As a result of personal experience I came up with an eBook entitled managing stress to help others with same challenges..
Table of contents. Chapter one.………………introduction to stress Chapter two.……………….causes of stress Chapter three……………..signs and symptoms of stress Chapter four..………………health problems caused by stress Chapter five ……………….. managing stress Chapter six…………………..quotes Chapter seven…………………..resources.
Introduction to stress. Stress is the body reaction to any change that require an adjustment or respond. The body react to these changes with physical mental and emotional response. Stress is normal part of life. When you see danger whether its real or imagined the body’s defense kick into high gear in a rapid automatic process known as fight to flight reaction or stress response..
Causes of stress. Death of loved one Divorce Loss of job Increase in financial obligations Getting married Moving into a new home Chronic disease or injury.
Causes of stress. Emotional problems i.e. depression, anxiety, anger, grief, gut, low self esteem. Negative self talk Unrealistic expectation Rigid thinking Pessimistic Inability to accept uncertainty.
Causes of stress. Relationship difficult Work or school Being too busy Children or family Retirement.
Signs and symptoms of stress cognitive. Memory problems Inability to concentrate Poor judgment Seeing only negative Anxious or racing thoughts Constant worrying.
Signs and symptoms of stress emotional. Depression or general unhappiness Anxiety and agitation Moodliness,irritability or anger Feeling overwhelmed Loneliness and isolation.
Signs and symptoms of stress physcal. Aches and pain Diarrhea and constipation Nausea and constipation Chest pain, rapid heart rate Loss of sex drive Frequent cold or flu.
Signs and symptoms of stress behaviour. Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little Withdrawing from others Neglecting responsibility Using drugs Nervous habit.
Managing stress. Get moving : regular exercise can lift your mood Connect to others : talking face to face to another human Engage your senses: singing dancing or listening to some good uplifting songs can make you feel calm Learn to relax :meditation deep breathing.
Managing stress. Eat a healthy diet :the food you eat can cope with life’s stressors Write it down : expressing what your feeling can boost mood Laughing Chew gum Reading an interesting book.
Quotes. The more you know about a stressful situation the easier to cope with it tash ~ nyagesomo You can never know what someone else is experiencing unless they tell you. tash ~ nyagesomo.