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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Hello, I am Swati and today I am going to present process optimization leading to improvement in Turnaround time for Mutual Fund Process.

Scene 2 (10s)

[Audio] Mutual Funds Portfolio product provides full portfolio constituent data for a wide range of investment vehicles such as Open-end Funds, Closed-end Funds, Fund of Funds or ETF's. The solution provides full constituent data such as market value, position and risk& reward for over 80,000 unique funds, with more than 40,000 portfolios on at least a monthly basis..

Scene 3 (37s)

[Audio] The team primarily review the customer query related to Data discrepancies like wrong or missing data, mapping issues related to pricing or dividends data or any corporate action events missing etc which has a direct impact on client decision making. Since the nature of data being real time and dynamic, time to market plays a vital role along with Qualitative data..

Scene 4 (1m 20s)

[Audio] Our key challenge was to improve productivity which in turn helps in absorbing additional volume without compromising on the Quality and managing with same headcount.

Scene 5 (1m 36s)

[Audio] We at Infosys, provides value add in terms of enhancing the work flow. One such best practice was adopting the usage of API (Application Programming Interface) to navigate data from multiple screen at one screen Since an individual need look for multiple screens within client application for data, this reduces the effort spent.

Scene 6 (2m 2s)

[Audio] This was only possible by adoption Lean Culture and utilizing the usage on Value Stream Mapping Process to identify the Value Adds & Non Value Adds which in turn helped in improving productivity from 49 to 56 per analyst transaction.