[Audio] This morning , we are going to talk all about Properties of Matter..
[Audio] Our Learning Objectives are Describe the different properties of materials, and Differentiate general properties and special properties of materials (solid)..
1. Go around the classroom 2. List down 10 materials they see in the classroom Go back to their seats after listing the materials..
Do this: What are the materials you see as you went around the classroom? Fill-up the chart. Group the materials according to the states of matter: solid, liquid, gas..
. Ask : Which of the following materials listed in the chart absorb and do not absorb water? Say : Aside from grouping materials into solid, liquid or gas or on its ability to absorb water we can also classify materials according to its general and special properties..
Special Properties of Matter Can be bend Can be reshape Can flow Can reflect light.
Write True if the statement is correct about the general and special properties of materials and False if it is incorrect. _____1. General properties are those present in all kinds of matter. _____2. Special properties are those found only in some materials. _____3. Volume, mass, and density are example of general properties _____4. There are special properties in Solid, Liquid and Gas. _____5. Elasticity is an example of general properties..
Write True if the statement is correct about the general and special properties of materials and False if it is incorrect. _____1. Special properties are those found only in some materials. _____2. Elasticity is an example of general properties. _____ 3. Volume, mass, and density are example of general properties _____4. There are special properties in Solid, Liquid and Gas. _____5. General properties are those present in all kinds of matter..