[Audio] Jenner House Unit E3, Langley Park, Avon Way, Chippenham SN15 1GG - Google Maps Site specific orientation August 2023.
[Audio] Embracing new ways of working Whether you are returning to an office you were previously familiar with or are attending an SCW office for the first time, how we use the office space has changed significantly since the Covid 19 pandemic with the introduction of 'hybrid' working. Desks and meeting rooms are now to be booked in advance of attending the office The offices will not be reverting to pre-pandemic office working when everyone had their own assigned desks and worked a Monday to Friday 9-5 shift pattern..
[Audio] Preparing for your site visit If you have not attended the office before, speak to your line manager so they can organise access to the building for you. They may need to arrange for you to be issued with an access fob Remember your ID badge. You must always wear your NHS ID badge and have this clearly on display when on site. Make your desk and room bookings via the booking system highlighted in each site orientation.
[Audio] Travelling to the office Free car parking is the front of the building – please be careful to avoid the spaces specifically allocated for Vysion staff and visitors. There is an undercover bicycle rack located at the edge of the carpark Train station 1 mile from the office. This takes approx. 19 mins to walk or you can take the 44K bus route. The bus stop is approx. 4 minutes walk from the office..
[Audio] Entering the office – Part 1 The reception team will be able to meet and greet colleagues and visitors, respond to general office enquiries, deal with the booking of a projection system, supply keys for lockers and stationery such as flip charts and marker pens etc. They are NOT available for serving refreshments to meeting delegates or for carrying out administrative support tasks such as photocopying or tidying rooms after they have been used, which remains the responsibility of the meeting organiser. Colleagues entering the building will need to use the keycode PIN (which can be obtained from the SCW estates team) at the door on the ground floor once they have passed through the entrance area. For visitors they can use the buzzer located on the security pad to have reception let them in..
[Audio] Entering the office – Part 2 No pets are to be brought to the office on grounds of health and safety without approval from the SCW Estates team, including clearance for support animals such as guide dogs: [email protected] There is a security gate operated by Langley Estates and you can apply for a pass/windscreen sticker to avoid the need to stop and register your visit at the business park. Applications are usually processed every Wednesday morning around 10am on the ground floor in Jenner House. Email the SCW estates team for further details.
[Audio] Fire Safety and Evacuation – Part 1 A weekly fire alarm test takes place every Wednesday at 2pm It is the responsibility of the host to brief guests and delegates on the fire safety procedures. This must be undertaken on arrival and at the beginning of a meeting. In the event of a fire alarm all colleagues from all organisations and visitors must evacuate the building immediately via one of the two fire exits and congregate at the designated fire assembly point. We work in an agile way and there are no fire wardens. All colleagues are responsible for acting as a warden. In the event of needing to vacate the office advise all colleagues that they need to vacate the building when exiting. Please ensure that you prioritise your own safety..
[Audio] Fire Safety and Evacuation – Part 2 Fire escape locations: The fire escape from the far end of the office is via an internal staircase to the ground floor level. The fire assembly point 18 will be around to your left, which is in the middle of the car park in front of the building – see a purple notice attached halfway up a lamp post. Alternatively, you can exit the office using only the stairs via the main entrance and make your way to the assembly point directly in front of the building in the middle of the car park. Familiarise yourself with the fire safety wall posters and alarm points in the office. If you will require support or assistance in exiting a building in the event of an emergency, please raise this with your line manager prior to visiting the office, so that a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) can be agreed..
[Audio] Meeting Rooms & Desks – Part 1 34 desks are available in the main office. There are six meeting rooms and a collaboration space. Bowood Boardroom: 24 persons Gosling room: 12 persons Forest room: 12 persons Cotswold room: 4 persons Owl room: 8 persons To make a booking for a desk, meeting room or collaboration space you will need to use the BSW MS Teams booking system. Please read the room and desk booking user manual which is located here Office orientation guides *IF THIS IS NOT YOUR BASE LOCATION PLEASE EMAIL THE SCW ESTATES TEAM AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO MAKE A BOOKING* Meeting rooms within Jenner House have access to MS Teams video conferencing facilities. Information about this can be found in the room and desk booking manual Office orientation guides SCW colleagues visiting this office have access to Gov Wifi – click on this link to find out how to login: Gov Wifi.
[Audio] Meeting Rooms & Desks – Part 2 For SCW colleagues visiting this office Gov Wifi is available – click on this link to find out how to login: https://www.wifi.service.gov.uk/connect-to-govwifi/ Colleagues are reminded to only attend an office with a confirmed booking for a workstation. All workstations are now operational in this office When taking part in teams calls please use headsets in order to respect each others need to work and privacy..
A room with tables and chairs Description automatically generated with medium confidence.
[Audio] Health & Safety & First Aid All Colleagues working from this office must understand their responsibility under Health and Safety. A first aid kit is located on the reception desk on the first floor before entering the office There is currently no defibrillator on site..
[Audio] Facilities and Kitchen Area The building set up is that there is a kitchen off the reception area which has a toaster, a microwave, dishwasher, and a fridge. Please help to keep this area clean and tidy. Toilets are located to the left at the top of the stairs before you enter the reception area. There is also a shower on the ground floor at the foot of the stairs. Currently there is a plug-in colour printer in the main office A TV licence will be held for this office which will mean colleagues are permitted to watch TV channels on their laptops or larger wall mounted screens. Franking facilities for outbound post are operated by the reception team. There is a document binding machine and a range of plastic binding combs of various sizes available at reception..
[Audio] House Rules Clean your workstation before and after use with the wipes provided. Wash hands or use the hand gel when appropriate Dispose of waste in the recycling or other general bins located around the office Confidential waste must be placed in the two blue coloured wheelie bins adjacent to the photocopier..
[Audio] Reporting For basic office issues such as a shortage of toilet roll and cleaning related issues please contact the reception staff. For problems with the fabric of the building, plumbing, heating, security and lighting etc please email the SCW Estates Team If the office is compromised by a serious incident colleagues should contact the On Call Duty Director on 0333 043 8663 as soon as practically possible when there are no other priority actions to be taken to keep colleagues safe..
Top tips when using our offices…. Decrease laptop screen brightness to 70% to save 20% energy consumption. Find out how . Switch off all possible appliances, including monitors, when not in use. Turn your laptop off or on hibernate , not standby, to save energy. Only charge when needed..
Top tips when using our offices…. Although not always possible, doing the little things when you can really makes a difference..