. . Meditation cusion for old people. Meditation is a nice to discover ourselves and the world..
. . What I used. ● A steel Plier. ● Old Matress frame.
. . What I used. . ● Old Matress frame. ● A steel Plier.
. . What I used. WPC foam board 2 small squars. (20*10 cm 2 pieces).
. . Soft padding 1 square. 20cm*10 cm thickness 1cm 3 layers or similar soft some thing.
. . What I used. Part of a old flees touser with cord.
. . What I used. A belt. (or a strap from a old bag or some thing similar).
. . How I made the cusion. Cut the size of frame from matress using the hand plier ( I got some help from my husband)..
. . How I made the cusion. Springs from. matress frame.
. . How I made the cusion. Place WPC foam board on both sides.
. . How I made the cusion. Soft padding on the upper side of the cusion.
. . How I made the cusion. ● Cut extra trouser legs away.
. . How I made the cusion. Connect the belt to springs inside and tie the trouser cord so that the cousion wraps tightly.
. . How I made the cusion. . Wrap the black materian around and stich where needed.
. . How to sit with this cusion. Cusion between the legs.
. . Good cusion may not necessarily reduce painful sensations some times in meditation.. , we need tolerence and equinimity and compassion for who we are …...