Module 3 Discussion 1: Case Study PowerPoint Presentation

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Scene 1 (0s)

Module 3 Discussion 1: Case Study PowerPoint Presentation.

Scene 2 (13s)

What the diagnosis?. Anorexia Nervosa “Self-induced malnutrition results in a bodyweight that is 15 percent or more below normal for age and height combined with a pathological fear of becoming fat” (Paw,2020)..

Scene 3 (49s)

H ow it present?. This is how they think they look vs. reality.

Scene 4 (1m 40s)

Risk factors for the development of the disease or condition.

Scene 5 (3m 9s)

Signs and symptoms. Physical symptoms effects of starvation and malnutrition.

Scene 6 (4m 42s)

Associated testing or diagnostic imaging. Blue DNA test tubes.

Scene 7 (5m 16s)

Possible treatments and prognosis. Hospital treatment for life-threatening conditions like malnourishment and cardiac arrhythmia, as well as vital sign monitoring and rehabilitation for regaining a healthy weight. While the patient may heal with the proper therapy, they still run the chance of relapsing..

Scene 8 (5m 49s)

Medical Terms. Word Prefix Root Suffix Meaning inanition inanis -empty tion -state, condition, action Lack of nourishment pathological patho - suffering or disease logical-reason, idea or word Study of disease genetics gene-give birth etic-pertaining to Study of genes bradycardia brady-slow Cardia-heart Slow heart beats arrhythmia a-without rhythm-rhythm ia -pertaining Irregular heart rate hypotension hypo-under tension-pressure Low pressure hypoactive hypo-under act-to do, move ive -tending to, doing Decrease physical activity obesophobia obeso -fat phobia-fear Fear of being fat orthostasis ortho-straight sta -to stand Sis- action,process , state Action of stand straight Cardiac Cardiac-pertaining to the heart Paertaining to the heart.

Scene 9 (5m 56s)

References. Hadden, J. (2015, May 27). Rachael's story: Her battle with anorexia and the internet users that are trying to save her - national . Global News. Retrieved July 9, 2022, from story-her-battle-with-anorexia-and-the-internet-users-that-are-trying-to-save-her/ Mahoney, K. (2018, April 16). Sarah Ramadan's inspiring journey from anorexic to fitness competitor . Muscle & Fitness. Retrieved July 9, 2022, from features/sarah-ramadans-inspiring-journey-anorexic-fitness-competitor/ Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, March 11). Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) . Mayo Clinic. Retrieved July 9, 2022, from compulsive-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20354432 Pawlowski, C., & DeAngelo, L. A. (2022). Anorexia Nervosa . CCCOnline . Retrieved July 9, 2022, from 859132d5bd5f%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3D%3D#AN=8619389 2&db=ers.