Job Analysis. Rebecca Matisonn 2110981. Upward Trend.
OVERVIEW. Brief summary of interview conducted Sharon K Parker’s Model explained Using the model above, analyze the interview content Application of theory for an effective solution Conclusion.
INTERVIEW. HR Managers at South African Vitality and Vitality International Responsibilities: SA- Operations role, call center, manage data base and staff International- Movement of staff, learning and development, technical elements.
INTERVIEW. System: Smart People as part of the HR Success Factor Job requirements include an honors degree or higher and 10-15 years experience as well as management experience Job is constantly changing Latest change: Pandemic and hybrid model of working Change in organizational culture to a more flexible culture.
INTERVIEW. Frustrations that could lead to changes: Complex system Balance between CEO and teams Communication between central HR team and specific department HR teams Productivity Measures Performance Cultures.
PARKER’S MODEL EXPLAINED (Parker et al., 2001). page1image1030123744.
PARKER’S MODEL (Parker et al., 2001). Individual Feedback and Performance Job Performance Group Team Feedback Team Autonomy Job Performance Organisation Implementation Process Productivity and Innovation.
PARKER’S MODEL EXPLAINED (Parker et al., 2001). page1image1030123744.
SOLUTION. Constant feedback Communication Tools for self discipline (Wang et al., 2021) Productivity Measures (Parker et al., 2010 ) Performance Culture (Gore, 2022).
Reference List: Gore, A. (2022). We Need to Let Go of the Bell Curve. Harvard Business Review . Parker, S. K., Bindl , U. K., & Strauss, K. (2010). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation. Journal of management , 36 (4), 827-856. Parker, S.K., Wall, T.D., & Cordery , J.L. (2001). Future work design research and practice: Towards and elaborated model of work design . Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74 , 413-440. Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Achieving effective remote working during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A work design perspective. Applied psychology , 70 (1), 16-59..