Lead Nurturing Program knowing your revenue stream f

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Scene 1 (0s)

Lead Nurturing Program knowing your revenue stream f.

Scene 2 (8s)

Promo Campaign. What you do know. Occupancy What Sites/ Services are Profitable or not Revenue Generated Year-to-Date Sales Forecasting Profit Margins/ Forecasting Requirements to meet the Residential Aged Care Funding Reform (AN-ACC/ CDC), aged-care-funding-reform.

Scene 3 (23s)

What you don’t know. How many Leads on average do we generate for RAC on a weekly basis How many Leads on average does Oak Towers generate on a monthly basis How many Leads are converted into a Sale across HC or RAC What were the top 3 reasons as to why Influencers/Prospects were interested in the first place Leads that were not converted (Loss of Sale) for RAC, what is the % What were the common reasons as to why we Lost Sales What was the average ROI for Marketing spend to Lead Gen. across RAC How many opportunities are referred from one service to another With the trends identified as Lost Sales – what have we done different to Attract, Engage and Convert the Influencers/Prospects Competitor Analysis for each site Marketing, Sales & Customer Experience Plans for each Site/ Service (local and enterprise level).

Scene 4 (58s)

93 107 Chess Strategy Stock Photos Pictures amp amp Royalty Free Images iStock.

Scene 5 (1m 15s)

Attract Traffic Capture Leads Nurture Prospects Convert Sales Deliver & Satisfy Upsell Get Customers Referrals.

Scene 6 (1m 25s)

Inside a Sales Funnel. Attract Nurture Prospects Convert Sales Capture Leads.

Scene 7 (1m 46s)

What other Aged Care providers have as a System Application (CRM).

Scene 8 (2m 4s)

Business Growth - Aged Care providers have as a System Application (CRM).

Scene 9 (2m 24s)

Strategy Moving Forward. Step 1 Non-negotiable Revisit the D365 Project as a Program to complete implementation for RAC, HC and a refresher for RL Design and share reporting to reflect Sales Funnels Step 2 Revisit the CRO Model and review the learnings Discuss, Design and Implement a Structured Approach with Seniors Living a proposed Team that is dedicated to deliver a Customer Onboarding Strategy for each site/service.

Scene 10 (2m 43s)

Step 1: Learnings and what we are to do different.

Scene 11 (4m 13s)

Step 1: Sales Funnel and Application System. Attract Capture Leads Nurture Prospects Convert Sales.

Scene 12 (4m 24s)

Step 1: Development of Application System. Outcome.

Scene 13 (4m 35s)

Reporting. Step 1: Change Management. Outcome Assign Opportunity Lead Form 1 2.

Scene 14 (4m 45s)

Step 1: Lead Form. Assign Opportunity Lead Form. Lead Form is developed from the out-of-box version Designed to a common engagement with front-line Captures relevant information to nurture lead Aligned with the next stages of the prospects application Relevant marketing questions to determine ROI.

Scene 15 (5m 0s)

Step 1: Opportunity and Outcome. Develop links and function to assign the lead as an opportunity Develop links and function to action and report outcome of the opportunity Determine Conversion Rates Identify training gaps for closing the sale.

Scene 16 (5m 15s)

Step 1: Reporting. As part of Step 1 & 2, reporting will measure on the following: #/% of Leads #/% of Sales % Conversion Rates #/% of Lost Sales #/% of Marketing Findings #/% of Engagement #/% of Leads assigned to other Services Likelihood that it will integrate with Power BI.

Scene 17 (5m 34s)

Later Stage: Integration. Integrating or replacing existing systems is a long process and requires in-depth analysis to determine costing (will include out-of-box customisation) To ensure CofCQ is cost efficient in its usage of a CRM, it is required for the organisation to use one system (one source of truth) Not navigating across numerous systems will reduce process time and will receive accurate reporting.

Scene 18 (5m 53s)

Not here Incrementalism Appropriate here Strategy Operations Tactics.

Scene 19 (6m 8s)

Step 1. Stage 1 RAC ONLY-Area VIC/Gold Coast Stage 5 RAC ONLY-Area Northwest Stage 6 RAC ONLY-Area VIC/Gold Coast Stage 7 RAC ONLY-Area Darling Downs South West Stage 4 RAC ONLY-Area North Coast Stage 3 RAC ONLY-Area Greater Brisbane Stage 8 RAC ONLY-Area Greater Brisbane Stage 9 RAC ONLY-Area North Coast Stage 2 RAC ONLY-Area Darling Downs South West Stage 10 RAC ONLY - Area Northwest Stage 11 HC Regional Offices ONLY Stage 12 HC Regional Offices ONLY Stage 13 RL ONLY - Area South & Area Victoria Stage 14 RL ONLY - Area North Stage 11 HC Business Ops OST Stage 12 HC Business Ops OST.

Scene 20 (7m 8s)

Step 1: Budget Requirements for Jul 2022 – Jun 2023.

Scene 21 (7m 43s)

CRO Model Stronger when generating Leads/ Sales for new builds Not so strong when it came to generating L eads / S ales for BAU Services Collaboration and communication between the CRO’s and Services was not frequent when it comes to sharing challenges and wins No common ground when it came to sharing networks - Minimal joint venture when door knocking to build networks, nor ownership/ Account Management of new networks Strategic intent was very low, purpose was mixed and not clear, lacked shared Key Objectives and Productivity Drivers/ KPI’s No collective focus when it came to Customer Onboarding nor Sales Funnel/Pipeline Strategy No Analyse on the current Touch-points that was actioned by Services/CRO’s to identify pain-points, including Competitor Analysis was at a minimal Not aware of any consistency when it came to building Influencer/ Customer Persona’s and actioning where appropriate Not aware of any Sales plans that included Marketing, Sales and Cx as one plan to support Customer Onboarding Reporting was at a minimal where inputs/outputs was required Admission process was very much inconsistent on who did what between Services and CRO’s.

Scene 22 (9m 15s)

Step 2: Work-flow (high-level) Process Map. Site One within a 25km radius.

Scene 23 (9m 41s)

Step 2: Work-flow Process Map. Develop Prospect & Influencer Persona’s Apply Competitor Analysis Review and analyse current Customer Onboarding touch-points Determine current Marketing Strategy for that site (localised & enterprise) Identify current Networks used for Lead Generation Design high-level roadmap ‘Journey Map’ to determine influential networks Site One within a 25km radius Hand over/ Training Share Reporting Site Two within a 25km radius Identify new Localised & Enterprise networks used for Lead G en Determine Priority List for Action: Current Onboarding Touch-points Marketing Initiatives Networking Develop Action Plan/s Implement Action Plan/s Sales Pipeline Consistency in Service Delivery High Occupancy Rate Community Brand Awareness Real-time Reporting.

Scene 24 (10m 10s)

Step 2: Budget Requirements for Jul 2022 – Jun 2023.

Scene 25 (10m 41s)

Step 1 & 2: Budget Requirements for Jul 2022–Jun 2023.

Scene 26 (11m 17s)

Step 2: Long-term Vision.

Scene 27 (11m 24s)

Step 2: Long-term Vision for Longevity.

Scene 28 (11m 31s)

Lead Nurturing Program Knowing your revenue. Justin Primus.