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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] This morning , we are going to talk all about Properties of Matter..

Scene 2 (6s)

[Audio] Our Learning Objectives are Describe the different properties of materials, and Differentiate general properties and special properties of materials (solid)..

Scene 3 (16s)

1. Go around the classroom 2. List down 10 materials they see in the classroom Go back to their seats after listing the materials..

Scene 4 (27s)

Do this: What are the materials you see as you went around the classroom? Fill-up the chart. Group the materials according to the states of matter: solid, liquid, gas..

Scene 5 (40s)

. Ask : Which of the following materials listed in the chart absorb and do not absorb water? Say : Aside from grouping materials into solid, liquid or gas or on its ability to absorb water we can also classify materials according to its general and special properties..

Scene 7 (1m 1s)

Special Properties of Matter Can be bend Can be reshape Can flow Can reflect light.

Scene 8 (1m 13s)

Write True if the statement is correct about the general and special properties of materials and False if it is incorrect. _____1. General properties are those present in all kinds of matter. _____2. Special properties are those found only in some materials. _____3. Volume, mass, and density are example of general properties _____4. There are special properties in Solid, Liquid and Gas. _____5. Elasticity is an example of general properties..

Scene 9 (1m 36s)

Write True if the statement is correct about the general and special properties of materials and False if it is incorrect. _____1. Special properties are those found only in some materials. _____2. Elasticity is an example of general properties. _____ 3. Volume, mass, and density are example of general properties _____4. There are special properties in Solid, Liquid and Gas. _____5. General properties are those present in all kinds of matter..