Complex maths formulae on a blackboard. World Of Maths.
z. Toy plastic numbers. Part 1- Mathematics and Numeracy in the world around us.
SLIDE 3 REDO X2. Mathematics in Nature Honeycomb.
Slide 4 REDO X2. Mathematics in Society. Table Description automatically generated.
Slide 5 REDOX2. z. Mathematics in personal life. Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence.
z. Part 2: Mathematics and Numeracy in play. A picture containing text room Description automatically generated.
Slide 7. z. Why is play important in children's development?.
Slide 8 REDO. z. Play based activity Lego Fractions.
SLIDE 9 redo. Related Learning Outcomes. Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesizing, researching and investigating Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another 39 Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials.
SLIDE 10 redo. Justification Contemporary Perspectives.
Slide 11 REDO. z. Conclusion. A picture containing text Description automatically generated.
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