane E Oria, Melanie C Pacursa, Florecita A Pama, Thelma R Paulo, Angely O Pulongbarit, Analyn P Racelis, Sharon A Rayo, Carmelita M Repizo, Jovie L Reyllo, Anastacia L Robles, Arlene R Roco, Marissa D Roman, Marikit M Romero, Myrna V Rufo, Joypee C Santos, Vilma R Sevilla, Lilian R Sidlacan, Mariwin T Sula, Jomily P Tablatin, Jessie C Tabug, Michelle A Tullao, Minalie M Turingan, Roan B Vargas, Rowena G Velo, Elvira M Ventura, Shiella Rollete Vidal, Rowena P Villanueva, Baselia J B-G-E-N ronald N ALBANO AFP BGEN REUEL N sorilla AFP COL EDWIN E rustria P-A-F (G-S-C--) C-O-L maxima O IGNACIO PAF (G-S-C--) C-O-L ferdinand L torres P-A-F (G-S-C--) L-T-C rory S pascua P-A-F L-T-C matranillo A romasanta PA L-T-C ronald N milan PA M-A-J noreen B CALAOAGAN PA CPT GLENDA M bautista PA C-P-T joalyn T dinglasan P-A-F C-M-S Edison R Cagayat PA MSg Ma Ruth R Custodio PAF MSg Niza O Paulo PAF MSg Raymundo B Boloabio PA TSg Johnny Q Evangelista PA TSg Arnold A Fontanilla PN (M) TSg Isagani F Iloreta PA TSg Marcelo Z Geringuillo PA TSg Harold C Tabud PAF TSg Babylyn M Carandang PAF TSg Merwyn D Rivera PAF TSg Ariston A Dalmaceda PA TSg Arnel P Pitero PAF TSg Michael C Ayalde PAF SSg Ramon C Torrico PAF SSg Laarni R Martinez PAF SSg Aileen M Hernandez PAF SSg Joseph S Libot PA SSg Virgilio P Martinez PA SSg Yvez M Agraviador PA Y-N-2 Jomar D Jordan PN Y-N-2 Melanie P Arquillo PN Y-N-3 Filbert N Paz PN Sgt George C Daclan PA Sgt Ma Recie A Senosa P-A-F D-P-3 Jack C Relativo PN D-P-3 Ryan Jay A Tingco PN A-W-1-C Shirley D Sergio P-A-F C-P-L Regie C Sipin PA A-1-C Jay E Anunciado P-A-F A-W-1-C Alba Joy B Guiritan P-A-F divina GRACIA O moraga Agcaoili, Bernie R Alarcon, Ralph Justin V Almoneda, Carol A Andal, Jeric A Avellanoza, Ramil C Balangue, Mary Joy F Baltazar, Benedicta P Baltazar, Charina D Baring, Shirley E Bartilet, Mirene V Bartolome, Jeffrfey M Bartolome, Randee M.