Job Analysis

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Scene 1 (0s)

Job Analysis. Rebecca Matisonn 2110981. Upward Trend.

Scene 2 (13s)

OVERVIEW. Brief summary of interview conducted Sharon K Parker’s Model explained Using the model above, analyze the interview content Application of theory for an effective solution Conclusion.

Scene 3 (39s)

INTERVIEW. HR Managers at South African Vitality and Vitality International Responsibilities: SA- Operations role, call center, manage data base and staff International- Movement of staff, learning and development, technical elements.

Scene 4 (1m 57s)

INTERVIEW. System: Smart People as part of the HR Success Factor Job requirements include an honors degree or higher and 10-15 years experience as well as management experience Job is constantly changing Latest change: Pandemic and hybrid model of working Change in organizational culture to a more flexible culture.

Scene 5 (3m 46s)

INTERVIEW. Frustrations that could lead to changes: Complex system Balance between CEO and teams Communication between central HR team and specific department HR teams Productivity Measures Performance Cultures.

Scene 6 (4m 47s)

PARKER’S MODEL EXPLAINED (Parker et al., 2001). page1image1030123744.

Scene 7 (9m 47s)

PARKER’S MODEL (Parker et al., 2001). Individual Feedback and Performance Job Performance Group Team Feedback Team Autonomy Job Performance Organisation Implementation Process Productivity and Innovation.

Scene 8 (11m 54s)

PARKER’S MODEL EXPLAINED (Parker et al., 2001). page1image1030123744.

Scene 9 (12m 26s)

SOLUTION. Constant feedback Communication Tools for self discipline (Wang et al., 2021) Productivity Measures (Parker et al., 2010 ) Performance Culture (Gore, 2022).

Scene 10 (16m 24s)

Reference List: Gore, A. (2022). We Need to Let Go of the Bell Curve. Harvard Business Review . Parker, S. K., Bindl , U. K., & Strauss, K. (2010). Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation. Journal of management , 36 (4), 827-856. Parker, S.K., Wall, T.D., & Cordery , J.L. (2001). Future work design research and practice: Towards and elaborated model of work design . Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology , 74 , 413-440. Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Achieving effective remote working during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A work design perspective. Applied psychology , 70 (1), 16-59..