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Scene 2 (7s)

Compilation of tree flora campus in digital form.

Scene 3 (13s)

Phoenix Dactylifera.

Scene 4 (18s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Phoenix Dactylifera L . COMMON NAME:- Date plam . FAMILY:- Arecaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- It grows alone or form a clump of multiple stems from a single root system up to 25–30 m in height. Root system is highly evolved to support such elevated..

Scene 5 (30s)

Polyalthia longifolia.

Scene 6 (38s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Polyalthia longifolia pendula. COMMON NAME:- False Ashoka . FAMILY:- Annonaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- i ) Evergreen tree ,grows over 20m. ii) Small , erect , with deep green leaves growing in dense clusters..

Scene 7 (48s)

Spathodea campanulata.

Scene 8 (51s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- spathodea campanulata COMMON NAME:- African tulip tree . FAMILY :- Bignoniaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Large tree with large compound leaves arranged in pairs. (ii) Large and very showy flowers (10-12 cm long) are borne in clusters at the tips of the branches..

Scene 9 (58s)

Artocarpous heterophyllous.

Scene 10 (1m 5s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Atrocarpous heterophyllus COMMAN NAME:- Jackfruit tree. FAMILY:- Urticaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Slippery Surface. (ii) Incurved lamina. (iii)Under surface of bark with reddish pigmentation..

Scene 11 (1m 37s)

Plumeria alba.

Scene 12 (1m 45s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Plumeria alba. COMMAN NAME:- Temple tree. FAMILY:- Apocynaceae. PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i )Inter-marginal veins on leaves. (ii) Leaves of some species shows a purplish tint..

Scene 13 (2m 9s)

Ficus bejamina. 12.

Scene 14 (2m 17s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Ficus Benjamina . COMMAN NAME:- Weeping fig. FAMILY :- Moraceae. PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i ) Leaf is elliptical with long, acuminate tip . (ii) Interior tree has drooping branches..

Scene 15 (2m 41s)


Scene 16 (2m 49s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Eucalyptus tereticornis . COMMAN NAME :- Forest red gum/ Nilgiri . FAMILY:- Myrtaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i ) Smooth bark, lance-shaped to curved adult leaves . (ii) Leaves with oil glands..

Scene 17 (3m 12s)


Scene 18 (3m 19s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Cupressus COMMAN NAME:- Cypress FAMILY:- Cupressaceae PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- A straight trunk that tapers at the base.2. Short needles with a feathery appearance..

Scene 19 (3m 38s)

Mangifera indica.

Scene 20 (3m 48s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Mangifera indica. COMMAN NAME :- Mango. FAMILY:- Anacardiaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Edges of leaves are wavy . (ii) Young leaves are coppery red to bronze in colour ..

Scene 21 (4m 11s)

Morus alba.

Scene 22 (4m 18s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Morus alba. COMMAN NAME :- White mulberry. FAMILY :- Moraceae. PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i )Leaves are cordate at the base and rounded to accuminate at the tip. (ii ) Male and Female flowers on the different trees..

Scene 23 (4m 43s)

Dalbergia latifolia.

Scene 24 (4m 50s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Dalbergia latifolia . COMMAN NAME :- Red wood. FAMILY :- Leguminaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Brown pods are lanceolate oblong and pointed at ends. (ii ) Bark is gray with irregular short cracks..

Scene 25 (5m 13s)

Tamarindus indica.

Scene 26 (5m 21s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Tamarindus indica. COMMAN NAME:- Tamarind. FAMILY:- Fabaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) It is leguminous tree bearing edible fruits. (ii) It has short massive trunk , drooping branches with ferny pinnate leaves..

Scene 27 (5m 45s)

Roystonea regia.

Scene 28 (5m 53s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Roystonea regia . COMMAN NAME:- Royal palm. FAMILY:- Arecaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Trunk is swollen at base. (ii) Bright green pinnate leaves..

