The Mediterranean Diet. By Sofia Alimonos.
Why is it called the Mediterranean Diet?. A diet inspired by the eating habits of people who live by the Mediterranean Sea..
Who is this diet for?. This diet can work for anyone looking to improve overall health..
Diet’s Main Focus. Do Eat: Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains Legumes Nuts Seeds Heart Healthy Fats.
Restrictions. There are none. Limit processed foods, added sugar, and refined grains..
Noe. Limit Alcohol.
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Obesity. Defined as “having excess body fat”..
Obesity Study. European study found that after three years of foll owing the Mediterranean diet, it was shown that there was a significant drop in body mass index and waist circumference..
Metabolic Disease. Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that put you at risk for heart disease and diabetes..
Positive Effects on Metabolism. High blOOd sugar Raises Glycogen Liver Stimulates glycogen breakdown Glucose Stimulates glycogen formation Glucagon Insulin Tissue cells Lowers blood sugar glucose uptake bmd Promotes insulin release Prornotes glucagon LOW b100d sugar.
Mediterranean Diet and Overall Health. Hea lthy Diet Patterns Sustainable Prevents Heart Disease Increase Lifespan Healthy Aging.