Laboratory Tests

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[Virtual Presenter] Routine Hematology or Complete CBC (Complete Blood Count): Measures the red blood cell for detection of certain conditions which includes anemia, leukemia, and infections. Hemoglobin (Hb): Measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood. Hematocrit (Hct): Shows the proportion of blood that consists of cells. WBC count (White Blood Cell count): Counts the number of infection-fighting cells in your blood. Differential Count: Breaks down the types of white blood cells to identify potential health issues. Qualitative Platelet Determination: Checks how well your blood can clot. Routine UA (Urinalysis): Examines various aspects of your urine to identify potential kidney or urinary tract issues. Routine Fecalysis: Analyzes your stool to check for signs of digestive or gastrointestinal problems. Blood Typing: Identifies your blood type to ensure safe blood transfusions or other medical procedures. Hospital-based Blood Typing: The same as blood typing but often done in a hospital for accuracy in medical procedures. Qualitative Platelet Determination (Hospital-based): Checks how well your platelets function to prevent excessive bleeding, often done in a hospital setting..