Scene 30 (6m 24s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Acacia. COMMAN NAME :- Thorntree and wattle. FAMILY:- Fabaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Acacia wood has high tannin content. (ii) They have fragrant flowers which are arranged in compact globular cylindrical clusters..

Scene 31 (6m 48s)

Nyctanthes arbor- tristis. +64, e:'.

Scene 32 (6m 57s)

BOTANICAL NAME:- Nyctanthes arbor- tristis . COMMAN NAME:- Night flowering jasmin and coral Jasmine or parijat . FAMILY :- Oleaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i ) Has flaky grey bark. (ii) Flowers are fragrant and white with orange red centre ..

Scene 33 (7m 20s)

Delonix regia.

Scene 34 (7m 27s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Delonix regia . COMMAN NAME:- Royal poinciana , gulmohar . FAMILY :- Fabaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i ) Flowers appear in corymbs along and at the ends of branches. (ii) Its trunk is covered in a relatively smooth pale brown or greyish- coloured bark..

Scene 35 (7m 50s)

Michelia champa / Magnolia champaca.

Scene 36 (7m 58s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Michelia champa . COMMAN NAME:- Champak. FAMILY:- Magnoliaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS :- ( i ) It has strongly fragrant flowers shades of cream to yellow-orange. ( ii ) The ellipsoidal- obovate carpels produce 2-4 seeds during September to October..

Scene 37 (8m 21s)

Justicia adhatoda / Adhatoda vasaka.

Scene 38 (8m 31s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Justicia adhatoda . COMMAN NAME :- Malabar nut. FAMILY:- Acanthaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) They are oppositely arranged, smooth edged and borne on short petiole. ( ii) Inflorescence shows large, dense, axillary spikes..

Scene 39 (8m 54s)

Cocus nucifera.

Scene 40 (9m 1s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Cocus nucifera . COMMAN NAME :- Coconut. FAMILY :- Arecaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Fruit is drupe with thin, smooth, grey-brown epicarp , thick mesocarp and a Woody endocarp . ( ii ) Leaves are long pinnately divided and composed of 200-250 tapering leaflets..

Scene 41 (9m 25s)

Guaiacum officinale.

Scene 42 (9m 32s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Guaiacum officinale . COMMAN NAME:- Roughbark lignum-vitae, guaiacwood or galacwood . FAMILY :- Caltrops. PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) Logs of wood are very hard, heavy and compact. (ii) It has a slight aromatic odour and an acrid taste..

Scene 43 (10m 0s)

Caryota urenus.

Scene 44 (10m 7s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Caryota urenus . COMMAN NAME:- Solitary fishtail palm, kitul palm, toddy palm, wine palm, sago palm and jaggery palm. FAMILY :- Palms. PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) It is a solitary-trunked tree that is 18 m high and 30 cm wide. (ii) Widely spaced leaf-scar rings cover its trunk..

Scene 45 (10m 37s)

Polyalthia longifolia pendula variety.

Scene 46 (10m 45s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Polyalthia longifolia . COMMAN NAME:- False Ashoka , the Buddha Tree, Indian mast tree, and Indian Fir tree. FAMILY :- Annonaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) It is a columnar evergreen tree, 12-20 m tall . (ii) It has a short germinability of 2 to 6 weeks..

Scene 47 (11m 20s)

Terminalia catappa. •z.

Scene 48 (11m 27s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Terminalia catappa . COMMAN NAME :- Indian almond. FAMILY:- Combretaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) They are dry-season deciduous . (ii) The trees are monoecious . (iii) The fruit is a drupe, containing a single seed..

Scene 49 (11m 48s)

Casuarina equisetifolia.

Scene 50 (11m 55s)

BOTANICAL NAME :- Casuarina equisetifolia . COMMAN NAME :- Horsetail oak. FAMILY:- Casuarinaceae . PECULIAR CHARACTERS:- ( i ) The foliage consists of slender, much-branched green to grey-green twigs. (ii) The flowers are produced in small catkin-like inflorescences..